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English Abbr. French Spanish Portuguese
Data Definition Language, Definition Language, Language DDL langage de définition de données lenguaje de definición de datos DDL
data flow model, flow model, model organigramme de données modelo de flujo de datos modelo de transferência de dados
dataset ensemble de données conjunto de datos; serie de datos conjunto de dados
air bladder, bladder vessie gazeuse vejiga natatoria, vejiga gaseosa bexiga natatória
Airsac catfishes, catfishes Peces gato con respiración a través de la vejiga natatoria ? Heteropneustídeos
angle of lower jaw, of lower jaw, lower jaw
anonymous work, work travail anonyme trabajo anónimo trabalho anónimo
Ansjovis pastei, pastei
available work, work travail disponible trabajo disponible trabalho disponível
Banjo catfishes, catfishes croncrons aspredínidos? Aspredinídeo
beneath au-dessous por debajo por baixo
Best Practice Technology, Practice Technology, Technology BPT meilleure technologie disponible tecnología de mejor práctica Melhor Tecnologia Disponível
box compartiment caja guilda
brailing pêche à l'épuisette salabardo; jamo camaroeiro
camouflage camouflage camuflaje camuflagem
cheek joue mejilla bochecha
cobble galet callao; canto rodado; guijarro gravilha
Comb jellies
conserved work, work travail conservé trabajo conservado trabalho validado pela Comissão
discard rejet descartar descartar
disjunct distribution, distribution répartition disjointe distribución disjunta distribuição disjunta
ebb tide, tide marée descendante, flux, jusant marea descendente amplitude de maré
exserted exsert exsertado projectado para fora
eye oeil ojo olho
eye fork length, fork length, length distance de l'oeil à la fourche longitud ojo - furca Comprimento olho-furca
Far Seas Fisheries Research Laboratory, Orido, Japan, Seas Fisheries Research Laboratory, Fisheries Research Laboratory FSFL Far Seas Fisheries Research Laboratory, Orido, Japan Far Seas Fisheries Research Laboratory, Orido, Japan Laboratório da Pescarias Longinquas, Orida, Japão
gas bladder, bladder vessie gazeuse vejiga natatoria bexiga natatória
landscape diversity, diversity diversité de paysage diversidad paisajística diversidade
fingerling juvénile alevín juvenil
Fish in jelly, in jelly, jelly
fix fixer fijar, acotar fixo
fixation fixation fijación fixação
fixation by elimination, by elimination, elimination fixation par élimination fijación por eliminación eliminação por fixação
forage species, species espèce-proie especie forraje?? presas
Four-eyed fishes and jenynsiids, fishes and jenynsiids, and jenynsiids poissons-à-quatre-yeux anablépidos Anablepídeos
fringe frangé fleco franja
fringing reef area, reef area, area récif frangeant área de arrecife franjeante área limite do recife
fringing reef channel, reef channel, channel passe de récif frangeant canal de arrecife franjeante canal do recife
fringing reef coast, reef coast, coast côte bordée de récifs frangeants costa de arrecife franjeante costa recifal
Galjoen fishes, fishes coracínidos Coracinídeos
gene pool, pool pool de gènes pool de genes, conjunto de genes? pool genético
Greeneyes verdoeils cloroftálmidos, ojitos verdes Cloroftalmídeos
gular gulaire yugal?? jugular
gular bone, bone os gulaire hueso yugal?? osso jugular
gular fold, fold pli jugulaire pliegue yugal??
