References Used for Species of Furcellariaceae
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[ n = 6 ] 
Delépine, R., C.-F. Boudouresque, C. Fradà-Orestano, M.-C. Noailles and A. Asensi, 1987 Algues et autres végétaux marins. 1:3-136. In Fiches FAO d'identification des espèces pour les besoins de la pèche. (Revision 1) Méditeranée et mer Noire. Zone de Pêche 37.
Greenwell, M., C.J. Bird and J. McLachlan, 1984 Depth-related variation in gross chemical composition of several seaweeds. Aquatic Botany 20(3-4):297-305.
Indergaard, M. and S.H. Knutsen, 1990 Seasonal differences in ash, carbon, fibre and nitrogen components of Furcellaria lumbricalis (Gigartinales, Rhodophyceae), Norway. Botanica Marina 33:327-334.
John, D.M. and R.F. Al-Thani, 2014 Benthic marine algae of the Arabian Gulf: a critical review and analysis of distribution and diversity patterns. Nova Hedwigia 98(3-4):341-392.
Kornfeldt, R-A., 1982 Relation between nitrogen and phosphorus content of macroalgae and the waters of Northern Oeresund. Botanica Marina 25:197-201., 2050