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References used for species in the Family Platyhedylidae
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Chow, L.H., V.P.F. Yu, Z.Y. Kho, G.C.L. See, A. Wang, D.M. Baker and L.M. Tsang, 2022 An updated checklist of sea slugs (Gastropoda, Heterobranchia) from Hong Kong supported by citizen science. Zool. Stud. 61(52):1-33.
Jensen, K.R., 1985 Annotated checklist of Hong Kong Ascoglossa (Mollusca: Opisthobranchia), with descriptions of four new species. pp. 77-107 In B. Morton and D. Dudgeon (eds.) The malacofauna of Hong Kong and Southern China II, Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on the Malacofauna of Hong Kong and Southern China. Hong Kong, 6-24 April 1983. Hong Kong University Press., 2050