78377 |
Indagine sulle condizioni faunistiche e sui rendimenti di pesca dei fondali batiali della Sicilia occidentale e della bordura settentrionale dei banchi della soglia Sicula-Tunisina. |
1941 |
Les pycnogonides du Golfes de Gascogne (Atlantique Nord-Est). |
91481 |
The Odonata of Iraq. |
76995 |
Remarkable species of the Chirostylidae (Crustacea, Anomura) of Japanese waters. |
6677 |
The status of the Brown Pelican in the Monterey region of California: past and present. |
91741 |
Studies of spot shrimp, Pandalus platyceros Brandt, at Little Port Walter, Alaska. |
90476 |
Oxygen consumption of the larvae of the lobster Panulirus interruptus (Randall) and the crab Cancer products Randall. |
1254 |
On morphology and distribution of some hoplonemertean species along Scandinavian Coasts (Nemertini). |
128657 |
Preliminary investigation on the red sea urchin resources of British Columbia (Strongylocentrotus franciscanus, Agassiz). |
7928 |
Observations of three opisthobranchs (Mollusca: Gastropoda) of the La Paz area, Baja California, Mexico. |
108664 |
The marine mollusca of the Trucial coast, Persian Gulf. |
89149 |
Présence du Cirripède thoracique pédoncule dans le golfe du Morbihan. |
2462 |
Spawning and development of the eggs, in the laboratory, of Illex coindetii. |
95782 |
Distribution of the cladoceran Podon polyphemoides in the Chesapeake Bay. |
95783 |
Diurnal vertical migration of an estuarine cladoceran, Podon polyphemoides, in the Chesapeake Bay. |
6028 |
Supplementary notes on the birds of Point Tombo, Argentina. |
81716 |
"Campagne de la ""Calypso"" au large des côtes Atlantiques de L'Amerique du Sud (1961-1962). I. Spongiaires". |
78022 |
Revision of family and some generic definitions in the Phaennidae and Scolecithricidae (Copepoda: Calanoida). |
90904 |
The crown of thorns on coral reefs. |
8338 |
Some digenetis trematodes in fishes from the Bay of Biscay and nearby waters. |
2852 |
The distribution of Indian Ocean euphausiids. |
83474 |
Notes on some Indo-Pacific Pontoniinae, XIV. Dasycaris zanzibarica sp. nov., from the Western Indian Ocean, with remarks on other species of Dasycaris Kemp, 1922 (Decapoda: Natantia). |
125470 |
Het verzamelen van mariene molusken in Connecticut (V.S.). |
90483 |
Der Nahrungswert makrobenthischer Fischnährtiere der Kieler Bucht im Jahresgang. |
118123 |
Pelagic Amphipoda from the waters near Oahu, Hawaii, excluding the family Scinidae. |
3530 |
Sorted samples and quantitative counts in appendicularian catches. |
4957 |
Status of the Heard Island King Penguins in 1971. |
76611 |
New records of penaeid prawns from the east coast of Southern Africa with notes on Penaeus marginatus Randall and a new species of Metapenaeopsis. |
90022 |
Invertébrés marins des XII^ème et XV^ème Expéditions Antarctiques Françaises en Terre Adélie. 15. Holothurides. |
51358 |
Some aspects of the ecology of lanternfishes (Myctophidae) in the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii. |
89150 |
Isopodes et Tanaidacés. |
111994 |
The rock shrimp, Sicyonia brevirostris Stimpson, 1871 (Decapoda, Penaeidae). |
79094 |
Descriçao preliminar de Munida brasilae, n. sp., do Norte e Nordeste do Brasil (Crustacea, Decapoda, Galatheidae). |
37108 |
Fishes of the western North Atlantic. Part six. |
2213 |
New Brachiopoda from the Indian Ocean. |
101489 |
Food and feeding ecology of puffins. |
7721 |
An investigation of the dynamics of population growth and control in Scyphistomae of the Scyphozoan Aurelia aurita. |
887 |
Five new bomolochid copepods parasitic on Indo-Pacific clupeid fishes. |
80836 |
Freshwater algae of Ellesmere Island, N.W.T. (exclusive of diatoms and flagellates). |
87 |
