List of Nominal Species of Bathyphelliidae
Nominal Species (n = 10) Present allocation (n = 8) Ref.
Bathyphellia australis Dunn, 1983 Bathyphellia australis 19
Acraspedanthus elongatus Carlgren, 1924 Acraspedanthus ferax 19
Phelliogeton falklandicus Carlgren, 1927 Phelliogeton falklandicus 19
Isoparactis ferax Stuckey, 1909 Acraspedanthus ferax 19
Paractis ferax Stuckey, 1909 Acraspedanthus ferax 19
Phelliogeton kerguelensis Carlgren, 1928 Phelliogeton kerguelensis 19
Phellia margaritacea Danielssen, 1890 Bathyphellia margaritacea 19
Daontesia mielchei Carlgren, 1956 Daontesia mielchei 19
Daontesia porcupina Riemann-Zürneck, 1997 Daontesia porcupina 19
Sagartiogeton praelongus Carlgren, 1928 Daontesia praelonga 19
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