SeaLifeBase References for , 1970

Ref. No. Title
125787 A new species of Spadella (Benthic Chaetognatha).
78386 Redescription of Bathymunida brevirostris (Yokoya, 1933) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Galatheidae).
75114 Sublittoral Gammaridea (Amphipoda) of Hawaiian Islands.
106354 Geography and ecology of Cosmoledo atoll.
88898 Studies on South American Gomphidae (Odonata).
78608 On bottom decapods (Crustacea, Decapoda) of the Kurile-Kamchatka Region.
77853 New stomatopod crustaceans from the Gulf of Tonkin, South China Sea.
3629 Die verbreitung der kaltwasser- und der warmwasserfauna der Appendicularien im nördlichen Nordatlantischen Ozean im Spätwinter und Spätsommer 1958.
4956 Further population growth in the Heard Island King Penguins.
107872 Zoology Volume 21 1970-1972.
124660 Halammohydra schulzei: first actinulid recorded from Western Atlantic.
91942 Une nouvelle espèce de Crustacè Cèphalocaride de l'hémisphère austral.
90916 The threat of the crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci) to coral reefs in the Indo-Pacific area: observations on a normal population in the Red Sea.
105150 The sublittoral Brachyura (Crustacea: Decapoda) of Moreton Bay.
5531 Occurrence and nesting of Black Terns in Southwestern British Columbia.
79083 Écologie de l'étage bathyal dans la Méditerranée occidentale.
79809 New Mitridae and Volutomitridae.
114482 The littoral marine molluscs of Niue Island.
2075 Pycnogonida of the Smithsonian-Bredin Pacific Expedition.
106466 Lista de crustáceos del Perú: decápoda y stomatopoda con datos de su distribución geográfica.
873 Echinodermata; Crinoidea.
11712 Forage of some eastern Pacific midwater fishes.
123156 Torodrilus lowryi: new genus and species of marine tubificid oligochaete from Antarctica.
1910 Brachiopoda: Japanithyris Is Campages.
1403 Shallow water meiobenthos of the Bermuda platform.
4708 Peregrine Falcon observed feeding far at sea.
109407 Crustacés décapodes brachyoures et macroures recueillis par l’«Undaunted» au sud de l’Angola. Description de Scyllarus subarctus sp. nov.
112281 Ponte et croissance de la crevette Pénéide Parapenaeus longirostris (Lucas) dans la région de Pointe-Noire (République du Congo).
82649 Synopsis of biological data on the ocean shrimp, Pandalus jordani, Rathbun, 1902.
6193 Summer seabirds between New Zealand and McMurdo Sound.
3247 Diagnosis of a new species of Neolithodes (Crustacea: Anomura: Lithodidae) from New Zealand.
1080 Note sur les ressources de Penaeus duorarum au Sénégal.
60656 Note sur les ressources de Penaeus duorarum au Sénégal.
114056 The distribution of penaeid prawns in Ceylon waters.
92058 The Odonata of Dominica British West Indies.
2473 The food of skipjack and yellowfin tunas in the Atlantic Ocean.
117322 Écologie et biologie du genre Cymodoce (Isopoda Flabellifera) dans la région de Marseille.
98523 Some observations on marine life at Pulau Aur, Johore.
7072 The Yellow-billed Tern (Sterna superciliaris) in Uruguay.
97518 Aspects of the ecology of an exposed shore population of dog-welks Nucella lapillus (L.).
130074 The biology of Eurydice pulchra [Crustacea: Isopoda].
121243 Lista de crustaceos del Peru (Decapoda y Stomatopoda) con datos de su distribución geográfica.
3593 The ecology of the ctenophore Pleurobrachia pileus in Scottish waters.
3758 Weight of a sperm whale, whole and in parts.
91018 Crown-of-thorns starfish in Western Samoa.
89769 Generic characters of the South American Corduliidae, with descriptions of the species found in the Guyanas.
105378 Recognition of marine spiny lobsters of the Jasus lalandii group (Crustacea: Decapoda: Palinuridae).
78952 Solenocera waltairensis, a new species of prawn (Decapoda: Penaeidae) from Indian waters.
112943 Recognition of marine spiny lobsters of the Jasus lalandii group (Crustacea: Decapoda: Palinuridae).
96483 Investigations of microzonation and ecology of marine Oligochaeta in the shallows of the Isle of Sylt (Germany).
7036 Notes on the seabirds of Round Island, Mauritious.
56040 Food of predatory demersal fish in Hauraki Gulf. 3: Feeding relationships.
112742 The Larval Histories of of Four Porcellanid Anomurans (Crustacea, Decapoda) from Oregon.
82758 The status of Remipes testudinarius Latreille, and designation of a neotype for Hippa adactyla J.C. Fabricius (Decapoda: Hippipdae).
