2832 |
Eales, N.B. 1949 The food of the dogfish, Scyliorhinus caniculus L. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 28 (3). pp. 791-793. |
1949 |
Ensis ensis |
792 |
2817 |
Jones, N.S. 1951 The bottom fauna off the south of the Isle of Man. The Journal of Animal Ecology 20(1):132-144. |
1951 |
Ensis ensis |
137, 142 |
2837 |
Holme, N.A. 1954 The ecology of British species of Ensis. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 33:145-172. |
1954 |
Ensis ensis |
--> |
2826 |
Clark, R.B. and A. Milne 1955 The sublittoral fauna of two sandy bays on the isle of Cumbare, Firth Clyde. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 34:161-180. |
1955 |
Ensis ensis |
166, 169 |
2827 |
Crisp, D.J. 1964 The effects of the winter of 1962/63 on the British marine fauna. Helgolander wiss. Meeresunters 10:313-27. |
1964 |
Ensis ensis |
321 |
2799 |
Ribi, G., R. Schaner and P. Ochaner 1977 Stomach Contects and Size-frequency distributions of two coexisting Seastar species, Astropecten aranciacus and Astropecten bispinosus, with reference to competition. Mar. Biol. 43:181-185. |
1977 |
Ensis ensis |
182 |
2816 |
Rachor, E. 1980 The inner German Bight - an ecologically sensitive area as indicated by the bottom fauna. Helgolander meeresuntersuchungen. Helgoländer Meeresunters 33:522-530. |
1980 |
Ensis ensis |
523 |
96352 |
Walker, A.J.M. and E.I.S. Rees 1980 Benthic ecology of Dublin Bay in relation to sludge dumping. Ir. Fish. Invest. Ser. B. 22:1-59. |
1980 |
Ensis ensis |
39 |
112057 |
Westbroek, P. and E.W. de Jong 1982 Biomineralization and biological metal Aaccumulation - biological and geological perspectives. D. Reidel Publishing Company, 533 p. |
1982 |
Ensis ensis |
252 |
74416 |
Poutiers, J.M. 1987 Bivalves (Acephales, Lamellibranches, Pelecypodes). pp. 370-389. In W. Fischer, M. Schneider, M.-L. Bauchot (eds.) Fiches FAO d'identification des espèces pour les besoins de la pêche. (Révision 1). Méditerranée et mer Noire. Zone de pêche 37. Volume I. Végétaux et Invertébrés. Publication préparée par la FAO, résultat d'un accord entre la FAO et la Commission des Communautés Européenes (Project GCP/INT/442/EEC) financée conjointment par ces deux organisations. Rome, FAO, Vol. 1. |
1987 |
Ensis ensis |
488 |
2796 |
Petersen, G.H., P.B. Madsen, K.T. Jensen, K.H. van Bernem, J. Harms, W. Heiber, I. Kröncke, H. Michaelis, E. Rachor, K. Reise, R. Dekker, G.J.M. Visser and W.J. Wolff 1996 V. Red List of Macrofaunal Benthic Invertebrates of the Wadden Sea. Helgolander meeresuntersuchungen. Helgoländer Meeresunters. 50, Suppl., 69-76. |
1996 |
Ensis ensis |
74 |
2831 |
Millard, V. 1997 Classification of Mollusca. A classification of worldwide Mollusca. Pretoria, South Africa. 544pp. |
1997 |
Ensis ensis |
54 |
2825 |
Dyrynda, E.A., R.J. Law, P.E.J. Dyrynda, C.A. Kelly, R.K. Pipe and N.A. Ratcliffe 2000 Changes in immune parameters of natural mussel Mytilus edulis populations following a major oil spill ('Sea Empress', Wales, UK). Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 206:155-170. |
2000 |
Ensis ensis |
159 |
2714 |
Gaspar, M.B., M.D. Dias, A. Campos, C.C. Monteiro, M.N. Santos, A. Chicharo and L. Chicharo 2001 The Influence of dredge design on the catch of Callista chione (Linaeus, 1758). Hydrobiologia 465:153-167. |
2001 |
Ensis ensis |
157 |
2721 |
De Smit, M. and K. Bába 2002 New data to the marine malacofauna from Euboea Island (Greece). Malacological Newsletter 20:83-91. |
2002 |
Ensis ensis |
89 |
2815 |