gular plate, plate plaque gulaire placa yugal?? placa jugular
hatching jar
Hebrew University, Jerusalem, University, Jerusalem, Jerusalem HUJ Hebrew University, Jerusalem Universidade Hebraica, Jerusalém
Hokkaido University, Faculty of Fisheries, Minato-machi, Japan, Univ., Laboratory of Marine Zoology, Laboratory of Marine Zoology HUMZ Hokkaido University, Faculty of Fisheries, Minato-machi, Japan Universidade de Hokaido, Faculdade das pescas, Minato-machi, Japão
ikijime ikijime ikjime ikijime
interleaved intercalé intercalado con hojas tipo de embalagem
J.F. Bell Museum of Natural History, Minneapolis, J.F. Bell Museum of Natural History JFBM J.F. Bell Museum of Natural History, Minneapolis J.F. Bell Museum of Natural History, Minneapolis J.F.Bell Museu de História Natural, Miniapolis
J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown, Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Institute of Ichthyology RUSI J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown J.L.B Instituto Smith de Ictiologia, Grahamstown
Jacks and pompanos, and pompanos, pompanos carangues carángidos Caranjídeos
Japan Sea, Sea
Japanese threadfin bream, threadfin bream, bream
Japanese trawl, trawl
Java Sea
Jawfishes opistognátidos Opistognatídeos
jaws mâchoires mandíbulas mandíbulas
Jean P. Haydon Museum, P. Haydon Museum, Haydon Museum JPHM Jean P. Haydon Museum
Jellied eels, eels
jellyfish méduse medusas sifozoários
Jellynose fishes, fishes ateleopódidos Ateleopodídeos
Jersey fish, fish
Jerusalem Museum, Museum Jerusalem Museum Museu de Jerusalém
jigging turlutte pesca con poteras toneira
Jordan's Rule, Rule
jugular jugulaire yugular jugular
junior homonym, homonym homonyme plus récent homónimo reciente? homónimo junior
junior synonym, synonym synonyme plus récent sinónimo reciente? sinónimo junior
Jurassic jurassique jurásico jurássico
justified emendation, emendation émendation justifée corrección justificada correção justificada
Jutjaws parascorpídidos Paraescorpidídeo
juvenile juvénile juvenil juvenil
juvenile stage, stage stade juvénile
Kallrökt kolja, kolja
Knifejaws oplegnátidos Oplegnatídeo
Kylmäsavustettu koljafilee, koljafilee
lagoon fringing reef area, fringing reef area, reef area récif frangeant d'un lagon laguna franjeante de área recifal barreira limítrofe de coral
Laptev Sea (or Nordenskjöld Sea)
larval settlement, settlement fixation larvaire fijación larvaria, asentamiento larvario instalação larvar
Loosejaws malacosteidos Malacosteídeos
Matje cured herring, cured herring, herring
matje herring
mesh gauge, gauge jauge de maille
Mojarras blanches Gerreídeos
National Marine Fisheries Service La Jolla Laboratory, California, National Marine Fisheries Service La Jolla Laboratory NMFSLJ Serviço Nacional das Pescas, La Jolla, Califórnia
Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba, Japan, History Museum and Institute, Chiba, Museum and Institute, Chiba CBM
Object Oriented, Oriented OO orienté objet Raciocínio Objectivo
objective synonym, synonym synonyme objectif sinónimo objectivo
pelagic juvenile, juvenile
Poor John, john
Port Jackson sharks, horn, or Port Jackson sharks, or Port Jackson sharks requins de Port Jackson Heterodontídeos
prejuvenile préjuvénile
produced prolongé projectado
projecting projetant projectando
projection projection projecção
protrusile protractile projectável
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Oseanologi, Jakarta, Penelitian dan Pengembangan Oseanologi, Jakarta, dan Pengembangan Oseanologi, Jakarta NCIP Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Oseanologi, Jakarta
reject rejeter rejeitado
rejected name, name nom rejeté nome rejeitado
rejected work, work travail rejeté trabalho rejeitado
San Jose State University, California, San Jose State University SJSU San Jose State University, California Universidade de São José, Califórnia
Sandy Hook Marine Laboratory, Northeast Fisheries Center, New Jersey, Sandy Hook Marine Laboratory SHML Sandy Hook Marine Laboratory, Northeast Fisheries Center Laboratório Marítimo de Nova Jersey
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, of Oceanography, La Jolla SIO Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla Instituição Oceanográfica Scripps, La Jolla,
Skates raies Rajídeos
Snappers vivaneaux Lutjanídeos
subjective synonym, synonym synonyme subjectif sinónimo subjectivo
translucent object, object objet translucide objecto translúcido
transparent object, object objet transparent objecto transparente
University of Alaska at Juneau, of Alaska at Juneau, Alaska at Juneau UAJ
University of the South Pacific, Fiji, of the South Pacific, the South Pacific USP University of the South Pacific, Fiji Universidade do Pacífico do Sul, Fiji
unjustified emendation, emendation émendation injustifiée emenda injustificada
upper jaw length, jaw length, length
Zouger jar, jar
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