SeaLifeBase References for , 1986

Ref. No. Title
6866 Estimation of the breeding population of the Sooty Tern Sterna fuscata on Nakanokami-shima, South Ryukyu, Japan.
7873 An illustrated guide to the marine decapod crustaceans of Florida.
72535 An illustrated guide to the marine decapod crustaceans of Florida.
80587 Species profiles: life histories and environmental requirements of coastal fishes and invertebrates (mid-Atlantic)--softshell clam.
7268 Relationships of pelagic seabirds with the Southern Ocean environment assessed by correspondence analysis.
6205 The first breeding case of the Storm Petrel in Greece.
105752 Yield-per recruit analyses on Parapenaeopsis stylifera and Metapenaeus dobsoni from Kerala State, India.
81711 Nuevas adiciones a la fauna de poríferos de Cuba.
6231 Seasonal fluctuations of Gulls in Liguria.
90498 Changes of respiration and biomass of spider crab (Hyas araneus ) larvae during starvation.
113670 Effects of temperature on the biology of the northern shrimp, Pandalus borealis, in the Gulf of Maine.
114227 Distribution and abundance of decapod crustacean larvae in the southeastern Bering Sea with emphasis on commercial species.
125569 Preliminary survey of benthic invertebrates collected by Polish Antarctic expeditions in Admiralty Bay (King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica).
4738 Seabird interactions with dolphins and tuna in the Eastern Tropical Pacific.
78164 Two new anomuran Crustacea (Decapoda: Anomura) from north-west Australia.
78408 Two new species of anomuran crustaceans (Decapoda: Chirostylidae and Galatheidae) from the Andaman Sea.
89 Decapod crustaceans from the continental shelf and slope around Japan.
115167 Synchronous spawnings of 105 scleractinian coral species on the Great Barrier Reef.
6232 Wintering population of the Common Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis in Tuscany, Italy.
104101 Contribution to the knowledge of Mysidacea from Western Pacific: Aberomysis muranoi n. gen., n. sp. and Palaumysis simonae n. gen., n. sp. from marine caves on Palau, Micronesia.
105810 The bivalve molluscs of Varangerfjorden, northern Norway.
2678 Neolithodes diomedeae (Benedict, 1894) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Lithodidae).
85420 Population dynamics and fisheries of squat lobsters, family Galatheidae, in Chile.
6233 Some indications of Laridae in Albania.
113896 Diet of the South African abalone Haliotis midae.
85462 Long-term changes in some benthic species in the Firth of Clyde, with particular reference to Tellina tenuis da Costa.
8914 Serrivomeridae.
101357 Endogenous circatidal rhythmicity in the New Zealand cockle Chione stutchburyi (Bivalvia: Veneridae).
106459 Collection of common organisms within the Virgin Islands National Park/Biosphere Reserve.
13520 Prey size selection by the mosquitofish: relation to optimal diet theory.
5648 Feeding habits, accommodation to man, breeding success and aspects of coloniality in the Common Gull Larus canus.
5344 Some aspects of the breeding biology of Salvin's Prion Pachyptila vittata salvini at Marion Island.
96433 Feeding-current interactions and competition for food among the bryozoan epiphytes of Fucus serratus.
6473 The distribution and abundance of seabirds South-east of Tasmania and over the Soela seamount during April 1985.
3093 Zonation and evolution of rocky bottom hydroid community.
6230 Conservation priorities for seabirds in Italy.
90467 Nitrogen pools in seagrass beds of Cymodocea serrulata and Zostera capricorni of Moreton Bay, Australia.
96494 Chemoreception in sea anemones: betaine stimulates the pre-feeding response in Urticina eques and U. felina.
4343 Seabird guano as a determinant of rocky intertidal community structure.
114577 Thematic mapping of reefs by processing of simulated SPOT satellite data: application to the Trochus niloticus biotope on Tetembia Reef (New Caledonia).
6058 Recent work on the origin and suppression of bird species in the Cape Verde Islands, especially the shearwaters, the herons, the kites and the sparrows.
42391 Effect of regurgitation on stomach content data of marine fishes.
107913 Tortanus recticauda: extension of range to Arabian Gulf (Copepoda, Calanoida, Tortanidae).
6214 The breeding biology of Audouin's Gull on the Chafarinas Islands.
6749 The use of multivariate statistics for developing habitat suitability index models: Modeling Habitat Relationships of Terrestrial Vert.
6217 Breeding ecology of Laridae and Sternidae in the Comacchio wetlands (Po Delta) and recent population trends.
4746 Sooty Shearwaters off California: distribution, abundance and habitat use.
5319 Squid beaks regurgitated by greyheaded and yellownosed albatrosses, Diomedea chrysostoma and D. chlororhynchos at the Prince Edward Islands.
117196 Population biology of the spanner crab (Ranina ranina) in south-east Queensland.
81578 Cirolanidae (Crustacea: Isopoda) of Australia.
81613 New records of isopod crustaceans from Hong Kong.
118665 The decline of the gastropod Nucella lapillus around south-west England: evidence for the effect of tributylin from antifouling paints.
3765 Age and growth.
90914 The impact of Acanthaster planci coral kills on the Samoan reef fish community.
125099 The benthic amphipod fauna of the west-Norwegian continental shelf compared with the fauna of five adjacent fjords.
