6866 |
Estimation of the breeding population of the Sooty Tern Sterna fuscata on Nakanokami-shima, South Ryukyu, Japan. |
7873 |
An illustrated guide to the marine decapod crustaceans of Florida. |
72535 |
An illustrated guide to the marine decapod crustaceans of Florida. |
80587 |
Species profiles: life histories and environmental requirements of coastal fishes and invertebrates (mid-Atlantic)--softshell clam. |
7268 |
Relationships of pelagic seabirds with the Southern Ocean environment assessed by correspondence analysis. |
6205 |
The first breeding case of the Storm Petrel in Greece. |
105752 |
Yield-per recruit analyses on Parapenaeopsis stylifera and Metapenaeus dobsoni from Kerala State, India. |
81711 |
Nuevas adiciones a la fauna de poríferos de Cuba. |
6231 |
Seasonal fluctuations of Gulls in Liguria. |
90498 |
Changes of respiration and biomass of spider crab (Hyas araneus ) larvae during starvation. |
113670 |
Effects of temperature on the biology of the northern shrimp, Pandalus borealis, in the Gulf of Maine. |
114227 |
Distribution and abundance of decapod crustacean larvae in the southeastern Bering Sea with emphasis on commercial species. |
125569 |
Preliminary survey of benthic invertebrates collected by Polish Antarctic expeditions in Admiralty Bay (King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica). |
4738 |
Seabird interactions with dolphins and tuna in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. |
78164 |
Two new anomuran Crustacea (Decapoda: Anomura) from north-west Australia. |
78408 |
Two new species of anomuran crustaceans (Decapoda: Chirostylidae and Galatheidae) from the Andaman Sea. |
89 |
Decapod crustaceans from the continental shelf and slope around Japan. |
115167 |
Synchronous spawnings of 105 scleractinian coral species on the Great Barrier Reef. |
6232 |
Wintering population of the Common Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis in Tuscany, Italy. |
104101 |
Contribution to the knowledge of Mysidacea from Western Pacific: Aberomysis muranoi n. gen., n. sp. and Palaumysis simonae n. gen., n. sp. from marine caves on Palau, Micronesia. |
105810 |
The bivalve molluscs of Varangerfjorden, northern Norway. |
2678 |
Neolithodes diomedeae (Benedict, 1894) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Lithodidae). |
85420 |
Population dynamics and fisheries of squat lobsters, family Galatheidae, in Chile. |
6233 |
Some indications of Laridae in Albania. |
113896 |
Diet of the South African abalone Haliotis midae. |
85462 |
Long-term changes in some benthic species in the Firth of Clyde, with particular reference to Tellina tenuis da Costa. |
8914 |
Serrivomeridae. |
101357 |
Endogenous circatidal rhythmicity in the New Zealand cockle Chione stutchburyi (Bivalvia: Veneridae). |
106459 |
Collection of common organisms within the Virgin Islands National Park/Biosphere Reserve. |
13520 |
Prey size selection by the mosquitofish: relation to optimal diet theory. |
5648 |
Feeding habits, accommodation to man, breeding success and aspects of coloniality in the Common Gull Larus canus. |
5344 |
Some aspects of the breeding biology of Salvin's Prion Pachyptila vittata salvini at Marion Island. |
96433 |
Feeding-current interactions and competition for food among the bryozoan epiphytes of Fucus serratus. |
6473 |
The distribution and abundance of seabirds South-east of Tasmania and over the Soela seamount during April 1985. |
3093 |
Zonation and evolution of rocky bottom hydroid community. |
6230 |
Conservation priorities for seabirds in Italy. |
90467 |
Nitrogen pools in seagrass beds of Cymodocea serrulata and Zostera capricorni of Moreton Bay, Australia. |
96494 |
Chemoreception in sea anemones: betaine stimulates the pre-feeding response in Urticina eques and U. felina. |
4343 |
Seabird guano as a determinant of rocky intertidal community structure. |
114577 |
Thematic mapping of reefs by processing of simulated SPOT satellite data: application to the Trochus niloticus biotope on Tetembia Reef (New Caledonia). |
6058 |
Recent work on the origin and suppression of bird species in the Cape Verde Islands, especially the shearwaters, the herons, the kites and the sparrows. |
42391 |
Effect of regurgitation on stomach content data of marine fishes. |
107913 |
Tortanus recticauda: extension of range to Arabian Gulf (Copepoda, Calanoida, Tortanidae). |
6214 |
The breeding biology of Audouin's Gull on the Chafarinas Islands. |
6749 |
The use of multivariate statistics for developing habitat suitability index models: Modeling Habitat Relationships of Terrestrial Vert. |
6217 |
Breeding ecology of Laridae and Sternidae in the Comacchio wetlands (Po Delta) and recent population trends. |
4746 |
Sooty Shearwaters off California: distribution, abundance and habitat use. |
5319 |
Squid beaks regurgitated by greyheaded and yellownosed albatrosses, Diomedea chrysostoma and D. chlororhynchos at the Prince Edward Islands. |
117196 |
Population biology of the spanner crab (Ranina ranina) in south-east Queensland. |
81578 |
Cirolanidae (Crustacea: Isopoda) of Australia. |
81613 |
New records of isopod crustaceans from Hong Kong. |
118665 |
The decline of the gastropod Nucella lapillus around south-west England: evidence for the effect of tributylin from antifouling paints. |
3765 |
Age and growth. |
90914 |
The impact of Acanthaster planci coral kills on the Samoan reef fish community. |
125099 |
The benthic amphipod fauna of the west-Norwegian continental shelf compared with the fauna of five adjacent fjords. |
13538 |
Feeding ecology of Macruronus novaezelandiae (Hector) (Teleostei: Merlucciidae) in south-eastern Australia. |
