Biblio summary for Physeter macrocephalus
Citation Santos, M.B., G.J. Pierce, M.G. Hartmann, C. Smeenk, M.J. Addink, T. Kuiken, R.J. Reid, I.A.P. Patterson, C. Lordan, E. Rogan and E. Mente, 2002 Additional notes on stomach contents of sperm whales Physeter macrocephalus stranded in the northeast Atlantic. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 82:501-507.
Réf. 8649 Santos, M.B., G.J. Pierce, M.G. Hartmann, C. Smeenk, M.J. Addink, T. Kuiken, R.J. Reid, I.A.P. Patterson, C. Lordan, E. Rogan and E. Mente, 2002
Named Used as Valid Physeter macrocephalus
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