1058 Growth and vertical distribution of the glacier lanternfish, Benthosema glaciale, in the Northwestern Atlantic.
115942 The burrowing of Priapulus caudatus.
5532 New Rhinoceros Auklet colony for British Columbia.
7052 Breeding ecology of the Swallow-tailed Gull, Creagrus furcatus.
80108 The biology of an endangered species, the Dark-rumped petrel (Pterodroma phaeopygia), in the Galápagos Islands.
79188 Australian crustaceans in colour.
128220 Some changes in biochemical composition with season and during the moulting cycle of the common shore crab, Carcinus maenas (L.).
104922 The green turtle in the Gulf of Aden and the Seychelles Islands.
992 Dicyemennea littlei sp. n. and Dicyema benthoctopi sp. n.: dicyemid Mesozoa from Benthoctopus megellanicus.
2933 A comparative study of gut mucous cells in thirty-seven species of the class Echinoidea (Echinodermata).
121907 The effect of china clay on the bottom fauna of St. Austell and Mevagissey Bays.
81137 Siboglinum carpinei sp. nov. the first representative of Pogonophora in the Mediterranean sea.
6588 Notes on the birds of Easter Island.
79200 The Galatheidea (Crustacea Decapoda) of Singapore and adjacent waters.
125132 Amphipoda from Jorgen Bronlund Fjord, north Greenland.
90972 The crown-of-thorns starfish.
113011 The littoral marine mollusks of Fanning Island.
4878 Energy requirements for existence in relation to size of bird.
74581 A small collection of decapod Crustacea from Mozambique.
1182 On Some Species of Meiobenthic Worms of the Class Gnathostomulida from Barbados, West Indies.
1594 Some notes on Tubiluchus corallicola (Priapulida) from Barbados, West Indies.
89404 The systematics and biology of abyssal and hadal Bivalvia.
109 Synopsis of biological data on the penaeid prawn Solenocera indica Nataraj, 1945.
79926 The nudibranchs of Singapore, excluding the families Dendrodoridae and Dorididae.
79939 The dendrodorid and doridid nudibranchs of Singapore.
132 Crustacean Resources.
89629 Memoirs of the Hourglass Cruises: Scyllarid lobsters (Crustacea, Decapoda).
8827 Synopsis of biological data on Pacific Ocean perch Sebastodes alutus.
106 Notes on the West American Nephroidean lobster, Nephropsis occidentalis Faxon.
80415 Two new stomatopod crustaceans from Australia.
80870 Some stomatopod crustaceans from Tuléar, Madagascar.
2944 Beitrage zur faunistik und ökologie de Mollusken und Echinodermen in der Korallenriffen bei Aqaba, Rotes Meer.
7489 Ascidians, including specimens from the deep sea, collected by the R. V. 'Verna' and now in the American Museum of Natural History.
8657 Request for information on tagged whales in the north Atlantic.
79349 The Crustacea Galatheidae from the tropical-subtropical region of West Africa, with a list of the known species.
8135 On two new polychaetous annelids from Kuwait.
8161 Description of two new species of Nereidae (Annelida: Polychaeta).
8264 A new species of the genus Prionospio (Annelida: Polychaeta).
85395 Crawfish investigations 1966-68.
2613 Quelques ascidies de l'Adriatique.
97435 A contribution to the ecology of the lamellibranch Dosinia elegans.
97476 A contribution to the ecology of the lamellibranch Tellina alternata.
121959 Reproduction and breeding cycle of the giant scallop Placopecten magellanicus (Gmelin) in Port au Port Bay, Newfoundland.
2793 Notas sobre alguns Palaemonidae da fauna portuguesa com indição de duas espécies novas para Portugal.
90895 Acanthaster: a disaster?
2235 Arhythmorhynchus frassoni from the clapper rail, Rallus longirostris, in North America.
107221 On the biology of the polychaete Glycera alba, especially its burrowing and feeding.
3751 Stock of the Antarctic Minke whale.
55748 A study of the fecundity of some mormyrid fishes from Lake Victoria.
82185 Littoral gammaridean Amphipoda from Mindoro, the Philippines.
90703 Variations of length, weight, respiratory rate, and chemical composition of Calanus cristatus in relation to its food and feeding.