Note d'information sur les prospections de la pente continentales malgaches effectuées par le N.O. Vauban. Bathymétrie - Sédimentologie - Pêche au chalut. |
129 |
Les crevettes profondes de l'Atlantique orientale tropicale. |
78971 |
Les crevettes profondes de l'Atlantique oriental tropical. |
1138 |
Sipuncula of the Western North Atlantic. |
1420 |
Contribution a l'étude de la microfaune interstitielle des plages de lóuest Algérien. |
95866 |
The autecology of Polydora ciliata along the Belgian coast. |
6360 |
Albatross populations at the Chatham Islands. |
125336 |
New Polychaeta from Beaufort, with a key to all species recorded from North Carolina. |
79544 |
Antillean fish guide. |
90553 |
Energetics of Aphelenchus avenae in monoxenic culture. |
80091 |
Notes on the breeding biology and behavior of the Magnificent frigatebird. |
6007 |
The birds of one Tree Island with notes on their yearly cycle and feeding ecology. |
888 |
Starfishes from the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico. |
60795 |
Starfishes from the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico. |
91019 |
Estimating growth and mortality rates from size data. |
2444 |
Australian Acanthocephala No. 14: On two species of Pararhadinorhynchus, one new. |
1432 |
Interstitielle Fauna von Galapagos. II. Gnathostomulida. |
91014 |
Temporal and spatial distribution of Acanthaster planci population explosions in the Indo-West Pacific Region. |
3600 |
Appendicularians from the Indian Ocean, Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. p. 409-414. |
5924 |
The birds of the Aldermen Islands. |
89151 |
Décapodes. |
97754 |
Specific fetal growth rates of cetaceans. |
100769 |
Desarrollo intracapsular de Concholepas concholepas (Brugiere). |
106473 |
The Brachyuran Crabs of Easter Island. |
105782 |
On the penaeid prawn Parapenaeopsis stylifera and a new variety of the species from Cochin. |
9209 |
The food of the myctophid fish, Benthosema glaciale (Reinhardt), from western Norway. |
90944 |
Acanthaster: effect on coral reef growth in Panama. |
7958 |
Opisthobranchs of San Francisco Bay. |
84564 |
Growth and mortality in an arctic intertidal population of Macoma balthica (Pelecypoda, Tellinidae). |
82271 |
The amphipoda of Southern Africa. I. |
114607 |
Shrimp industry of Central America, Caribbean Sea, and northern South America. |
89147 |
Invertébrés de l'infralittoral Rocheux dans l'Archipel de Kerguelen. |
78788 |
Galatheidea (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura) collected by the F.I.S. Endeavour. |
1742 |
Chaetognathes du plancton d'Alexandrie. I. Généralités. Sagitta frederici. |
6471 |
The biology of the Waved Albatross Diomedea irrorara of Hood Island, Galapagos. |
8965 |
Pacific fishes of Canada. |
389 |
Sea scallop, Patinopecten caurinus, investigations in Alaska. Commer. Fish. Res. Develop. Act, project 5-23-R, completion rep. (unpubl.). |
91623 |
Two new species of Sandersiella (Cephalocarida), including one from the deep sea. |
6169 |
Latitudinal distribution of seabirds between New Zealand and the Ross Sea, December 1970. |
108846 |
The brackish water clam Ragia cuneata as indicator of ecological effects of salinity changes in coastal waters. |
54153 |
Diet of the hatchetfish Sternoptyx diaphana. |
4410 |
The food of Grey-faced Petrels (Pterodroma macroptera gouldi (Hutton)), with special reference to diurnal vertical migration of their prey. |
514 |
The Bêche-de-mer resources of India. |
90988 |
Studies on the population explosions of the crown-of-thorns starfish and its control. |
7061 |
The distribution of marine birds in Chilean waters in winter. |
7062 |
Studies of a declining population of Brown Pelicans in Northwestern Baja California. |
6011 |
Winter bird populations of Golfo San Jose, Argentina. |