13538 Feeding ecology of Macruronus novaezelandiae (Hector) (Teleostei: Merlucciidae) in south-eastern Australia.
4827 Diving depths of Atlantic Puffins and Common Murres.
4288 The effect of human activity on shorebirds in two coastal bays in Northeastern United States.
118433 Investigations of belukha whales in coastal waters of western and northern Alaska. II. Biology and ecology.
2435 Speciation and specificity of acanthocephalans. Genetic and morphological studies of Acanthocephaloides geneticus sp.n. parasitizing Arnoglossus laterna (Bothidae) from the Mediterranean littoral (Sète-France).
1003 A Revision of the North West Atlantic Stylasteridae.
8335 Plicatotheca anitae, a new genus and species of thecate hydroid from Bermuda and Southe Africa.
90524 Size, weight and caloric content estimates of Calocaris macandreae (Crustacea: Decapoda) from chelae biometry for studies on fish ecology.
108794 Impact of the commercial fishery on the population of bait shrimp (Penaeus spp.) in Biscayne Bay.
6234 The 1986 census of the breeding population of Shags in the Balearic Islands.
6221 The importance of the Iberian Mediterranean coast as a wintering area for Gulls and Terns.
6191 Rise and fall of the Farallon Common Murre.
3642 Archeterokrohnia rubra n. gen., n. sp. nouveau Chaetognathe abyssal de l'Atlantique nord-africain: description et position systématique, hypothèse phylogénétique [Archeterokrohnia rubra n. gen. n. sp., a new abyssal Chaetognath from the Nort
125728 Spadella ledoyeri, un chaetognathe nouveau de la grotte sous-marine obscure des Trémies (Calanques de Cassis).
125731 Deux nouvelles espèces d'Eukrohnia (Chaetognathes) de l'Atlantique sud-tropical africain.
125732 Quatre nouveaux Chaetognathes atlantiques abyssaux (genre Heterokrohnia): description, remarques éthologiques et biogéographiques.
125733 Découverte en Méditerranée d'un Chaetognathe nouveau du genre archaïque profond Archeterokrohnia: description et signification biogéographique.
90561 Respiration and excretion by oceanic salps.
78666 The caridean shrimp (Crustacea: Decapoda) of the "Albatross" Philippine Expedition, 1907-1910. Part 4: Families Oplophoridae and Nematocarcinidae.
80757 Morphology of the compound eye of the giant deep-sea isopod Bathynomus giganteus.
252 A report on the Scyllarus Lobsters (Crustace:Decapoda:Scyllaridae) from Taiwan.
97365 The deep-sea shrimps of the family Oplophoridae (Crustacea: Decapoda) from Taiwan.
90963 Infestation of Acanthaster planci in the Andaman Sea.
1943 A parasitic association between a pycnogonid and a scyphomedusa in midwater.
129105 Priapion fraissei (Isopoda: Entoniscidae) infections in Liocarcinus holsatus (Crustacea: Portunidae) from the British Isles.
8762 Natural diet and feeding habits of the crabs Liocarcinus puber and L. holsatus (Decapoda, Brachyura, Portunidae).
72665 Natural diet and feeding habits of the crabs Liocarcinus puber and L. holsatus (Decapoda, Brachyura, Portunidae).
84689 Distribution and important biological features of coastal fish resources in Southeast Asia.
78046 Inhibition of nematocyst discharge during feeding in the colonical hydroid Halocordyle disticha (= Pennaria tiarella): the role of previous prey-killing.
8847 Dasyatidae.
675 Les ressources halieutiques des pays insulaires du Pacifique. Deuxième partie: les holothuries.
8845 Guide to Philippine flora and fauna. Fishes. Volume IX.
122445 Alphabetical revision of the (sub) species in recent Conidae 9. ebraeus to extraordinarius with the description of Conus elegans ramalhoi nov. subspecies.
4503 Diving patterns of Cormorants Phalacrocoracidae.
51327 A contribution to the life history and distribution of Atlantic species of the deep-sea fishes genus Conocara (Alepocephalidae).
5044 Population counts and observations at the emperor penguin Aptenodytes forsteri colony at Amanda Bay, Antarctica.
85435 Secondary production of an intertidal mussel (Mytilus edulis L.) population in the Eastern Scheldt (S.W. Netherlands).
81174 The size frequency and abundance of subtidal bloodworms (Glycera dibranchiata, Ehlers) in Montsweag Bay, Woolwich-Wiscasset, Maine.
87221 A new species of parasitic copepod, Shiinoa bakeri (Shiinoidae), with a new host record for Shiinoa elagata Cressey.
2501 The role of the lesser weever Trachinus vipera and the dab Limanda limanda in the benthic system of the southern North Sea.
4892 Movements and daily activity patterns of a brown pelican in Central California.
78901 Crustacés Décapodes: Penaeidae. Les espèces indo-ouest-pacifiques du genre Parapenaeus.
78941 Sur deux espèces du genre Mesopenaeus (Penaeoidea: Solenoceridae) de l'océan Indien: M. brucei sp. nov. et M. mariae Pérez-Farfante & Ivanov, 1982.
114058 River runoff and shrimp abundance in a tropical coastal ecosystem-the example of the Sofala Bank (central Mozambique).
75284 Crabs of the China seas.
83364 Intertidal crabs from Beibu Gulf og Guangxi.
90526 Seasonal proximate constituents and caloric values in seagrasses and algae on the west coast of Florida.
6206 The status of the seabirds of the extreme Western Mediterranean.
80087 Ecology of the Long-tailed skua, Stercorarius longicaudus, at Scoresby Sund, East Greenland.
101529 Id. Part four: Breeding success and growth of young.
113723 Metais pesados em Mexilhöes (Perna perna L.) no litoral do estado do Rio de Janeiro.
106208 An ecological study of the mangrove fauna in the west coast of Sri Lanka.
130118 A systematic revision of the north-eastern Atlantic shallow-water Haplosclerida (Porifera, Demospongiae) Part II: Chalinidae.