4827 |
Diving depths of Atlantic Puffins and Common Murres. |
4288 |
The effect of human activity on shorebirds in two coastal bays in Northeastern United States. |
118433 |
Investigations of belukha whales in coastal waters of western and northern Alaska. II. Biology and ecology. |
2435 |
Speciation and specificity of acanthocephalans. Genetic and morphological studies of Acanthocephaloides geneticus sp.n. parasitizing Arnoglossus laterna (Bothidae) from the Mediterranean littoral (Sète-France). |
1003 |
A Revision of the North West Atlantic Stylasteridae. |
8335 |
Plicatotheca anitae, a new genus and species of thecate hydroid from Bermuda and Southe Africa. |
90524 |
Size, weight and caloric content estimates of Calocaris macandreae (Crustacea: Decapoda) from chelae biometry for studies on fish ecology. |
108794 |
Impact of the commercial fishery on the population of bait shrimp (Penaeus spp.) in Biscayne Bay. |
6234 |
The 1986 census of the breeding population of Shags in the Balearic Islands. |
6221 |
The importance of the Iberian Mediterranean coast as a wintering area for Gulls and Terns. |
6191 |
Rise and fall of the Farallon Common Murre. |
3642 |
Archeterokrohnia rubra n. gen., n. sp. nouveau Chaetognathe abyssal de l'Atlantique nord-africain: description et position systématique, hypothèse phylogénétique [Archeterokrohnia rubra n. gen. n. sp., a new abyssal Chaetognath from the Nort |
125728 |
Spadella ledoyeri, un chaetognathe nouveau de la grotte sous-marine obscure des Trémies (Calanques de Cassis). |
125731 |
Deux nouvelles espèces d'Eukrohnia (Chaetognathes) de l'Atlantique sud-tropical africain. |
125732 |
Quatre nouveaux Chaetognathes atlantiques abyssaux (genre Heterokrohnia): description, remarques éthologiques et biogéographiques. |
125733 |
Découverte en Méditerranée d'un Chaetognathe nouveau du genre archaïque profond Archeterokrohnia: description et signification biogéographique. |
90561 |
Respiration and excretion by oceanic salps. |
78666 |
The caridean shrimp (Crustacea: Decapoda) of the "Albatross" Philippine Expedition, 1907-1910. Part 4: Families Oplophoridae and Nematocarcinidae. |
80757 |
Morphology of the compound eye of the giant deep-sea isopod Bathynomus giganteus. |
252 |
A report on the Scyllarus Lobsters (Crustace:Decapoda:Scyllaridae) from Taiwan. |
97365 |
The deep-sea shrimps of the family Oplophoridae (Crustacea: Decapoda) from Taiwan. |
90963 |
Infestation of Acanthaster planci in the Andaman Sea. |
1943 |
A parasitic association between a pycnogonid and a scyphomedusa in midwater. |
129105 |
Priapion fraissei (Isopoda: Entoniscidae) infections in Liocarcinus holsatus (Crustacea: Portunidae) from the British Isles. |
8762 |
Natural diet and feeding habits of the crabs Liocarcinus puber and L. holsatus (Decapoda, Brachyura, Portunidae). |
72665 |
Natural diet and feeding habits of the crabs Liocarcinus puber and L. holsatus (Decapoda, Brachyura, Portunidae). |
84689 |
Distribution and important biological features of coastal fish resources in Southeast Asia. |
78046 |
Inhibition of nematocyst discharge during feeding in the colonical hydroid Halocordyle disticha (= Pennaria tiarella): the role of previous prey-killing. |
8847 |
Dasyatidae. |
675 |
Les ressources halieutiques des pays insulaires du Pacifique. Deuxième partie: les holothuries. |
8845 |
Guide to Philippine flora and fauna. Fishes. Volume IX. |
122445 |
Alphabetical revision of the (sub) species in recent Conidae 9. ebraeus to extraordinarius with the description of Conus elegans ramalhoi nov. subspecies. |
4503 |
Diving patterns of Cormorants Phalacrocoracidae. |
51327 |
A contribution to the life history and distribution of Atlantic species of the deep-sea fishes genus Conocara (Alepocephalidae). |
5044 |
Population counts and observations at the emperor penguin Aptenodytes forsteri colony at Amanda Bay, Antarctica. |
85435 |
Secondary production of an intertidal mussel (Mytilus edulis L.) population in the Eastern Scheldt (S.W. Netherlands). |
81174 |
The size frequency and abundance of subtidal bloodworms (Glycera dibranchiata, Ehlers) in Montsweag Bay, Woolwich-Wiscasset, Maine. |
87221 |
A new species of parasitic copepod, Shiinoa bakeri (Shiinoidae), with a new host record for Shiinoa elagata Cressey. |
2501 |
The role of the lesser weever Trachinus vipera and the dab Limanda limanda in the benthic system of the southern North Sea. |
4892 |
Movements and daily activity patterns of a brown pelican in Central California. |
78901 |
Crustacés Décapodes: Penaeidae. Les espèces indo-ouest-pacifiques du genre Parapenaeus. |
78941 |
Sur deux espèces du genre Mesopenaeus (Penaeoidea: Solenoceridae) de l'océan Indien: M. brucei sp. nov. et M. mariae Pérez-Farfante & Ivanov, 1982. |
114058 |
River runoff and shrimp abundance in a tropical coastal ecosystem-the example of the Sofala Bank (central Mozambique). |
75284 |
Crabs of the China seas. |
83364 |
Intertidal crabs from Beibu Gulf og Guangxi. |
90526 |
Seasonal proximate constituents and caloric values in seagrasses and algae on the west coast of Florida. |
6206 |
The status of the seabirds of the extreme Western Mediterranean. |
80087 |
Ecology of the Long-tailed skua, Stercorarius longicaudus, at Scoresby Sund, East Greenland. |
101529 |
Id. Part four: Breeding success and growth of young. |
113723 |
Metais pesados em Mexilhöes (Perna perna L.) no litoral do estado do Rio de Janeiro. |
106208 |
An ecological study of the mangrove fauna in the west coast of Sri Lanka. |
130118 |
A systematic revision of the north-eastern Atlantic shallow-water Haplosclerida (Porifera, Demospongiae) Part II: Chalinidae. |
