List of Nominal Species of Chaetodermidae
Nominal Species (n = 47) Present allocation (n = 41) Ref.
Chaetoderma adibjanense Scheltema, 1976 Chaetoderma adibjanense 1382
Chaetoderma akkesiense Okuda, 1943 Chaetoderma akkesiense 1382
Chaetoderma araucanae Osorio & Tarafeño, 1976 Chaetoderma araucanae 1057
Chaetoderma argenteum Heath, 1911 Chaetoderma argenteum 19
Chaetoderma attenuatum Heath, 1911 Chaetoderma argenteum 1382
Chaetoderma bacillum Heath, 1918 Chaetoderma bacillum 1382
Chaetoderma californicum Heath, 1911 Chaetoderma californicum 1382
Caudofoveatus callosus Ivanov, 1984 Chaetoderma callosum 1382
Chaetoderma elegans Scheltema, 1995 Chaetoderma elegans 1057
Chaetoderma eruditum Heath, 1911 Chaetoderma eruditum 1382
Chaetoderma felderi Ivanov & Scheltema, 2007 Chaetoderma felderi 80533
Crystallophrisson glacialis Ivanov, 1986 Chaetoderma glacialis 1382
Crystallophrisson hancocki Schwabl, 1963 Chaetoderma hancocki 1382
Chaetoderma hawaiiense Heath, 1911 Chaetoderma hawaiiense 1057
Crystallophrisson inflatum Schwabl, 1963 Chaetoderma hancocki 1382
Chaetoderma intermedium Knipowitsch, 1896 Chaetoderma intermedium 1382
Chaetoderma japonicum Heath, 1911 Chaetoderma japonicum 1382
Crystallophrisson kafanovi Ivanov, 1984 Chaetoderma kafanovi 1382
Chaetoderma lucidum Heath, 1918 Chaetoderma lucidum 1382
Crystallophrisson luitfriedi Ivanov, 1987 Chaetoderma nitidulum 1382
Chaetoderma majusculum Scheltema, 1976 Chaetoderma majusculum 1057
Crystallophrisson marinae Ivanov, 1987 Chaetoderma marinae 1382
Crystallophrisson marinelli Schwabl, 1963 Chaetoderma marinelli 1382
Crystallophrisson marioni Stork, 1941 Chaetoderma marioni 1382
Chaetoderma militare Selenka, 1885 Chaetoderma militare 1057
Chaetoderma montereyense Heath, 1911 Chaetoderma montereyense 1382
Chaetoderma nanulum Heath, 1911 Chaetoderma nanulum 1057
Chaetoderma nitidulum Lovén, 1844 Chaetoderma nitidulum 19
Crystallophrisson nitidulum pacificum Schwabl, 1963 Chaetoderma pacificum 6
Chaetoderma nitidulum var. intermedia Knipowitsch, 1896 Chaetoderma intermedium 1382
Crystallophrisson nitidulum var. pacifica Schwabl, 1963 Chaetoderma pacificum 1382
Chaetoderma nitilulum canadense Nierstrasz, 1902 Chaetoderma canadense 1382
Crystallophrisson odhneri Stork, 1941 Chaetoderma odhneri 1382
Crystallophrisson orientale Stork, 1941 Chaetoderma orientale 1382
Chaetoderma productum Wirén, 1892 Chaetoderma productum 1057
Crystallophrisson recisum Schwabl, 1963 Chaetoderma recisum 1382
Crystallophrisson rectum Schwabl, 1963 Chaetoderma rectum 1382
Crystallophrisson riedli Schwabl, 1963 Chaetoderma nanulum 1382
Chaetoderma robustum Heath, 1911 Chaetoderma robustum 1382
Chaetoderma scabrum Heath, 1911 Chaetoderma scabrum 1382
Crystallophrisson sibogae Stork, 1941 Chaetoderma sibogae 1382
Chaetoderma simplex Salvini-Plawen, 1971 Chaetoderma simplex 1382
Chaetoderma squamosum Heath, 1918 Chaetoderma squamosum 1057
Chaetoderma strigisquamatum Salvini-Plawen, 1977 Chaetoderma strigisquamatum 1382
Caudofoveatus tetradens Ivanov, 1981 Chaetoderma tetradens 1382
Chaetoderma usitatum Scheltema, 1989 Chaetoderma usitatum 1382
Chaetoderma vadorum Heath, 1918 Chaetoderma vadorum 1382
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