71586 Biology of the acid-tolerant fish species Umbra pygmaea (De Kay, 1842).
90548 Phosphorus content of tissues of Mediterranean seagrasses and its relation with the dynamics of each species.
6204 Seabirds of the Southern Sardinian Islets.
130136 Population dynamics of the commensal spider crab Inachus phalangium (Decapoda: Maiidae).
2189 Interspecific and intrapecific morphological variation in manatees (Sirenia, Trichechus).
105466 Long-term studies of macrozoobenthos in intertidal and shallow subtidal habitats near the island of Norderney (East Frisian coast, Germany).
6089 Seabird densities and aggregations during the 1983 El Nino in the Galapagos Islands.
5139 Diet studies of seabirds: a review of methods.
113567 Observations on the population dynamics of Amphiura filiformis (Ophiuroidea: Echinodermata) in the southern North Sea and its exploitation by the dab, Limanda limanda.
33744 Feeding of Ceratoscopelus warmingii (Myctophidae) in the tropical Atlantic.
6152 Range extensions and the breeding seasons of seabirds in South-western Australia.
6222 Bardawil Lagoon baseline environmental study and vulnerability to oil-pollution.
90378 Seasonal carbon budget and growth of Laminaria solidungula in the Alaskan High Arctic.
84819 Population ecology and fishery potential of the spiny lobster Panulirus penicillatus at Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands.
5346 Distribution of penguins at sea in the Southeastern Atlantic and Southwestern Indian Ocean.
128852 A new species of Phallodrilus (Oligochaeta, Tubificidae) from a limestone cave on Bermuda.
3126 Note on the distribution of the American jack knife clam Ensis directus (Conrad, 1843) in NW Europe (Bivalvia: Cultellidae).
113922 Demersal fishing resources data of the Gambian continental shelf and slope.
90074 Recent shifts in Daphnia community structure in southeastern Lake Michigan: a comparison of the inshore and offshore regions.
6212 Monitoring seabirds in the North Atlantic.
109553 Conus hamanni spec. nov. from the Red Sea (Gastropoda: Conidae).
6203 Laridae and Sternidae breeding in Italy: report on the 1982-1984 census project.
8096 Review of the types and key to the species of Eunice (Eunicidae: Polychaeta) from the Australian region.
8858 Cottidae.
6218 Fluctuations of the Gull and Tern populations in the Ebro Delta, North-east Spain (1960-85).
76505 Alimentacion de Palaemon adspersus (Rathke, 1837) y Palaemon serratus (Pennant, 1777)(DECAPODA: Natantia) en la ria de Vigo (N. O. Espana).
1504 Ecological significance of the ctenophore Pleurobrachia pileus off southwestern Nova Scotia.
4989 Ice edges and seabird occurrence in Antarctica.
8899 Callionymidae.
53643 Draconettidae.
59530 A catalogue of the types kept in the collections of Museo Civico de Storia Naturale di Milano. VIII. Types of decapod Crustacea (Annotated catalog).
80097 Reduced reproduction of Wedge-tailed shearwaters exposed to weathered Santa Barbara crude oil.
2726 Étude biométrique de la taille à première maturité sexuelle de Geryon maritae Manning et Holthuis, 1981 du Sénégal.
6235 Urban nesting of Yellow-legged Gulls in Barcelona (Spain).
88151 The genus Aphylla in Mexico and Central America, with a description of a new species, Aphylla angustifolia (Odonata: Gomphidae).
97452 Ancillary living marine resources of Lakshadweep.
113572 Feeding ecology of the mangrove crab Neosarmatium smithi (Crustacea: Decapoda: Sesarmidae).
81372 Notas ficológicas acerca de la costa atlántica-marroquí.
85763 The ringed seal (Phoca hispida) spring diet in northwestern Spitsbergen, Svalbard.
105181 Estudios sobre madurez, indice gonadal y fecundidad en abulon negro, Haliotis cracherodii (Mollusca: Gasteropoda) a partir de muestras colectadas en la Isla de Cedros, Baja California, en Junio 1982.
91383 Observaciones sobre los Tricopteros de la Peninsula Iberica. VII: Sierra Segundera (Noroeste de España).
4851 Body size, activity budgets, and diets of sea ducks wintering in Newfoundland.
6228 Distribution, status and conservation of the Mediterranean Gull (Larus melanocephalus) in Greece.
76667 Redescription of Stenopus devaneyi and Stenopus earlei from the Indo-West Pacific Region (Decapoda: Stenopodidae).
2732 The ecology of deep-sea hydrothermal vent communities.
81789 Nuevos registros de Porifera del arrecife de La Blanquilla, Veracruz, México.
4496 Food of the Emperor Penguin Aptenodytes forsteri on the Antarctic Fast Ice Edge in late winter and early spring.
4497 Observations on the food of the South Polar Skua, Catharacta maccormicki near Davis, Antarctica.
5138 Food of the Cape Pigeon (Daption capense) from Princess Elizabeth Land, East Antarctica.
5436 Observations on the food of the Southern Giant Petrel near Davis, Antarctica.
85730 Guide to corals and fishes of Florida, the Bahamas and the Caribbean.
46710 The pharyngeal apophysis on the base of the skull in cichlid fishes: a reply to Trewavas (1985).
82513 The Decapoda Brachyura of the Siboga Expedition. Part VIII. Majidae.
6211 Data banks and population monitoring in France.
76633 Tudor Creek Mombasa: the early life-history stages of fish and prawns 1985.
84859 Guide des etoiles de mer, oursins et autres echinodermes du lagon de Nouvelle-Caledonie [Handbook of the sea-stars, sea-urchins and related echinoderms of New-Caledonia lagoon].