71586 |
Biology of the acid-tolerant fish species Umbra pygmaea (De Kay, 1842). |
90548 |
Phosphorus content of tissues of Mediterranean seagrasses and its relation with the dynamics of each species. |
6204 |
Seabirds of the Southern Sardinian Islets. |
130136 |
Population dynamics of the commensal spider crab Inachus phalangium (Decapoda: Maiidae). |
2189 |
Interspecific and intrapecific morphological variation in manatees (Sirenia, Trichechus). |
105466 |
Long-term studies of macrozoobenthos in intertidal and shallow subtidal habitats near the island of Norderney (East Frisian coast, Germany). |
6089 |
Seabird densities and aggregations during the 1983 El Nino in the Galapagos Islands. |
5139 |
Diet studies of seabirds: a review of methods. |
113567 |
Observations on the population dynamics of Amphiura filiformis (Ophiuroidea: Echinodermata) in the southern North Sea and its exploitation by the dab, Limanda limanda. |
33744 |
Feeding of Ceratoscopelus warmingii (Myctophidae) in the tropical Atlantic. |
6152 |
Range extensions and the breeding seasons of seabirds in South-western Australia. |
6222 |
Bardawil Lagoon baseline environmental study and vulnerability to oil-pollution. |
90378 |
Seasonal carbon budget and growth of Laminaria solidungula in the Alaskan High Arctic. |
84819 |
Population ecology and fishery potential of the spiny lobster Panulirus penicillatus at Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands. |
5346 |
Distribution of penguins at sea in the Southeastern Atlantic and Southwestern Indian Ocean. |
128852 |
A new species of Phallodrilus (Oligochaeta, Tubificidae) from a limestone cave on Bermuda. |
3126 |
Note on the distribution of the American jack knife clam Ensis directus (Conrad, 1843) in NW Europe (Bivalvia: Cultellidae). |
113922 |
Demersal fishing resources data of the Gambian continental shelf and slope. |
90074 |
Recent shifts in Daphnia community structure in southeastern Lake Michigan: a comparison of the inshore and offshore regions. |
6212 |
Monitoring seabirds in the North Atlantic. |
109553 |
Conus hamanni spec. nov. from the Red Sea (Gastropoda: Conidae). |
6203 |
Laridae and Sternidae breeding in Italy: report on the 1982-1984 census project. |
8096 |
Review of the types and key to the species of Eunice (Eunicidae: Polychaeta) from the Australian region. |
8858 |
Cottidae. |
6218 |
Fluctuations of the Gull and Tern populations in the Ebro Delta, North-east Spain (1960-85). |
76505 |
Alimentacion de Palaemon adspersus (Rathke, 1837) y Palaemon serratus (Pennant, 1777)(DECAPODA: Natantia) en la ria de Vigo (N. O. Espana). |
1504 |
Ecological significance of the ctenophore Pleurobrachia pileus off southwestern Nova Scotia. |
4989 |
Ice edges and seabird occurrence in Antarctica. |
8899 |
Callionymidae. |
53643 |
Draconettidae. |
59530 |
A catalogue of the types kept in the collections of Museo Civico de Storia Naturale di Milano. VIII. Types of decapod Crustacea (Annotated catalog). |
80097 |
Reduced reproduction of Wedge-tailed shearwaters exposed to weathered Santa Barbara crude oil. |
2726 |
Étude biométrique de la taille à première maturité sexuelle de Geryon maritae Manning et Holthuis, 1981 du Sénégal. |
6235 |
Urban nesting of Yellow-legged Gulls in Barcelona (Spain). |
88151 |
The genus Aphylla in Mexico and Central America, with a description of a new species, Aphylla angustifolia (Odonata: Gomphidae). |
97452 |
Ancillary living marine resources of Lakshadweep. |
113572 |
Feeding ecology of the mangrove crab Neosarmatium smithi (Crustacea: Decapoda: Sesarmidae). |
81372 |
Notas ficológicas acerca de la costa atlántica-marroquí. |
85763 |
The ringed seal (Phoca hispida) spring diet in northwestern Spitsbergen, Svalbard. |
105181 |
Estudios sobre madurez, indice gonadal y fecundidad en abulon negro, Haliotis cracherodii (Mollusca: Gasteropoda) a partir de muestras colectadas en la Isla de Cedros, Baja California, en Junio 1982. |
91383 |
Observaciones sobre los Tricopteros de la Peninsula Iberica. VII: Sierra Segundera (Noroeste de España). |
4851 |
Body size, activity budgets, and diets of sea ducks wintering in Newfoundland. |
6228 |
Distribution, status and conservation of the Mediterranean Gull (Larus melanocephalus) in Greece. |
76667 |
Redescription of Stenopus devaneyi and Stenopus earlei from the Indo-West Pacific Region (Decapoda: Stenopodidae). |
2732 |
The ecology of deep-sea hydrothermal vent communities. |
81789 |
Nuevos registros de Porifera del arrecife de La Blanquilla, Veracruz, México. |
4496 |
Food of the Emperor Penguin Aptenodytes forsteri on the Antarctic Fast Ice Edge in late winter and early spring. |
4497 |
Observations on the food of the South Polar Skua, Catharacta maccormicki near Davis, Antarctica. |
5138 |
Food of the Cape Pigeon (Daption capense) from Princess Elizabeth Land, East Antarctica. |
5436 |
Observations on the food of the Southern Giant Petrel near Davis, Antarctica. |
85730 |
Guide to corals and fishes of Florida, the Bahamas and the Caribbean. |
46710 |
The pharyngeal apophysis on the base of the skull in cichlid fishes: a reply to Trewavas (1985). |
82513 |
The Decapoda Brachyura of the Siboga Expedition. Part VIII. Majidae. |
6211 |
Data banks and population monitoring in France. |
76633 |
Tudor Creek Mombasa: the early life-history stages of fish and prawns 1985. |
84859 |
Guide des etoiles de mer, oursins et autres echinodermes du lagon de Nouvelle-Caledonie [Handbook of the sea-stars, sea-urchins and related echinoderms of New-Caledonia lagoon]. |
5466 |