6785 Observations of birds in the East China Sea, April 1968, "Umitaka Maru".
114828 Vertical migration of the ocean shrimp, Pandalus jordani: a feeding and dispersal mechanism.
128658 Marine waste disposal and sea urchin ecology.
1555 Conocyema marplatensis sp. nov. (Mesozoa, Dicyemidae) parasito del pulpo Octopus tehuelchus D’Orbigny.
79387 Deep-sea anomurans of superfamily Galatheoidea with description of three new species.
90761 Oxygen consumption of the dragonfly.
8245 Revision of some species referred to Leanira Kinberg (Polychaeta: Sigalionidae).
125914 Schizoporella unicornis - An alien bryozoan introduced into the Strait of Georgia.
84619 Infralittoral marine algae of Malta.
90610 Seasonal biochemical composition and energy sources of Sagitta hispida.
8841 Biology of the small pelagic fishes in the new Volta lake in Ghana. Part I: the lake and the fish: feeding habits.
82526 A gorgonacean inhabiting barnacle Genus Acasta from Cebu.
2998 The medussae of the British Isles. II, pelagic Scyphozoa with a supplement to the first volume of hydromedusae.
97581 Les mollusques des récifs d’îlots du récif barrière des Îles Gambier (Polynésie), bionomie et densités de peuplement.
6488 The seasonal distribution of some seabirds off Washington and Oregon, with notes on their ecology and behavior.
80153 Breeding biology of Western gulls (Larus occidentalis) on San Nicolas Island, California, 1968.
118340 Genetic variation in the horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus), a phylogenetic "relic".
79442 Decapod Crustacea of the Atlantic coast of Canada.
1417 Aspects of the reproduction and life cycle of Rhabdopleura compacta (Hemichordata).
111197 The biology of Gammarus (Crustacea, Amphipoda) in the northwestern Atlantic. IV. Gammarus lawrencianus Bousfield.
7516 Territorial behavior of the Owl Limpet, Lottia Gigantea.
2087 Endeis flaccida Calman, 1923, in Florida: a pycnogonid new to the Atlantic Ocean.
1373 Some associates of Tresus nuttallii (Conrad, 1837) (Pelecypoda:Mactridae).
117315 Sur le cycle biologique de Sphaeroma hookeri Leach (Isopode flabellifère) dans les eaux de la Durangole (B. du Rh).
76597 The flora, fauna and sediments of the marine grass beds of Mahe, Seychelles.
1593 Interstitial gastrotrichs in some south Florida beaches.
8057 Contribution à l'étude des polychètes de la région de Tuléar (S.W. de Madagascar). III. Sur les Capitellidae des sables coralliens.
7725 Observations on Australian Glaucidae (Mollusca: Opisthobranchia).
111907 A description of laboratory-reared larvae of Cancer productus Randall (Decapoda, Brachyura) and a comparison to larvae of Cancer magister Dana.
78006 Studies on the bioluminescence of the marine ostracod crustacean Cypridina serrata.
128428 Amphipods associated with the sea anemone, Bolocera tuediae, in western Norway.
424 Systematics, zoogeography and ecology of the priapulids.
90891 Densities of Acanthaster planci in the Pacific Ocean.
5430 On the specific status of the Kerguelen Shag and its affinities.
91687 Hutchinsoniella macracantha Sanders, 1955 (Cephalocarida) from Brazil.
127407 Maturity, mating, and egg laying in the spider crab, Chionoecetes opilio.
90889 Ecological studies of the coral predator Acanthaster planci in the South Pacific.
2860 Zur okologie und ernahrungebiologie der Euphausiacean (Crustacea) in Arabischen Meer.
105171 Observations on the feeding, growth rate and habits of newly settled Octopus cyanea.
92275 The nymph of Williamsonia lintneri (Hagen) (Odonata: Corduliidae).
784 On a small collection of Acrania (Phylum Chordata from New Caledonia.
101998 A new species of Polycyathus Duncan, 1876 from New Caledonia and a new record of Polycyathus senegalensis Chevalier, 1966 (Madreporaria).
127802 The New Zealand species of Potamopyrgus (Gastropoda: Hydrobiidae).
100768 Spawning notes V. Acanthina angelica I. Oldroyd, 1918 and Acanthina lugubris (Sowerby, 1821).
81455 Marine algae of the Solomon Islands.
412 Digenetic trematodes of Hawaiian fishes.
65491 Digenetic trematodes of Hawaiian fishes.
75732 Biological studies on the propagation of important bivalves. 2. Growth and morphological variations of Anadara broughtoni (Schrenck).
86881 Crustacean Decapoda collected by the Soviet Antarctic Expeditions in the Antarctic and anti-boreal regions.
2284 Brachiopod distribution in the Recent ocean with reference to problems of zoogeographic zoning.
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