5466 A quantitative analysis of the behaviour of the Chinstrap penguin Pygoscelis antarctica and Macaroni penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus on Bouvetoya during the late incubation and early nestling periods.
3632 Heterokrohnia longicaudata, a new species of Chaetognatha from Antarctic waters.
92030 Description of Coeliccia furcata spec. nov. from upper Burma (Zygoptera:Platycnemididae).
85521 Length-weight relationships of blue, Paralithodes platypus, and golden, Lithodes aequispina, king crabs parasitized by the rhizocephalan, Briarisaccus callosus Boschma.
8843 Exocoetidae.
86568 The ploys of sex: relationships among the mode of reproduction, body size and habitats of coral-reef brittlestars.
106572 Distribución y abundancia de los camarones Penaeoidea (Crustacea: Decapoda) colectados en las Campañas SIPCO (sur de Sinaloa, México) a bordo del B/O "El Puma".
6005 Norfolk Island Birds: a review 1985.
96095 Biometric observations on Spadella cephaloptera in Tenerife (Canaries).
85209 Mass stranding of Fraser's dolphin, Lagenodelphis hosei, in the western North Atlantic.
335 A new species of Echinoderes (Kinorhyncha, Cyclorhagida) from a coarse-sand California beach.
78775 New Loricifera from southeastern United States coastal waters.
41774 Relationships among fishes and their prey in a nearshore sand community off southern California.
113618 Occurrence of Uca (Deltuca) urvillei (H. Milne Edwards, 1852) in the Saudi Red Sea (Decapoda, Ocypodidae).
104614 South-west Pacific cidarid echinoids (Echinodermata) including two new species.
128577 An annotated check-list of marine molluscs of the Norwegian coast and adjacent waters.
12323 Lethenteron kessleri (Anikin, 1905).
104622 Evolution, systematics, and distribution of the Polychaeta Terebellomorpha, with a catalogue of the taxa and a bibliography.
85513 A spring breeding migration of the snow crab, Chionoecetes opilio (O. Fabr.), into shallow water in Newfoundland.
2292 Food habits and intestinal parasites of deep demersal fishes from the upper continental slope east of Newfoundland, northwest Atlantic Ocean.
42663 Changes in the feeding biology of the Nile perch, Lates niloticus (L.) (Pisces:Centropomidae), in Lake Victoria, East Africa since its introduction in 1960, and its impact on the native fish community of the Nyanza Gulf.
7703 Differences in the growth, form, life history of Plumularia setacea (Ellis and Solander) (Hydrozoa: Plumulariidae) in two contrasting habitats.
2906 Biological destruction of coral reefs: a review.
82618 Polychaetes of Thailand. Nereidae (Part 1). Perinereis and Pseudonereis with notes on species of commercial value.
90464 Metabolic activity and elemental composition of krill and other zooplankton from Prydz Bay, Antarctica, during early summer (November-December).
6020 Birds from Booby Island.
6219 Fluctuations of the Laridae of the Rhone Delta over the past 30 years (1956-1985).
111684 Predation on queen conchs, Strombus gigas, in the Bahamas.
5368 Distribution, abundance and biomass of a summer community of birds in the region of the Admiralty Bay (King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica) in 1978/1979.
80040 Some notes on Philippine Pinnotheridae (Crustacea: Brachyura).
90406 Biochemical Studies in the Hard Clam Meretrix meretrix (L) from Vellar Estuary, East Coast of India.
118681 The importance of plant defence abilities to the structure of subtidal seaweed communities: the kelp Laminaria longicruris de la Pyliae survives grazing by the snail Lacuna vincta (Montagu) at high population densities.
4916 Structure et fonctionnement des communautes d' oiseaux marins Antarctiques et subantarctiques: presentation d' un programme charniere entre terre et mer.
104336 Gametogenic cycle of Rangia cuneata (Mactridae, Mollusca) in Mobile Bay, Alabama, with comments on geographic variation.
1901 Two new species of Lepidochitona Gray, 1821 (Polyplacophora: Ischnochitonidae) from Senegal and the Cabo Verde Archipelago.
61909 Two new species of Lepidochitona Gray, 1821 (Polyplacophora: Ischnochitonidae) from Senegal and the Cabo Verde Archipelago.
82221 A new species of Enoplometopus (Thalassinidea: Axiidae) from the northern Philippines.
106617 Dol net fishery off Nawabunder (Gujarat).
6826 Seabird Islands. No. 160. Pipon Island, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland.
6833 Seabird Islands. No. 43/1. Raine Island, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland.
7155 Comparative foraging and breeding habits of Arctic and Common Terns.
108871 Reef-dwelling molluscs in open framework cavities, Bonaire N.A., and their potential for preservation in a fossil reef.
84132 On the occurrence of marine fungi in the diet of Littorina angulifera and observations on the behavior of the periwinkle.
5629 The seabirds of Nakanokami-shima, South Ryukyu, Japan.
6880 The seabirds of Nakanokami-shima, South Ryukyu, Japan.
6881 Chick mortality of the Sooty Tern Sterna fuscata caused by Typhoon-8211 in Nakamokami-shima, South Ryukyu, Japan.
89831 Taxonomic revision of the neritid gastropods.
9045 Fundamental trophic relationships of the rockfishes Sebastes mentella and Sebastes fasciatus (Scorpaenidae) of the northwestern Atlantic.
