References Used for Species of Diastylidae
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[ n = 102 ] 
Akiyama, T., 2011 The cumacean Dimorphostylis elegans Gamo, 1960 (Crustacea), D. bathyelegans n. sp. and D. brevicarpus n. sp. from Japan. Zootaxa 2994:45-59.
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Cartes, J.E. and J.C. Sorbe, 1997 Bathyal cumaceans of the Catalan Sea (North-western Mediterranean): faunistic composition, diversity and near botom distribution along the slope (between 389 and 1859m). Journal of Natural History 31(7):1041-1054.
Cartes, J.E. and J.C. Sorbe, 1996 Temporal population structure of deep-water cumaceans from the western Mediterranean slope. Deep-Sea Research Part I 43(9):1423-1438.
Cartes, J.E., E. Jaume and T. Madurell, 2003 Local changes in the composition and community structure of suprabenthic peracarid crustaceans on the bathyal Mediterranean: influence of environmental factors. Mar. Biol. 143(4):745-758.
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