Details for Ridgway, I.D., A.C. Taylor, R.J.A. Atkinson, G.D. Stentiford, E.S. Chang, S.A. Chang and D.M. Neil, 2006
Citation Ridgway, I.D., A.C. Taylor, R.J.A. Atkinson, G.D. Stentiford, E.S. Chang, S.A. Chang and D.M. Neil 2006 Morbidity and mortality in Norway lobsters, Nephrops norvegicus: physiological, immunological and pathological effects of aerial exposure. Crustacean; Disease; Emersion; Mortality; Post-capture stress; Spoilage. Journal of Experimental Biology and Ecology 328 (2006) 261-264.
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Ref. No. 1079
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