128411 |
Population structure and individual growth of Venerupis pullastra (Montagu) (Lamellibranchia). |
128412 |
Length and weight relationships and the potential production of the bivalve Venerupis pullastra (Montagu) on a sheltered beach in western Norway. |
82902 |
Seasonal energy changes in walleye and their diet in west Blue Lake, Manitoba. |
79204 |
New species of the genus Munidopsis (Decapoda, Anomura) from the east Pacific. |
79209 |
Anomura Brachyura. |
12 |
Pycnogonids. |
6102 |
Conservation status of birds of Central Pacific Islands. |
929 |
A new polystiliferous hoplonemertean, Curranemertes natans get. et sp. n., from the Caribbean Sea (Nemertina, Polystilifera Reptantia). |
90425 |
Respiration of Antarctic Amphipoda Paramoera walkeri Stebbing during the winter season. |
91090 |
Marine polychaete annelids of Easter Island. |
79217 |
A contribution to the study of decapod Crustacea of Greece. |
129907 |
Maturity, sex ratio, and size composition of the natural population of American lobster, Homarus americanus, along the Maine coast. |
129919 |
Donées sur la biologie et sur l’alimentation de Dichelopandalus bonnieri (Crustacé-Natantia) dans le Golfe de Gascogne. |
47405 |
Note sur le regime alimentaire de quelques poissons démersaux de Côte d'Ivoire. |
12441 |
Lexique du Tahitien contemporain. |
123777 |
On the occurrence of the ctenophore Bolinopsis infundibulum (O. F. Müller) in the Western Baltic. |
93914 |
Marine benthic algal communities in the Flat Top Islands area of Georgia Strait. |
87059 |
Contributions à l'étude anatomique, histologique et biologique de l'Orcaella brevirostris (Gray-1866) (Cetacea - Delphinidae) du Mékong. |
2483 |
Systematics and zoogeography of the squid genus Illex (Oegopsida; Cephalopoda). |
90898 |
Reproductive and larval biology of Acanthaster planci in Great Barrier Reef waters. |
1463 |
Observations on the biology and the fishery of the Indian mackerel, Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier) from Andaman Islands. |
78660 |
La faune teuthologique actuelle Méditeranèe et ses rapports avec les mers voisines. |
8136 |
Ecological studies on the deep-water pelagic communities of Korsfjorden, western Norway. The species of Pasiphaea and Sergetses (Crustacea Decapoda) recorded in 1968 abd 1969. |
90736 |
Respiration and nitrogen excretion of zooplankton. II. Studies of the metabolic characteristics of starved animals. |
85361 |
Estudo populacional do camarão-rosa, Penaeus brasiliensis, Latreille, 1817, e Penaeus paulensis Pérez-Farfante, 1967. |
85391 |
Studies on the spiny lobster (Crustacea, Decapoda, Palinuridae) of the west coast of Ireland, with particular reference to Palinurus elephas Fabricius 1787. |
107054 |
Ecological energetics of the seaweed zone in a marine bay on the Atlantic coast of Canada. III. Energy transformations by sea urchins. |
8103 |
New species and records of polychaete annelids from Kuwait, Arabian Gulf. |
3586 |
Redescription de six Ascidies du golfe d'Elat recoltées par H. Schuhmacher. [Redescription of six ascidians from the Gulf of Eilat, collected by H. Schuhmacher.]. |
62996 |
Redescription de six Ascidies du golfe d'Elat recoltées par H. Schuhmacher. [Redescription of six ascidians from the Gulf of Eilat, collected by H. Schuhmacher.]. |
89153 |
Ascidies Phlébobranches et Stolidobranches des Îles Kerguelen récoltées. |
89857 |
Ascidies des Îles Kerguelen récoltées par P.M. Arnaud. |
89152 |
Ascidies Aplousobranches des Îles Kerguelen récoltées. |
90 |
Sur quelques Crustacés néo-calédoniens de profundeur. |
1401 |
Campyloderes macquariae Johnston, 1938 (Kinorhyncha: Cyclorhagida) from the Northern Hemisphere. |
62515 |