A quantitative analysis of the behaviour of the Chinstrap penguin Pygoscelis antarctica and Macaroni penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus on Bouvetoya during the late incubation and early nestling periods. |
3632 |
Heterokrohnia longicaudata, a new species of Chaetognatha from Antarctic waters. |
92030 |
Description of Coeliccia furcata spec. nov. from upper Burma (Zygoptera:Platycnemididae). |
85521 |
Length-weight relationships of blue, Paralithodes platypus, and golden, Lithodes aequispina, king crabs parasitized by the rhizocephalan, Briarisaccus callosus Boschma. |
8843 |
Exocoetidae. |
86568 |
The ploys of sex: relationships among the mode of reproduction, body size and habitats of coral-reef brittlestars. |
106572 |
Distribución y abundancia de los camarones Penaeoidea (Crustacea: Decapoda) colectados en las Campañas SIPCO (sur de Sinaloa, México) a bordo del B/O "El Puma". |
6005 |
Norfolk Island Birds: a review 1985. |
96095 |
Biometric observations on Spadella cephaloptera in Tenerife (Canaries). |
85209 |
Mass stranding of Fraser's dolphin, Lagenodelphis hosei, in the western North Atlantic. |
335 |
A new species of Echinoderes (Kinorhyncha, Cyclorhagida) from a coarse-sand California beach. |
78775 |
New Loricifera from southeastern United States coastal waters. |
41774 |
Relationships among fishes and their prey in a nearshore sand community off southern California. |
113618 |
Occurrence of Uca (Deltuca) urvillei (H. Milne Edwards, 1852) in the Saudi Red Sea (Decapoda, Ocypodidae). |
104614 |
South-west Pacific cidarid echinoids (Echinodermata) including two new species. |
128577 |
An annotated check-list of marine molluscs of the Norwegian coast and adjacent waters. |
12323 |
Lethenteron kessleri (Anikin, 1905). |
104622 |
Evolution, systematics, and distribution of the Polychaeta Terebellomorpha, with a catalogue of the taxa and a bibliography. |
85513 |
A spring breeding migration of the snow crab, Chionoecetes opilio (O. Fabr.), into shallow water in Newfoundland. |
2292 |
Food habits and intestinal parasites of deep demersal fishes from the upper continental slope east of Newfoundland, northwest Atlantic Ocean. |
42663 |
Changes in the feeding biology of the Nile perch, Lates niloticus (L.) (Pisces:Centropomidae), in Lake Victoria, East Africa since its introduction in 1960, and its impact on the native fish community of the Nyanza Gulf. |
7703 |
Differences in the growth, form, life history of Plumularia setacea (Ellis and Solander) (Hydrozoa: Plumulariidae) in two contrasting habitats. |
2906 |
Biological destruction of coral reefs: a review. |
82618 |
Polychaetes of Thailand. Nereidae (Part 1). Perinereis and Pseudonereis with notes on species of commercial value. |
90464 |
Metabolic activity and elemental composition of krill and other zooplankton from Prydz Bay, Antarctica, during early summer (November-December). |
6020 |
Birds from Booby Island. |
6219 |
Fluctuations of the Laridae of the Rhone Delta over the past 30 years (1956-1985). |
111684 |
Predation on queen conchs, Strombus gigas, in the Bahamas. |
5368 |
Distribution, abundance and biomass of a summer community of birds in the region of the Admiralty Bay (King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica) in 1978/1979. |
80040 |
Some notes on Philippine Pinnotheridae (Crustacea: Brachyura). |
90406 |
Biochemical Studies in the Hard Clam Meretrix meretrix (L) from Vellar Estuary, East Coast of India. |
118681 |
The importance of plant defence abilities to the structure of subtidal seaweed communities: the kelp Laminaria longicruris de la Pyliae survives grazing by the snail Lacuna vincta (Montagu) at high population densities. |
4916 |
Structure et fonctionnement des communautes d' oiseaux marins Antarctiques et subantarctiques: presentation d' un programme charniere entre terre et mer. |
104336 |
Gametogenic cycle of Rangia cuneata (Mactridae, Mollusca) in Mobile Bay, Alabama, with comments on geographic variation. |
1901 |
Two new species of Lepidochitona Gray, 1821 (Polyplacophora: Ischnochitonidae) from Senegal and the Cabo Verde Archipelago. |
61909 |
Two new species of Lepidochitona Gray, 1821 (Polyplacophora: Ischnochitonidae) from Senegal and the Cabo Verde Archipelago. |
82221 |
A new species of Enoplometopus (Thalassinidea: Axiidae) from the northern Philippines. |
106617 |
Dol net fishery off Nawabunder (Gujarat). |
6826 |
Seabird Islands. No. 160. Pipon Island, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland. |
6833 |
Seabird Islands. No. 43/1. Raine Island, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland. |
7155 |
Comparative foraging and breeding habits of Arctic and Common Terns. |
108871 |
Reef-dwelling molluscs in open framework cavities, Bonaire N.A., and their potential for preservation in a fossil reef. |
84132 |
On the occurrence of marine fungi in the diet of Littorina angulifera and observations on the behavior of the periwinkle. |
5629 |
The seabirds of Nakanokami-shima, South Ryukyu, Japan. |
6880 |
The seabirds of Nakanokami-shima, South Ryukyu, Japan. |
6881 |
Chick mortality of the Sooty Tern Sterna fuscata caused by Typhoon-8211 in Nakamokami-shima, South Ryukyu, Japan. |
89831 |
Taxonomic revision of the neritid gastropods. |
9045 |
Fundamental trophic relationships of the rockfishes Sebastes mentella and Sebastes fasciatus (Scorpaenidae) of the northwestern Atlantic. |
2295 |
Acanthocephala in fishes in Australia- New Zealand region. |
2296 |
Echinorhynchus sebastolobi sp. n. (Acanthocephala, Echinorhynchidae) an intestinal parasite of sea perch. |
90420 |
Metabolism of epipelagic tropical ctenophores. |
82754 |
