Species under Myxilla
n= 20
Species name Common name Distribution Max. Length (cm)
Myxilla arenaria
Dendy, 1905
Western Indian Ocean
Myxilla asigmata
(Topsent, 1901)
Myxilla barentsi
Vosmaer, 1885
Northeast Atlantic, Northeast Pacific and the Arctic
Myxilla basimucronata
Burton, 1932
Antarctic Indian Ocean
Myxilla brunnea
Hansen, 1885
Arctic, Northeast Pacific and Northern Atlantic
Myxilla chilensis
Thiele, 1905
Antarctic Indian Ocean
Myxilla dendyi
Burton, 1959
Western Central Pacific
Myxilla elongata
Topsent, 1917
Myxilla incrustans
(Esper, 1805)
Rough scallop sponge Pacific Ocean, Northern Atlantic, Mediterranean and the Arctic 1
Myxilla iotrochotina
(Topsent, 1892)
Northeast Atlantic
Myxilla kerguelensis
(Hentschel, 1914)
Antarctic Indian Ocean
Myxilla lacunosa
Lambe, 1892
Sulphur horny sponge Northeast Pacific and the Arctic 12.5
Myxilla lissostyla
Burton, 1938
Antarctic Atlantic
Myxilla macrosigma
Boury-Esnault, 1971
Northeast Atlantic
Myxilla mariana
Ridley & Dendy, 1886
Myxilla methanophila
(Maldonado & Young, 1998)
Western Central Atlantic
Myxilla mollis
Ridley & Dendy, 1886
Western Central Pacific and Antarctic
Myxilla pedunculata
Lundbeck, 1905
Northern Atlantic, Northeast Pacific and the Arctic
Myxilla ramosa
Kieschnick, 1896
Western Central Pacific
Myxilla rosacea
(Lieberkühn, 1859)
Northeast Atlantic and Central Pacific
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