Campyloderes macquariae Johnston, 1938 (Kinorhyncha: Cyclorhagida) from the Northern Hemisphere. |
117410 |
The kelp fauna of northeast Britain. II. Multivariate classification: turbidity as an ecological factor. |
127196 |
The larger Crustacea associated with holdfasts of kelp (Laminaria hyperborea) in north-east Britain. |
80416 |
The stomatopod crustacea collected by the Mariel King Memorial Expedition in Maluku waters in 1970. |
3189 |
The biology and functional morphology of Galeomma (Paralepida) takii (Bivalvia: Leptonacea). |
77829 |
The biology and functional morphology of Laternula truncata (Lamarck, 1818) (Bivalvia: Anomalodesmata:Pandoracea). |
84581 |
An investigation of a population of the soft clam (Mya arenaria L.) in a Danish estuary. |
106039 |
Settling, growth and mortality of young bivalves in the Oresund. |
2299 |
Parasites and fishes in a deep-sea environment. |
125403 |
Enchytraeidae (Oligochaeta) from the Arctic archipelago of Canada. |
5983 |
Preliminary examination of stomach contents of Murres (Uria spp.) from the eastern Bering Sea and Bristol Bay, June-August, 1970 and 1971. |
2531 |
Segnalazione di nuovi ospiti per Golvanacanthus blennii Paggi e Orechia, 1972 (Rhadinorhynchoidea: Golvanacanthinae). |
125807 |
A new chaetognath genus and species, with remarks on the taxonomy and distribution of others. |
75847 |
Revision of Matajiro Yokoyama's type Mollusca from the Tertiary and Quaternary of the Kanto area. |
82026 |
The systematics of some Jamaican excavating sponges (Porifera). |
104676 |
Growth, recruitment, and distribution of the littleneck clam, Protothaca staminea, in Galena Bay, Prince William Sound, Alaska. |
79389 |
Munidopsis albatrossae, a new species of deep-sea Galatheidae (Decapoda, Anomura) from the Eastern Pacific Ocean. |
102 |
Western Atlantic shrimps of the genus Solenocera with description of a new species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Penaeidae). |
75827 |
Rediscovery of Fraser's dolphin Lagenodelphis hosei. |
102301 |
A review of the genus Anacropora Ridley, (Scleractinia, Acroporidae) with the description of a new species. |
82764 |
Ecology of New Zealand abalones, Haliotis species (Mollusca: Gastropoda). 4. Reproduction. |
80354 |
Benthic fauna. |
134 |
Indo-West Pacific penaeid prawns of commercial importance. |
725 |
Occurrence of some juvenile stages referable to the apodous holothurian Patinapta ooplax (Marenzeller) in the intertidal sands of Andaman Islands. |
128219 |
Systematics and ecology of the Isefjord marine fauna (Denmark) with a survey of the eelgrass (Zostera) vegetation and its communities. |
90617 |
Population dynamics of three Jamaican Demospongiae. |
12525 |
Biological notes on Barbus (Pisces: Cyprinidae) in the Volta Lake, Ghana. |
85592 |
Northern shrimp - assessment of some population parameters March 1, 1970 to May 31, 1973. |
82542 |
Revision of the coral-inhabiting barnacles (Cirripedia: Balanidae). |
126165 |
Experimental studies of predation by the crab Eriphia verrucosa on both snail and hermit crab occupants of conspecific gastropod shells. |
89148 |
Nouvelle contribution à l'étude des annelides polychetes des Îles Kerguelen. |
84997 |
Clionid sponges from the coast of Tunisia. |
77708 |
Three new bivalves from Amami islands south of Kyushu, Japan. |
77754 |
Family Mesodesmatidae of Japan and adjacent seas, with the description of a new species. |
1581 |
Ein Priapulide mit Kleptocniden aus dem Adriatischen Meer. |
105657 |
Lista de los crustaceos Decapodos Anomura obtenidos en 1966 por la expedicion "Walther Herwig" en el Atlantico sur y depositados en las colleciones del Instituto de Biologia Marina. |
1449 |
Respiration rates of two species of Gnathostomulids. |
2404 |
Acanthocephala of South American Fishes. Part 2. Palaeacanthocephala. |