Freire, J., C. Bernárdez, A. Corgos, L. Fernández, E. González-Gurriarán, M.P. Sampedro and P. Verísimo 2002 Management strategies for sustainable invertebrate fisheries in coastal ecosystems of Galicia (Northwest Spain). Aquatic Ecology 36:41-50. |
2002 |
Ensis ensis |
44 |
2818 |
Kempf, M., M. Merceron, G. Cadour, H. Jeanneret, Y. Méar and P. Miramand 2002 Environmental impact of a salmonid farm on a well flushed marine site: II. Biosedimentology. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 18:51-60. |
2002 |
Ensis ensis |
57 |
2820 |
Kaiser, M.J. and F.E. Spence 2002 Inconsistent temporal changes in the megabenthos of the English Channel. Mar. Biol. 141:321-331. |
2002 |
Ensis ensis |
324 |
120909 |
Funder, S., I. Demidov and Y. Yelovicheva 2002 Hydrography and mollusc faunas of the Baltic and the White Sea-North Sea seaway in the Eemian. Paleogeography, Palaeclimatology, Palaeoecology 184:275-304. |
2002 |
Ensis ensis |
281;tab.1 |
2810 |
González, J.J., L. Viñas, M.A. Franco and J.A. Soriano 2003 Niveles de hidrocarbons aromáticos policíclicos (PAHs) en percebe, navaja y mejellón silvestre de las costas de Galicia. Instituto Español de Oceanografia, Informe 13 b. |
2003 |
Ensis ensis |
266 |
2834 |
Dipper, F. 2003 The Lincolnshire and north Norfolk maritime area: a review of the past and present status of it's species and habitats. English Nature Research Reports 542. 96pp. |
2003 |
Ensis ensis |
54-56 |
112055 |
Hansson, H.G. 2003 Ensis ensis fact sheet. Accessed from http://www.tmbl.gu.se/pdf/Artfaktablad/Artf%20Ensis%20ensis.pdf |
2003 |
Ensis ensis |
--> |
833 |
Ruppert, E.E., R.S. Fox and R.D. Barnes 2004 Invertebrate Zoology. A functional evolutionary approach. 7th Ed. Brooks/Cole, Thomson Learning learning, Inc. 990 p. |
2004 |
Ensis ensis |
--> |
2805 |
Barón, P.J., L.E. Real, N.F. Ciocco and M.E. Ré. 2004 Morphology, growth and reproduction of an Atlantic population of the razor clam Ensis macha (Molina, 1782). Scientia Marina 68(2):211-217. |
2004 |
Ensis ensis |
216 |
2833 |
Daan, R. and M. Mulder 2004 The macrobenthis fauna in the Dutch sector of the North Sea in 2004 and a comparison with previous data. Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research. Monitoring macrozoobenthos of the North Sea. NIOZ-Rapport 2005-3. 95 pp. |
2004 |
Ensis ensis |
53 |
19 |
Bisby, F.A., M.A. Ruggiero, K.L. Wilson, M. Cachuela-Palacio, S.W. Kimani, Y.R. Roskov, A. Soulier-Perkins and J. van Hertum 2005 Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2005 Annual Checklist. CD-ROM; Species 2000: Reading, U.K. |
2005 |
Ensis ensis |
--> |
2797 |
Palaz, M. and S. Berber 2005 The bivalve species of the Dardanelles. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 85:357-358. |
2005 |
Ensis ensis |
357 |
2843 |
Kleinhans, M.G., O. Montfort, P.J.T. Dankers, L.C. Rijn and W. van Bonne 2005 Mud dynamics on the shoreface and upper shelf, Noordwijk, The Netherlands - paper Z. Aqua Publications http://igitur-archive.library.uu.nl/geo/2006-0801-205252/Uuindex.html[accessed12/02/07] |
2005 |
Ensis ensis |
7 |
77129 |
FAO-FIES 2007 Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from http://www.fao.org/fishery/collection/asfis/1/en, [accessed 03/07/2008]. |
2007 |
Ensis ensis |
--> |
78075 |
FAO 2007 Seafood in Europe. FAO Seafood in Europe CD's 4. |
2007 |
Ensis ensis |
--> |
96376 |
Carlier, A., P. Riera, J.-M. Amouroux, J.-Y. Bodiou and A. Grémare 2007 Benthic trophic network in the Bay of Banyuls-sur-Mer (northwest Mediterranean, France): an assessment based on stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes analysis. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 72(1-2):1-15. |
2007 |
Ensis ensis |