2295 Acanthocephala in fishes in Australia- New Zealand region.
2296 Echinorhynchus sebastolobi sp. n. (Acanthocephala, Echinorhynchidae) an intestinal parasite of sea perch.
90420 Metabolism of epipelagic tropical ctenophores.
82754 A neotype designation for Petrolisthes tomentosus (Dana) and description of Petrolisthes heterochrous, new species, from the Mariana Islands (Anomura: Porcellanidae).
9088 Cichlid fishes of the Amazon River drainage of Peru.
746 Northeast Pacific holothurians of the genus Parastichopus with a description of a new species, Parastichopus leukothele (Echinodermata).
6223 Pollutant levels and their effects on Mediterranean seabirds.
91840 The breeding biology of the Crested tern Sterna bergii.
7711 The feeding and growth of the sea nettle, chrysaora quinquecirrha (Desor), in the laboratory.
8449 Water content, organic content, and carbon and nitrogen composition of medusae from the northeast pacific.
72990 Water content, organic content, and carbon and nitrogen composition of medusae from the northeast pacific.
119700 Seasonal changes in the standing stocks, growth rates, and production rates of gelatinous predators in Saanich Inlet, British Columbia.
5952 A common tern in the Bay of Plenty.
84397 Coral communities of the Namsu Islands (Gulf of Siam, South China Sea).
4715 Food transit rates in Cape Gannets and Jackass Penguins.
116212 Burrows protect postlarval lobsters Homarus americanus from predation by the non-burrowing cunner Tautogolabrus adspersus, but not from the burrowing mud crab Neopanope texani.
90798 Proximate composition and standing crop of Durvillaea antarctica(Pheophyta) in the Bay of Morbihan, Kerguelen (South Indian Ocean).
75100 Faune mobile des herbiers de phanérogames marines (Halodule et Thalassia) de la Laguna de Términos (Mexique, Campeche). II. Les Gammariens (Crustacea).
127087 Growth and reproduction of the green mussel Perna viridis (L.) (Bivalvia: Mytilacea) in contrasting environments in Hong Kong.
79266 The Crustacea Decapoda of Cyprus.
111848 Enteroviruses in mussels and marine sediments and depuration of naturally accumulated viruses by green lipped mussels (Perna canaliculus).
105463 Vertical distributions of decapod crustacean larvae and pelagic post-larvae over Great Sole Bank (Celtic Sea) in June 1983.
92003 Body fat condition in Northeast Atlantic fin whales, Balaenoptera physalus and its relationship with reproduction and food resource.
2778 Temporal changes of community structure and biomass in two subtidal macroinfaunal assemblages in La Coruña bay, NW Spain.
118475 Comparative trends and ecological patterns of rocky subtidal communities in the Swedish and Norwegian Skagerrak area.
84646 Production and resource partitioning in the giant scallop Placopecten magellanicus grown on the bottom and in suspended culture.
108683 Reproduction of the ornate rock lobster, Panulirus ornatus (Fabricius), in Papua New Guinea.
6761 Tern nesting and distribution along the coast of western Sarawak.
101105 p. 143. In Crustacean Biogeography. Evolution and zoogeography of the Isopoda Bopyridae, parasites of Crustacea Decapoda.
3433 Recebnt abd Tertiary Cocculinidae and Pseudococculinidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from New Zealand and New South Wales.
78655 Reproductive cycle and seasonal feeding activity of the neogastropod Buccinum undatum.
6209 Status and conservation of the Storm Petrel Hydrobates pelagicus in Sicily.
6220 Biometrical and biological considerations on the Cory's Shearwater Calonectris diomedea.
2865 Relationship of euphausiids with other zooplankton and productivity in the continental shelf waters along the southwest coast of India.
85779 Stocks of Metapenaeus affinis in Kuwait and Iraq waters.
77613 Studies on the Kawamura collection (Mollusca) in the national museum, Tokyo III. Genus Tapes megerle, 1911 (Bivalvia), with description of a new species.
118316 Time-series feeding rates of the euphausiid Thysanoessa raschiiin a temporally patchy food environment.
6418 Feeding specialization and preference in Herring Gulls.
90814 On estimating energetic values of prey: implications in optimal diet models.
105950 Determination of mercury, cadmium, chromium and lead in marine organisms by flameless atomic absorption spectrophotometry.
108679 Length-weight and tail length-total length relationship in Panulirus homarus Linnaeus on the south-west coast of India.
6207 Seabirds along the Mediterranean sea coast of Egypt.
6055 The occurrence of Skuas (Stercorariidae) in the Middle East, with special reference to Egypt and then northern Red Sea.
91023 Survey of coral reefs, Iligan Bay, Philippines.
75901 Population dynamics and status of Crocodylus porosus in the tidal waterways of northern Australia.
3701 Zooplankton of the wetsern Arabian Gulf south of Kuwait waters.
8857 Gobiidae.
107192 Japanese polychaetes of the genera Eunice and Euniphysa: Taxonomy and branchial distribution patterns.
42247 A study on the feeding habits of fishes in the south-western portion of the South China Sea.
6216 Nest-site selection and interaction of Yellow-legged and Audouin's Gulls at Isola dell'Asinara.
6549 The diet of the Short-tailed Shearwater Puffinus tenuirostris during its breeding season.
79351 The marine fauna of the Cullercoats District. Number 21. Crustacea: Decapoda.
4325 Decline in numbers of Rockhopper Penguins at Campbell Island.
3130 Stomatopod Crustacea. Résultats du campagnes MUSORSTOM I and II Philippines, 2.
120359 Reproductive biology and growth of the genus Epizoanthus (Zoanthidae) from the north-east Atlantic.
79353 Review of the hitherto recorded species of Crustacea Decapoda from the Bosphorus, the Sea of Marmara and the Dardanelles.