74638 |
Age determination of sea otter final report. |
8829 |
Freshwater fishes of Canada. |
8577 |
Adaptive significance of post-hatching developmental patterns and growth rates in the Alcidae. |
94996 |
Interspecific feeding assemblages of marine birds off British Columbia. |
103131 |
Notes on Indo-West Pacific species of Macrophthalmus (Crustacea, Brachyura). |
124224 |
A description of the sea anemone Stomphia didemon sp. nov. and its development. |
129028 |
Ecology of echinoderms in Borgenfjorden, North-Trøndelag, Norway |
97499 |
The population biology of Lacuna pallidula (Da Costa) and Lacuna vincta (Montagu) in north-east England. |
111192 |
Some aspects of the biology of Calliopius laevisculus (Krøyer) (Crustacea, Amphipoda) in the northwestern Atlantic. |
2088 |
Achelia sheperdi n. sp. and other Pycnogonida from Australia. |
4844 |
Food-habitat relationship of sea ducks on the New Hampshire coastline. |
104937 |
Fishery and biology of Metapenaeus monoceros (Fabricius) from the Godavari estuarine system. |
104089 |
Los cangrejos de la familia "Portunidae" (Crustaceos Decapodos Brachyura) en el occidente de Venezuela. |
104072 |
Bibliografia y ecologia de los cangerjos de la familia "Portunidae" (Crustaceos Decapodos Brachyura) en la Costa Atlantica de America. |
82947 |
Caloric measurements of some estuarine organisms. |
84599 |
The growth of Mytilus edulis L. (Bivalvia) from Disko and Thule district, Greenland. |
103 |
Shore and offshore penaeid prawns of northern Arabian Sea. |
106441 |
Decapodos caridea del genero Campylonotus Bate, 1888. |
2559 |
Les Cymothoidae (isopoda, Flabellifera) du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle de Paris. Étude critique accompagné de précisions en particulier sur la répartition géographique et l'écologie des différentes espèces représentées, I: Les Ceratothoinae Schio |
78384 |
Three species of sea snake not previously reported in the Strait of Formosa. |
109502 |
Biology and ecology of the crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii ssp. tridentatus. |
90671 |
Caloric values of some North Atlantic invertebrates. |
125215 |
The Cumacea of the estuarine area of the rivers Rhine, Meuse and Scheldt (Crustacea, Malacostraca). |
3646 |
The genus Thalia Blumenbach, 1798 (Tunicata. Thaliacea), with descriptions of two new species. |
3647 |
A new species in the genus Salpa Forskal, 1775 (Tunicata, Thaliacea). |
105337 |
Seasonal migration of the swimming crab Macropipus holsatus in an estuarine area controlled by tidal streams. |
5530 |
Food habits and breeding range of Herring Gulls in the Canadian Prairie Provinces. |
6662 |
Seabirds at Lagos and in the Gulf of Guinea. |
87564 |
Fish populations of the Avon-Heathcote estuary. |
28099 |
Intertidal feeding of winter flounders (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) in the bay of Fundy. |
100778 |
Notes on the development of Colus stimpsoni (Prosobranchia: Buccinidae). |
79476 |
The effect of the environment on the morphology of Munida gregaria (Fabricius) (Decapoda, Anomura). |
82952 |
Caloric values of marine animals from the Gulf of Mexico. |
90658 |
Seasonal variations in rate of photosynthetic activity and chemical composition of the littoral seaweeds common to the North Adriatic. Part 2. Wrangelia penicillata C. Ag. |
90659 |
Seasonal variations in rate of photosynthetic activity and chemical composition of the littoral seaweeds common to [the] North Adriatic. Part 1. Fucus virsoides (Don) J. Ag. |
97303 |
The transformation of energy by Lucifer chacei (Crustacea, Decapoda). |
8376 |
New species of Membranobalanus Hoek and Hexacreusia Zullo (Cirripedia, Balanidae) from the Galapagos Archipelago. |