12 |
112058 |
Von Cosel, R. 2009 The razor shells of the eastern Atlantic, part 2.* Pharidae II: the genus Ensis Schumacher, 1817 (Bivalvia, Solenoidea). Basteria 73(1-3):9-56. |
2009 |
Ensis ensis |
--> |
83653 |
Robinson, L.A., S.P.R. Greenstreet, H. Reiss, R. Callaway, J. Ccraeymeersch, I. de Boois, S. Degraer, S. Ehrich, H.M. Fraser, A. Goffin, I. Kröncke, L. Lindal Jorgenson, M.R. Robertson and J. Lancaster 2010 Length-weight relationships of 216 North Sea benthic invertebrates and fish. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 90(1):95-104. |
2010 |
Ensis ensis |
103 |
85339 |
Templado, J. and R. Villanueva 2010 Checklist of Phylum Mollusca. pp. 148-198 In Coll, M., et al., 2010. The biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea: estimates, patterns, and threats. PLoS ONE 5(8):36pp. |
2010 |
Ensis ensis |
191 |
105901 |
Peharda, M., D. Ezgeta-Balić, N. Vrgoč and I. Isajlović 2010 Description of bivalve community structure in the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea-hydraulic dredge survey. Acta Adriatica, 51(2), 141-158. |
2010 |
Ensis ensis |
--> |
105825 |
Lorenti, M., M.C. Gambi, R. Guglielmo, F.P. Patti, M.B. Scipione, V. Zupo and M.C. Buia 2011 Soft‐bottom macrofaunal assemblages in the Gulf of Salerno, Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy, an area affected by the invasion of the seaweed Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea. Marine Ecology 32(3):320-334. |
2011 |
Ensis ensis |
--> |
112049 |
Guerra, A., C. Lodeiros, M.B. Gaspar and F. da Costa 2011 Razor clams: biology, aquaculture and fisheries. Xunta de Galicia, Consellerıa do Mar, Santiago de Compostela. |
2011 |
Ensis ensis |
351 |
106096 |
Fødevarestyrelsen. 2012 Handelsnavne fisk version 2012. http://www.foedevarestyrelsen.dk/SiteCollectionDocuments/25_PDF_word_filer%20til%20download/06kontor/Maerkning/Handelsnormer_varestandarder/OEvrige_produkter/Handelsnavne%20fisk%20version%202012.pdf [Accessed 01/06/2015]. |
2012 |
Ensis ensis |
--> |
106605 |
Belhabib, D., D. Pauly, S. Harper and D. Zeller 2012 Marine fisheries catches in West Africa, 1950-2010, part I. Fisheries Centre Research Reports 20 (3). |
2012 |
Ensis ensis |
--> |
112054 |
Belhabib, D., S. Harper, D. Zeller and D. Pauly 2013 Reconstruction of marine fisheries catches from Morocco (north, central and south), 1950-2010. pp 23-40.In Belhabib, D., Zeller, D., Harper, S., and Pauly, D. (eds.), Marine fisheries catches in West Africa, 1950-2010, part I. Fisheries Centre Research Reports 20 (3). Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia, Canada. |
2013 |
Ensis ensis |
28 |
96235 |
Garilao, N. 2014 Baltic Sea species list. Personal communication, 25 April 2014. Provided excel file. |
2014 |
Ensis ensis |
--> |
112056 |
Vierna, J., J. Cuperus, A. Martínez-Lage, J.M. Jansen, A. Perina, H. Van Pelt and A.M. González-Tizón 2014 Species delimitation and DNA barcoding of Atlantic Ensis (Bivalvia, Pharidae). Zoologica Scripta 43(2):161-171. |
2014 |
Ensis ensis |
--> |
101925 |
www.reeflex.net 2015 Sea Shells (128). http://www.reeflex.net/kategorie/64.html [Accessed 05/22/2015]. |
2015 |
Ensis ensis |
--> |
109255 |
Carpenter, K.E. and N. De Angelis (eds.) 2016 The living marine resources of the Eastern Central Atlantic. Vol. 2: Bivalves, gastropods, hagfishes, sharks, batoid fishes, and chimaeras. FAO Species Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes, Rome, FAO. pp. 665-1509. |
2016 |
Ensis ensis |
814 |
3477 |
MarineSpecies.org 2050 MarineSpecies.org. http://www.marinespecies.org/index.php |
2050 |
Ensis ensis |
--> |