76738 Edible crabs of Kenya.
108026 Amphipoda from the South Pacific: Tonga.
5991 Aves pelagicas en Costa Bonita, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
82624 Philippine Annelids.
90734 Oxygen consumption of fed and straved Aequorea Victoria (Murbach and Shearer, 1902) (Hdyromedusae).
910 Guide to Philippine Flora and Fauna. Corals.
84848 Growth and mortality of the Malaysian cockle (Anadara granosa L.) under commercial culture: analysis through length-frequency data.
998 Biological variation between and within populations of the deep-water prawn Pandalus borealis in two North Norweigian Fjords.
3772 Some ascidians dredged around the Oki Islands, the Japan Sea.
1287 Redescription of a brooding nemertine, Cyanophthalma obscura (Schultze) gen. et comb.n., with observations on its biology and discussion of the species of Prostomatella and reated taxa.
108883 Recoveries of sooty terns Sterna fuscata on Saba Cay, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands.
124771 Demographic equilibrium: the case of an Amphiura filiformis assemblage on the west coast of Ireland.
1657 A guide to the ctenophores of the Southern Ocean and adjacent waters.
4504 The diet of Emperor Penguins Aptenodytes forsteri in Adelie Land, Antarctica.
77992 Planktonic copepods from coastal and inshore waters of Tudor Creek, Mombasa.
104779 Species profiles: life histories and environmental requirements of coastal fishes and invertebrates (Pacific Northwest) -- Dungeness crab.
100409 Chemical induction of larval settlement and metamorphosis in the reef-building tube worm Phragmatopoma californica (Polychaeta; Sabellariidae).
100405 Evidence of a defensive role for limatulone, a novel triterpene from the intertidal limpet Collisella limatula.
711 Peniagone leander new species, an abyssal benthopelagic sea cucumber (Echinodermata, Holothuroidea), from the Eastern Central Pacific Ocean.
123288 Diopatra dexiognatha, a new species of Onuphidae (Polychaeta) from Oahu, Hawaiian Islands.
8913 Rondeletiidae.
1866 Ultrastructure of follicular epithelia in the Ovary of Lepidochitona cinerea (L.) (Mollusca: Polyplacophora).
105507 The mangrove ecosystem.
113547 Mangroves of Sri Lanka.
77969 Prenatal mortality in a marine cladoceran, Evadne nordmanni.
81145 Review of the fishery for and biology of the Cape rock lobster Jasus lalandii with notes on larval recruitment.
81416 Seaweeds of the western coast of tropical Africa and adjacent islands: a critical assessment. IV. Rhodophyta (Florideae). 1. Genera A-F.
82031 A collection of West Indian Demospongiae (Porifera).
105327 The complete larval development of the edible crab, Cancer setosus Molina and observations on the prezoeal and first zoeal stages of C. coronatus Molina (Decapoda: Brachyura, Cancridae).
106343 Growth of the spiny lobster Panulirus polyphagus (Herbst) reared in the laboratory.
3314 Positive abundance and negative distribution effects of a gastropod on an intertidal hermit crab.
51618 Lipid composition of twenty-two species of Antarctic midwater zooplankton and fish.
82530 Studies on Chinese Cirripedia (Crustacea). VII. Family Pyrgomatidae.
12281 Eudontomyzon danfordi Regan 1911.
7669 Eudistoma lakshamianin.sp. - a new colonial ascidian from Tuticorin coast of India.
79413 The nomenclature and diagnostic characters of four north-eastern Atlantic specis of the genus Munida Leach: Munida rugosa (Fabricius), M. tenuimana G.O. Sars, M. intermedia A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier, and M. sarsi Huss
8650 A mass stranding of sperm whales in Oregon: sex and age composition of the school.
114249 Competition for shelter between lobsters (Homarus americanus) and Jonah crabs (Cancer borealis): effects of relative size.
4596 Daily energy expenditure by adult Leach's Storm Petrels during the nesting cycle.
6459 Notes on the Avifauna of Niuafo'ou Island, Kingdom of Tonga.
4969 Population size and breeding success of the Gentoo Penguin, Pygoscelis papua, at Macquarie Island.
4594 Breeding biology of Least Auklets on the Pribilof Islands, Alaska.
4595 Energy expenditure in adult Least Auklets and Diving Petrels during the chick-rearing period.
4597 Notes on petrels (Procellariiformes) breeding on Ardley Island, South Shetland Islands.
109551 Conus sertacinctus n. sp. von den Salomonen (Prosobranchia: Conidae).
2304 New species of Acanthocephala of the genus Echinorhynchus (Echinorhynchidae) from the southwestern Atlantic.
106537 Cadmium, copper, lead and zinc in three species of planktonic crustaceans from the east coast of Corsica.
91231 Growth and longevity of krill during the first decade of pelagic whaling.
7318 On Shy Albatrosses Diomedea cauta in South African waters.
7887 The Chromodorididae (Opisthobranchia: Mollusca) of the Indo-West Pacific: Noumea flava colour group.
76533 The Chromodorididae (Ophistobranchia: Mollusca) of the Indo-West Pacific: Noumea purpurea and Chromodoris decora colour groups.
79969 The Chromodorididae (Opisthobranch: Mollusca) of the Indo-West Pacific: the genus Glossodoris Ehrenbergh (=Casella, H. & A. Adams).
82085 Phylum Porifera (Sponges).
33988 Seasonal and size-related changes in the food of the short-finned eel, Anguilla australis in Lake Ellesmere, Canterbury, New Zealand.