A neotype designation for Petrolisthes tomentosus (Dana) and description of Petrolisthes heterochrous, new species, from the Mariana Islands (Anomura: Porcellanidae). |
9088 |
Cichlid fishes of the Amazon River drainage of Peru. |
746 |
Northeast Pacific holothurians of the genus Parastichopus with a description of a new species, Parastichopus leukothele (Echinodermata). |
6223 |
Pollutant levels and their effects on Mediterranean seabirds. |
91840 |
The breeding biology of the Crested tern Sterna bergii. |
7711 |
The feeding and growth of the sea nettle, chrysaora quinquecirrha (Desor), in the laboratory. |
8449 |
Water content, organic content, and carbon and nitrogen composition of medusae from the northeast pacific. |
72990 |
Water content, organic content, and carbon and nitrogen composition of medusae from the northeast pacific. |
119700 |
Seasonal changes in the standing stocks, growth rates, and production rates of gelatinous predators in Saanich Inlet, British Columbia. |
5952 |
A common tern in the Bay of Plenty. |
84397 |
Coral communities of the Namsu Islands (Gulf of Siam, South China Sea). |
4715 |
Food transit rates in Cape Gannets and Jackass Penguins. |
116212 |
Burrows protect postlarval lobsters Homarus americanus from predation by the non-burrowing cunner Tautogolabrus adspersus, but not from the burrowing mud crab Neopanope texani. |
90798 |
Proximate composition and standing crop of Durvillaea antarctica(Pheophyta) in the Bay of Morbihan, Kerguelen (South Indian Ocean). |
75100 |
Faune mobile des herbiers de phanérogames marines (Halodule et Thalassia) de la Laguna de Términos (Mexique, Campeche). II. Les Gammariens (Crustacea). |
127087 |
Growth and reproduction of the green mussel Perna viridis (L.) (Bivalvia: Mytilacea) in contrasting environments in Hong Kong. |
79266 |
The Crustacea Decapoda of Cyprus. |
111848 |
Enteroviruses in mussels and marine sediments and depuration of naturally accumulated viruses by green lipped mussels (Perna canaliculus). |
105463 |
Vertical distributions of decapod crustacean larvae and pelagic post-larvae over Great Sole Bank (Celtic Sea) in June 1983. |
92003 |
Body fat condition in Northeast Atlantic fin whales, Balaenoptera physalus and its relationship with reproduction and food resource. |
2778 |
Temporal changes of community structure and biomass in two subtidal macroinfaunal assemblages in La Coruña bay, NW Spain. |
118475 |
Comparative trends and ecological patterns of rocky subtidal communities in the Swedish and Norwegian Skagerrak area. |
84646 |
Production and resource partitioning in the giant scallop Placopecten magellanicus grown on the bottom and in suspended culture. |
108683 |
Reproduction of the ornate rock lobster, Panulirus ornatus (Fabricius), in Papua New Guinea. |
6761 |
Tern nesting and distribution along the coast of western Sarawak. |
101105 |
p. 143. In Crustacean Biogeography. Evolution and zoogeography of the Isopoda Bopyridae, parasites of Crustacea Decapoda. |
3433 |
Recebnt abd Tertiary Cocculinidae and Pseudococculinidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from New Zealand and New South Wales. |
78655 |
Reproductive cycle and seasonal feeding activity of the neogastropod Buccinum undatum. |
6209 |
Status and conservation of the Storm Petrel Hydrobates pelagicus in Sicily. |
6220 |
Biometrical and biological considerations on the Cory's Shearwater Calonectris diomedea. |
2865 |
Relationship of euphausiids with other zooplankton and productivity in the continental shelf waters along the southwest coast of India. |
85779 |
Stocks of Metapenaeus affinis in Kuwait and Iraq waters. |
77613 |
Studies on the Kawamura collection (Mollusca) in the national museum, Tokyo III. Genus Tapes megerle, 1911 (Bivalvia), with description of a new species. |
118316 |
Time-series feeding rates of the euphausiid Thysanoessa raschiiin a temporally patchy food environment. |
6418 |
Feeding specialization and preference in Herring Gulls. |
90814 |
On estimating energetic values of prey: implications in optimal diet models. |
105950 |
Determination of mercury, cadmium, chromium and lead in marine organisms by flameless atomic absorption spectrophotometry. |
108679 |
Length-weight and tail length-total length relationship in Panulirus homarus Linnaeus on the south-west coast of India. |
6207 |
Seabirds along the Mediterranean sea coast of Egypt. |
6055 |
The occurrence of Skuas (Stercorariidae) in the Middle East, with special reference to Egypt and then northern Red Sea. |
91023 |
Survey of coral reefs, Iligan Bay, Philippines. |
75901 |
Population dynamics and status of Crocodylus porosus in the tidal waterways of northern Australia. |
3701 |
Zooplankton of the wetsern Arabian Gulf south of Kuwait waters. |
8857 |
Gobiidae. |
107192 |
Japanese polychaetes of the genera Eunice and Euniphysa: Taxonomy and branchial distribution patterns. |
42247 |
A study on the feeding habits of fishes in the south-western portion of the South China Sea. |
6216 |
Nest-site selection and interaction of Yellow-legged and Audouin's Gulls at Isola dell'Asinara. |
6549 |
The diet of the Short-tailed Shearwater Puffinus tenuirostris during its breeding season. |
79351 |
The marine fauna of the Cullercoats District. Number 21. Crustacea: Decapoda. |
4325 |
Decline in numbers of Rockhopper Penguins at Campbell Island. |
3130 |
Stomatopod Crustacea. Résultats du campagnes MUSORSTOM I and II Philippines, 2. |
120359 |
Reproductive biology and growth of the genus Epizoanthus (Zoanthidae) from the north-east Atlantic. |
79353 |
Review of the hitherto recorded species of Crustacea Decapoda from the Bosphorus, the Sea of Marmara and the Dardanelles. |
76738 |
Edible crabs of Kenya. |
