Ecosystems where Conus chaldaeus occurs
n = 29
Ecosystem Type Status Ref.
Central Indo-Pacific sea/bay/gulf native 99637
Central Polynesia sea/bay/gulf native 91160
Clipperton Sea/Bay/Gulf native 2876
Eastern Indo-Pacific sea/bay/gulf native 91160
Galapagos sea/bay/gulf native 2876
Great Barrier Reef Sea/Bay/Gulf native 2986
Hawaii Sea/Bay/Gulf native 81554
Hawaii - province Sea/Bay/Gulf native 81554
Kermadec Island Sea/Bay/Gulf native 337
Lord Howe and Norfolk Islands sea/bay/gulf native 337
Lord Howe and Norfolk Islands - province Sea/Bay/Gulf native 337
Marquesas Sea/Bay/Gulf native 3167
Marquesas - province Sea/Bay/Gulf native 3167
Marshall Islands Sea/Bay/Gulf native 81554
Marshall, Gilbert, and Ellis Islands sea/bay/gulf native 81554
New Caledonia Sea/Bay/Gulf native 99637
Pacific Ocean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 3116
Panama Bight Sea/Bay/Gulf native 2876
Polynesian Waters Sea/Bay/Gulf native 337
Rapa-Pitcairn Sea/Bay/Gulf native 337
Seychelles Sea/Bay/Gulf native 3173
Southeast Polynesia sea/bay/gulf native 3167
Tropical Atlantic sea/bay/gulf native 2876
Tropical East Pacific sea/bay/gulf native 2876
Tropical Eastern Pacific sea/bay/gulf native 2876
Tropical Northwestern Pacific sea/bay/gulf native 3116
Tropical Southwestern Pacific sea/bay/gulf native 91160
Western Indian Ocean sea/bay/gulf native 3173
Western Indo-Pacific sea/bay/gulf native 3173
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