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References used for species in the Family Torquaratoridae
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Holland, N.D., L.A. Kuhnz and K.J. Osborn, 2012 Morphology of a new deep-sea acorn worm (Class Enteropneusta, Phylum Hemichordata): a part-time demersal drifter with externalized ovaries. Journal of Morphology 273:661-671.
Priede, I.G., K.J. Osborn, A.V. Gebruk, D. Jones, D. Shale, A. Rogacheva and N.D. Holland, 2012 Observations on torquaratorid acorn worms (Hemichordata, Enteropneusta) from the North Atlantic with descriptions of a new genus and three new species. Invertebrate Biology 131(3):244-257.