108026 |
Amphipoda from the South Pacific: Tonga. |
5991 |
Aves pelagicas en Costa Bonita, Buenos Aires, Argentina. |
82624 |
Philippine Annelids. |
90734 |
Oxygen consumption of fed and straved Aequorea Victoria (Murbach and Shearer, 1902) (Hdyromedusae). |
910 |
Guide to Philippine Flora and Fauna. Corals. |
84848 |
Growth and mortality of the Malaysian cockle (Anadara granosa L.) under commercial culture: analysis through length-frequency data. |
998 |
Biological variation between and within populations of the deep-water prawn Pandalus borealis in two North Norweigian Fjords. |
3772 |
Some ascidians dredged around the Oki Islands, the Japan Sea. |
1287 |
Redescription of a brooding nemertine, Cyanophthalma obscura (Schultze) gen. et comb.n., with observations on its biology and discussion of the species of Prostomatella and reated taxa. |
108883 |
Recoveries of sooty terns Sterna fuscata on Saba Cay, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands. |
124771 |
Demographic equilibrium: the case of an Amphiura filiformis assemblage on the west coast of Ireland. |
1657 |
A guide to the ctenophores of the Southern Ocean and adjacent waters. |
4504 |
The diet of Emperor Penguins Aptenodytes forsteri in Adelie Land, Antarctica. |
77992 |
Planktonic copepods from coastal and inshore waters of Tudor Creek, Mombasa. |
104779 |
Species profiles: life histories and environmental requirements of coastal fishes and invertebrates (Pacific Northwest) -- Dungeness crab. |
100409 |
Chemical induction of larval settlement and metamorphosis in the reef-building tube worm Phragmatopoma californica (Polychaeta; Sabellariidae). |
100405 |
Evidence of a defensive role for limatulone, a novel triterpene from the intertidal limpet Collisella limatula. |
711 |
Peniagone leander new species, an abyssal benthopelagic sea cucumber (Echinodermata, Holothuroidea), from the Eastern Central Pacific Ocean. |
123288 |
Diopatra dexiognatha, a new species of Onuphidae (Polychaeta) from Oahu, Hawaiian Islands. |
8913 |
Rondeletiidae. |
1866 |
Ultrastructure of follicular epithelia in the Ovary of Lepidochitona cinerea (L.) (Mollusca: Polyplacophora). |
105507 |
The mangrove ecosystem. |
113547 |
Mangroves of Sri Lanka. |
77969 |
Prenatal mortality in a marine cladoceran, Evadne nordmanni. |
81145 |
Review of the fishery for and biology of the Cape rock lobster Jasus lalandii with notes on larval recruitment. |
81416 |
Seaweeds of the western coast of tropical Africa and adjacent islands: a critical assessment. IV. Rhodophyta (Florideae). 1. Genera A-F. |
82031 |
A collection of West Indian Demospongiae (Porifera). |
105327 |
The complete larval development of the edible crab, Cancer setosus Molina and observations on the prezoeal and first zoeal stages of C. coronatus Molina (Decapoda: Brachyura, Cancridae). |
106343 |
Growth of the spiny lobster Panulirus polyphagus (Herbst) reared in the laboratory. |
3314 |
Positive abundance and negative distribution effects of a gastropod on an intertidal hermit crab. |
51618 |
Lipid composition of twenty-two species of Antarctic midwater zooplankton and fish. |
82530 |
Studies on Chinese Cirripedia (Crustacea). VII. Family Pyrgomatidae. |
12281 |
Eudontomyzon danfordi Regan 1911. |
7669 |
Eudistoma lakshamianin.sp. - a new colonial ascidian from Tuticorin coast of India. |
79413 |
The nomenclature and diagnostic characters of four north-eastern Atlantic specis of the genus Munida Leach: Munida rugosa (Fabricius), M. tenuimana G.O. Sars, M. intermedia A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier, and M. sarsi Huss |
8650 |
A mass stranding of sperm whales in Oregon: sex and age composition of the school. |
114249 |
Competition for shelter between lobsters (Homarus americanus) and Jonah crabs (Cancer borealis): effects of relative size. |
4596 |
Daily energy expenditure by adult Leach's Storm Petrels during the nesting cycle. |
6459 |
Notes on the Avifauna of Niuafo'ou Island, Kingdom of Tonga. |
4969 |
Population size and breeding success of the Gentoo Penguin, Pygoscelis papua, at Macquarie Island. |
4594 |
Breeding biology of Least Auklets on the Pribilof Islands, Alaska. |
4595 |
Energy expenditure in adult Least Auklets and Diving Petrels during the chick-rearing period. |
4597 |
Notes on petrels (Procellariiformes) breeding on Ardley Island, South Shetland Islands. |
109551 |
Conus sertacinctus n. sp. von den Salomonen (Prosobranchia: Conidae). |
2304 |
New species of Acanthocephala of the genus Echinorhynchus (Echinorhynchidae) from the southwestern Atlantic. |
106537 |
Cadmium, copper, lead and zinc in three species of planktonic crustaceans from the east coast of Corsica. |
91231 |
Growth and longevity of krill during the first decade of pelagic whaling. |
7318 |
On Shy Albatrosses Diomedea cauta in South African waters. |
7887 |
The Chromodorididae (Opisthobranchia: Mollusca) of the Indo-West Pacific: Noumea flava colour group. |
76533 |
The Chromodorididae (Ophistobranchia: Mollusca) of the Indo-West Pacific: Noumea purpurea and Chromodoris decora colour groups. |
79969 |
The Chromodorididae (Opisthobranch: Mollusca) of the Indo-West Pacific: the genus Glossodoris Ehrenbergh (=Casella, H. & A. Adams). |
82085 |
Phylum Porifera (Sponges). |
33988 |
Seasonal and size-related changes in the food of the short-finned eel, Anguilla australis in Lake Ellesmere, Canterbury, New Zealand. |
4193 |
Waders (Charadrii) and other water birds on the coast and adjacent wetlands of Natal, 1980-81. |
2021 |
Los Gusanos Sipunculidos (Sipuncula) de los fondos litorales y circalitorales de las costas de la Peninsula Iberica, Islas Balearesm Canarias y Mares Adyacentes. |