4193 Waders (Charadrii) and other water birds on the coast and adjacent wetlands of Natal, 1980-81.
2021 Los Gusanos Sipunculidos (Sipuncula) de los fondos litorales y circalitorales de las costas de la Peninsula Iberica, Islas Balearesm Canarias y Mares Adyacentes.
125784 Systematics notes on Spadella and on the Chaetognatha in general.
5575 Observations on procellariiformes in the littoral of the Murcia Region (South-East Spain).
4295 Observaciones sobre Procellariiformes en el litoral de la region de Murcia (SE España).
1963 Distribución batimétrica y abundancia de algunos cefalópodos del mar Catalán.
7153 Diets and food web relationships of seabirds in the Gulf of Alaska and adjacent marine regions.
4739 Trends in Elegant Tern and Northern Anchovy populations in California.
6229 Breeding distribution, numbers and conservation of seabirds in Sardinia, 1978-85.
89427 Depth distribution and abundance of benthic organisms and fishes at the subtropical Kermadec Islands.
90980 Depth distribution and abundance of benthic organisims and fishes at the subtropical Kermadec Islands.
4344 Scale-dependent correlation of seabirds with schooling fish in a coastal ecosystem.
5320 The diet of chicks of greatwinged, Kerguelen and softplumaged petrels at the Prince Edward Islands.
6213 Seabird census and study techniques.
6225 Christmas Island (Pacific Ocean) seabirds and the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO): 1984 perspectives.
4709 Roosting by pelagic seabirds: energetic, populational, and social considerations.
6131 La conservacion del pinguino de Magallanes: un problema de conflicto e intereses que requiere de argumentos cientificos.
5386 Diet of the Magellanic Penguin Spheniscus magellanicus during the chick-rearing period at Punta Clara, Argentina.
191 Notes on Justita japonica (Kubo, 1955) and Palinustus waguensis Kubo, 1963 (Decapoda, Palinuridae).
6224 Human impact on seabirds in the Balearic Islands.
3468 Studies on stomatopod Crustacea from the seas around India.
78182 Species Profiles: Life Histories and Environmental Requirments of Coastal Fishes and Invertebrates (Pacific Southwest).
85001 The sea urchins of Sagami Bay.
2412 Ecology of a low-energy specialist: food habits and reproductive biology of the Arafura filesnake (Acrochordidae).
104798 Crecimiento del mejillón chora Mytella guyanensis (Bivalvia: Mytilidae), en el Golfo de Nicoya, Costa Rica.
2856 Spatial distribution of euphausiacea (Crustacea) in the southeastern Arabian Sea.
116226 Stock assessment of squids and cuttlefish at selected centers.
84717 Some aspects of the biology of cuttlefishes.
81555 Catch rate and emergence of male and female spanner crabs Ranina ranina in Australia.
6505 Seabird Islands. No. 161. Eagle Island, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland.
115855 Effect of diving ducks on benthic food resources during winter in South Carolina, U.S.A.
38773 Survival of fathead minnows after injury by predators and its possible role in the evolution of alarm signals.
9089 The trophic status of the fish fauna in Lago Camaleao, a macrophyte dominated floodplain lake in the middle Amazon.
4103 Seabird responses to fluctuating prey availability in the eastern Bering Sea.
821 Shells of the Philippines.
125829 Pterokrohnia arabica, a new genus and new species of Chaetognatha from the Arabian Sea.
5508 La ségrégation alimentaire chez le Skua subantarctique Stercorarius skua loonbergi dans l'archipel Crozet.
77609 Population size, extinction, and speciation: the fission effect in Neogene Bivalvia.
5175 Diet of the blue petrel at sub-Antarctic Marion Island.
8859 Cyclopteridae.
1944 Pycnogonida from the Caribbean and the Straits of Florida, biological results of the University of Miami deep-sea expeditions.
6037 Birds of the Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia.
90599 Das Makrozoobenthos der Schlei-Produktion und Bedeutung als Fischnahrung.
112518 Feeding and metabolism of Euphausia lucens (Euphausiacea) in the southern Benguela current.
106502 On the biology of the penaeid Parapenaeopsis sculptilis (Heller) in the Bombay area.
6227 Seabird conservation problems in the Maltese Islands.
8848 Gadidae.
90584 Changes in the energy content of common species from Hornsund, Southwest Spitsbergen.
78343 A survey on seashells (Gastropod and Bivalvia) of northeastern coast, Taiwan, R.O, C.
6151 Distribution and migration of the Solander's Petrel Pterodroma solandri in the North Pacific in relation to sea surface water temperature.
100464 p. 49. In Asian Marine Biology. Diets of sand-living predatory gastropods at Piti Bay, Guam.
6226 Winter mortality of seabirds on the Portuguese coast.
64988 Winter mortality of seabirds on the Portuguese coast.
86736 New genera and species of the Megaluropus group (Amphipoda, Megaluropidae) from American Seas.
86737 Two species of Hornellia (subgenus Metaceradocus) from the Florida Keys and Belize (Amphipoda, Melphidippoidea).
6768 Seabird Islands. No. 162. Brook Islands, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland.
77657 Sea shore animals of Andaman and Nicobar islands.
124829 The population dynamics and feeding ecology of Thais clavigera (Kuster) and Morula musiva (Kiener) (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Muricidae) in Hong Kong.