125784 |
Systematics notes on Spadella and on the Chaetognatha in general. |
5575 |
Observations on procellariiformes in the littoral of the Murcia Region (South-East Spain). |
4295 |
Observaciones sobre Procellariiformes en el litoral de la region de Murcia (SE España). |
1963 |
Distribución batimétrica y abundancia de algunos cefalópodos del mar Catalán. |
7153 |
Diets and food web relationships of seabirds in the Gulf of Alaska and adjacent marine regions. |
4739 |
Trends in Elegant Tern and Northern Anchovy populations in California. |
6229 |
Breeding distribution, numbers and conservation of seabirds in Sardinia, 1978-85. |
89427 |
Depth distribution and abundance of benthic organisms and fishes at the subtropical Kermadec Islands. |
90980 |
Depth distribution and abundance of benthic organisims and fishes at the subtropical Kermadec Islands. |
4344 |
Scale-dependent correlation of seabirds with schooling fish in a coastal ecosystem. |
5320 |
The diet of chicks of greatwinged, Kerguelen and softplumaged petrels at the Prince Edward Islands. |
6213 |
Seabird census and study techniques. |
6225 |
Christmas Island (Pacific Ocean) seabirds and the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO): 1984 perspectives. |
4709 |
Roosting by pelagic seabirds: energetic, populational, and social considerations. |
6131 |
La conservacion del pinguino de Magallanes: un problema de conflicto e intereses que requiere de argumentos cientificos. |
5386 |
Diet of the Magellanic Penguin Spheniscus magellanicus during the chick-rearing period at Punta Clara, Argentina. |
191 |
Notes on Justita japonica (Kubo, 1955) and Palinustus waguensis Kubo, 1963 (Decapoda, Palinuridae). |
6224 |
Human impact on seabirds in the Balearic Islands. |
3468 |
Studies on stomatopod Crustacea from the seas around India. |
78182 |
Species Profiles: Life Histories and Environmental Requirments of Coastal Fishes and Invertebrates (Pacific Southwest). |
85001 |
The sea urchins of Sagami Bay. |
2412 |
Ecology of a low-energy specialist: food habits and reproductive biology of the Arafura filesnake (Acrochordidae). |
104798 |
Crecimiento del mejillón chora Mytella guyanensis (Bivalvia: Mytilidae), en el Golfo de Nicoya, Costa Rica. |
2856 |
Spatial distribution of euphausiacea (Crustacea) in the southeastern Arabian Sea. |
116226 |
Stock assessment of squids and cuttlefish at selected centers. |
84717 |
Some aspects of the biology of cuttlefishes. |
81555 |
Catch rate and emergence of male and female spanner crabs Ranina ranina in Australia. |
6505 |
Seabird Islands. No. 161. Eagle Island, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland. |
115855 |
Effect of diving ducks on benthic food resources during winter in South Carolina, U.S.A. |
38773 |
Survival of fathead minnows after injury by predators and its possible role in the evolution of alarm signals. |
9089 |
The trophic status of the fish fauna in Lago Camaleao, a macrophyte dominated floodplain lake in the middle Amazon. |
4103 |
Seabird responses to fluctuating prey availability in the eastern Bering Sea. |
821 |
Shells of the Philippines. |
125829 |
Pterokrohnia arabica, a new genus and new species of Chaetognatha from the Arabian Sea. |
5508 |
La ségrégation alimentaire chez le Skua subantarctique Stercorarius skua loonbergi dans l'archipel Crozet. |
77609 |
Population size, extinction, and speciation: the fission effect in Neogene Bivalvia. |
5175 |
Diet of the blue petrel at sub-Antarctic Marion Island. |
8859 |
Cyclopteridae. |
1944 |
Pycnogonida from the Caribbean and the Straits of Florida, biological results of the University of Miami deep-sea expeditions. |
6037 |
Birds of the Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia. |
90599 |
Das Makrozoobenthos der Schlei-Produktion und Bedeutung als Fischnahrung. |
112518 |
Feeding and metabolism of Euphausia lucens (Euphausiacea) in the southern Benguela current. |
106502 |
On the biology of the penaeid Parapenaeopsis sculptilis (Heller) in the Bombay area. |
6227 |
Seabird conservation problems in the Maltese Islands. |
8848 |
Gadidae. |
90584 |
Changes in the energy content of common species from Hornsund, Southwest Spitsbergen. |
78343 |
A survey on seashells (Gastropod and Bivalvia) of northeastern coast, Taiwan, R.O, C. |
6151 |
Distribution and migration of the Solander's Petrel Pterodroma solandri in the North Pacific in relation to sea surface water temperature. |
100464 |
p. 49. In Asian Marine Biology. Diets of sand-living predatory gastropods at Piti Bay, Guam. |
6226 |
Winter mortality of seabirds on the Portuguese coast. |
64988 |
Winter mortality of seabirds on the Portuguese coast. |
86736 |
New genera and species of the Megaluropus group (Amphipoda, Megaluropidae) from American Seas. |
86737 |
Two species of Hornellia (subgenus Metaceradocus) from the Florida Keys and Belize (Amphipoda, Melphidippoidea). |
6768 |
Seabird Islands. No. 162. Brook Islands, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland. |
77657 |
Sea shore animals of Andaman and Nicobar islands. |
124829 |
The population dynamics and feeding ecology of Thais clavigera (Kuster) and Morula musiva (Kiener) (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Muricidae) in Hong Kong. |
127089 |
The population dynamics and growth of Thais clavigera and Morula musiva (Gastropoda: Muricidae) in Hong Kong. |
127090 |
The feeding ecology of Thais clavigera and Morula musiva (Gastropoda: Muricidae) in Hong Kong. |
2650 |
Foraging strategies of the marine iguana, Amblyrhynchus cristatus. |
4954 |
Foraging behavior of gentoo and chinstrap penguins as determined by new radiotelemetry techniques. |
84411 |
Community structure of coral associated invertebrates of the hermatipic coral, Pavona frondifera, in the Gulf of Thailand. |
2489 |
Aspects of feeding, growth and survival of the European squid, Loligo vulgaris Lamarck, 1799, reared through the early growth stages. |
79246 |
Crustacea Decapoda Reptantia der Tiefsee des Roten Meeres. |
108453 |
Zooplankton feeding ecology: contents of fecal pellets of the cyclopoid copepods Oncaea venusta, Corycaeus amazonicus, Oithona plumifera, and O. simplex from the northern Gulf of Mexico. |
7818 |
The birds of Africa, Volume II: game birds to pigeons. |
6312 |
Status of the Galapagos Penguin and Flightless Cormorant populations in 1985. |
80616 |
Le dauphin de Fraser, Lagenodelphis hosei (Cetacea, Odontoceti), espèce nouvelle pour la faune d'Europe. |
75285 |
Echinoecus pentagonus (A. Milne Edwards, 1879): larval development and systematic position (Crustacea: Brachyura: Xanthoidea nec Parthenopidea). |
6208 |
Importance of the Mediterranean for wintering Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis. |
82097 |
A new sublithistid sponge, Monanthus ciocalyptoides n.sp. (Porifera, Halichondrida), from the West Indian region. |
6215 |
The Larus cachinnans Michaellis colony of Chafarinas Islands. |
7065 |
Aspects of the breeding biology of an expanded population of Glaucous-winged Gulls in British Columbia. |
6368 |
Size, caloric content, and association of prey fishes in meals of nestling Rhinoceros Auklets. |
6369 |
Nesting habits and habitats of Ancient Murrelets and Cassin's Auklets in the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. |
83546 |
Corals of Australia and the Indo-Pacific. |
3766 |
Red Sea Invertebrates. |
6671 |
Notes on the feeding behavior of Buller’s shearwater. |
6065 |
The birds of Lady Elliot Island. |
5970 |
Birds of North Reef Island. |
6722 |
Black-naped Terns Sterna sumatrana on the Southern Great Barrier Reef, 1985-1986. |
6386 |
Seabird Islands. No. 163. Eshelby Island, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland. |
6384 |
Seabird Islands. No. 166. Price Cay, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland. |
6385 |
Seabird Islands. No. 165. Bylund Cay, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland. |
6424 |
Seabird Islands. No. 164. Frigate Cay, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland. |
6445 |
Seabird Islands. No. 168. Gannet Cay, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland. |
6446 |
Seabird Islands. No. 167. Bell Cay, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland. |
6210 |
The status of breeding Storm Petrels (Hydrobates pelagicus) on the Mediterranean coast of France. |
79258 |
New records of Galatheidae (Crustacea, Anomura) from East China Sea. |
87711 |
Descriptions of two new gastropods of the Trichotropidae from Kerguelen and Crozet Islands (South Indian Ocean). |
78663 |
Pelagic shrimps of the family Oplophoridae (Crustacea: Decapoda) from the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean: USNS "Eltanin" cruises 10,11,14,16, 19,21,24 and 25. |
5960 |
Status of seabirds breeding on Teuri Island. |
4922 |
Comparative ecology of the six albatross species breeding on the Crozet Islands. |
77732 |
Distribution of molluscs across a pneumatophore boundry in a small bay in Northwestern Australia. |
1769 |
Epizootic infestations by nemertean brood parasites on commercially important crustaceans. |
79467 |
Origin and age of the marine stygofauna of Lanzarote, Canary Islands. |
259 |
Mud shrimps, Upogebia, from the Eastern Pacific (Thalassinoidea: Upogebiidae). |
114142 |
Analysis of stone crabs: Menippe mercenaria (Say), restricted, and a previously unrecognized species desribed (Decapoda: Xanthidae). |
79474 |
Squat lobsters (Galatheidae: Munidopsis) associated with mesh-enclosed wood panels submerged in the deep sea. |
90644 |
Patchiness and nutritional condition of zooplankton in the California Current. |
6416 |
Recording devices on free-ranging marine animals: does measurement affect foraging performance?. |
4737 |
Breeding biology of the Rhinoceros Auklet in Washington. |
78487 |
Comparative ecology of three cancrid crab species (Cancer anthonyi, C. antennarius and C. productus) in marine subtidal habitats in southern California. |
102612 |
Bryozoans from Bali, Lombok, and Komodo. |
82953 |
Calorific value, lipid content and radioactivity of common species from Hornsund, southwest Spitsbergen. |
80265 |
Stock evaluation of two species of deep-sea shrimp of the penaeid family: Aristeus antennatus and Parapenaeus longirostris. |
90986 |
Acanthaster planci infestations of reefs and coral assemblages in Japan: a retrospective analysis of control efforts. |
75920 |
Dr.Masaharu Nishiwaki and Cetaceans of Taiwan. |
107779 |
Tetrodotoxin and paralytic shellfish toxins in Philippine crabs. |
6236 |
Balearic Shearwaters summering in Western France. |
2308 |
Echinorhynchus nototheniae sp. n. (Acanthocephala) from nototheniid fishes from the environs of South Shetlands (Antarctic). |
2316 |
Redescription of Corynosoma tunitae (Weiss 1914) and description of C. baylisi sp. N. (Acanthocephala, Polymorphidae), parasites of piscivorous birds. |
82195 |
Three new species of sponges from the Colombian Caribbean. |
90801 |
In situ growth and chemical composition of the giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera : Response to temporal changes in ambient nutrient availability. |
5610 |
Contribution to the study of the petrels of the genus Pterodroma in the Archipelago of Madeira. |
4502 |
Diet of Bulwer's Petrel Bulweria bulwerii in the Madeiran Archipelago. |