127089 The population dynamics and growth of Thais clavigera and Morula musiva (Gastropoda: Muricidae) in Hong Kong.
127090 The feeding ecology of Thais clavigera and Morula musiva (Gastropoda: Muricidae) in Hong Kong.
2650 Foraging strategies of the marine iguana, Amblyrhynchus cristatus.
4954 Foraging behavior of gentoo and chinstrap penguins as determined by new radiotelemetry techniques.
84411 Community structure of coral associated invertebrates of the hermatipic coral, Pavona frondifera, in the Gulf of Thailand.
2489 Aspects of feeding, growth and survival of the European squid, Loligo vulgaris Lamarck, 1799, reared through the early growth stages.
79246 Crustacea Decapoda Reptantia der Tiefsee des Roten Meeres.
108453 Zooplankton feeding ecology: contents of fecal pellets of the cyclopoid copepods Oncaea venusta, Corycaeus amazonicus, Oithona plumifera, and O. simplex from the northern Gulf of Mexico.
7818 The birds of Africa, Volume II: game birds to pigeons.
6312 Status of the Galapagos Penguin and Flightless Cormorant populations in 1985.
80616 Le dauphin de Fraser, Lagenodelphis hosei (Cetacea, Odontoceti), espèce nouvelle pour la faune d'Europe.
75285 Echinoecus pentagonus (A. Milne Edwards, 1879): larval development and systematic position (Crustacea: Brachyura: Xanthoidea nec Parthenopidea).
6208 Importance of the Mediterranean for wintering Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis.
82097 A new sublithistid sponge, Monanthus ciocalyptoides n.sp. (Porifera, Halichondrida), from the West Indian region.
6215 The Larus cachinnans Michaellis colony of Chafarinas Islands.
7065 Aspects of the breeding biology of an expanded population of Glaucous-winged Gulls in British Columbia.
6368 Size, caloric content, and association of prey fishes in meals of nestling Rhinoceros Auklets.
6369 Nesting habits and habitats of Ancient Murrelets and Cassin's Auklets in the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia.
83546 Corals of Australia and the Indo-Pacific.
3766 Red Sea Invertebrates.
6671 Notes on the feeding behavior of Buller’s shearwater.
6065 The birds of Lady Elliot Island.
5970 Birds of North Reef Island.
6722 Black-naped Terns Sterna sumatrana on the Southern Great Barrier Reef, 1985-1986.
6386 Seabird Islands. No. 163. Eshelby Island, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland.
6384 Seabird Islands. No. 166. Price Cay, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland.
6385 Seabird Islands. No. 165. Bylund Cay, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland.
6424 Seabird Islands. No. 164. Frigate Cay, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland.
6445 Seabird Islands. No. 168. Gannet Cay, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland.
6446 Seabird Islands. No. 167. Bell Cay, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland.
6210 The status of breeding Storm Petrels (Hydrobates pelagicus) on the Mediterranean coast of France.
79258 New records of Galatheidae (Crustacea, Anomura) from East China Sea.
87711 Descriptions of two new gastropods of the Trichotropidae from Kerguelen and Crozet Islands (South Indian Ocean).
78663 Pelagic shrimps of the family Oplophoridae (Crustacea: Decapoda) from the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean: USNS "Eltanin" cruises 10,11,14,16, 19,21,24 and 25.
5960 Status of seabirds breeding on Teuri Island.
4922 Comparative ecology of the six albatross species breeding on the Crozet Islands.
77732 Distribution of molluscs across a pneumatophore boundry in a small bay in Northwestern Australia.
1769 Epizootic infestations by nemertean brood parasites on commercially important crustaceans.
79467 Origin and age of the marine stygofauna of Lanzarote, Canary Islands.
259 Mud shrimps, Upogebia, from the Eastern Pacific (Thalassinoidea: Upogebiidae).
114142 Analysis of stone crabs: Menippe mercenaria (Say), restricted, and a previously unrecognized species desribed (Decapoda: Xanthidae).
79474 Squat lobsters (Galatheidae: Munidopsis) associated with mesh-enclosed wood panels submerged in the deep sea.
90644 Patchiness and nutritional condition of zooplankton in the California Current.
6416 Recording devices on free-ranging marine animals: does measurement affect foraging performance?.
4737 Breeding biology of the Rhinoceros Auklet in Washington.
78487 Comparative ecology of three cancrid crab species (Cancer anthonyi, C. antennarius and C. productus) in marine subtidal habitats in southern California.
102612 Bryozoans from Bali, Lombok, and Komodo.
82953 Calorific value, lipid content and radioactivity of common species from Hornsund, southwest Spitsbergen.
80265 Stock evaluation of two species of deep-sea shrimp of the penaeid family: Aristeus antennatus and Parapenaeus longirostris.
90986 Acanthaster planci infestations of reefs and coral assemblages in Japan: a retrospective analysis of control efforts.
75920 Dr.Masaharu Nishiwaki and Cetaceans of Taiwan.
107779 Tetrodotoxin and paralytic shellfish toxins in Philippine crabs.
6236 Balearic Shearwaters summering in Western France.
2308 Echinorhynchus nototheniae sp. n. (Acanthocephala) from nototheniid fishes from the environs of South Shetlands (Antarctic).
2316 Redescription of Corynosoma tunitae (Weiss 1914) and description of C. baylisi sp. N. (Acanthocephala, Polymorphidae), parasites of piscivorous birds.
82195 Three new species of sponges from the Colombian Caribbean.
90801 In situ growth and chemical composition of the giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera : Response to temporal changes in ambient nutrient availability.
5610 Contribution to the study of the petrels of the genus Pterodroma in the Archipelago of Madeira.
4502 Diet of Bulwer's Petrel Bulweria bulwerii in the Madeiran Archipelago.
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