799 |
Seashells of South East Asia. |
59606 |
Seashells of South East Asia. |
8826 |
Distribution patterns and migration of Lithodes ferox (Filhol) (Anomura: Lithodidae) off Namibia. |
73340 |
Distribution patterns and migration of Lithodes ferox (Filhol) (Anomura: Lithodidae) off Namibia. |
111901 |
Environmental discrimination among soft-bottom mollusc associations off Lagoa dos Patos, South Brazil. |
80983 |
Size composition and pot selectivity in the lobster (Homarus gammarus (L.)) and crab (Cancer pagurus L.) fisheries on the east coast of England. |
76546 |
De krabben van Nederland en Belgie (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura) [The crabs of the Netherlands and Belgium (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura)]. |
6737 |
Status and conservation of seabirds in California. |
8957 |
Field guide to the freshwater fishes of New Guinea. |
8981 |
Damselfishes of the world. |
114749 |
On three species of Mediterranean echinoderms. |
2318 |
Abunancia y distribucion batimetrica diurna y nocturna de los sifonoforos durante las cuatro estaciones del año 1969, en aguas de California y Baja California. |
87081 |
Population structure and swarm formation of the cyclopoid copepod Diothona oculata near mangrove cays. |
90502 |
Carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus content of freshwater zooplankton. |
4380 |
Apparent predator-limited distribution of Galapagos Red-footed Boobies Sula sula. |
59745 |
Apparent predator-limited distribution of Galapagos Red-footed Boobies Sula sula. |
109006 |
Age, growth, and mortality o f the northern shrimp Pandalus borealis Kroyer in Pavlof Bay, Alaska. |
112635 |
Adult-larval interactions in the suspension-feeding bivalves Cerastoderma edule and Mya arenaria. |
4068 |
Status of seabirds in northern Norway. |
81123 |
Factors influencing fecundity and population egg production of Jasus species. |
117516 |
Investigaciones biológico-pesqueras de crustáceos en la cordillera de Nazca (Océano Pacífico Suroriental). |
54091 |
Temporal change in foraging behaviour of the fish Coryphaenoides (Nematonurus) yaquinae in the central North Pacific. |
80183 |
Age and growth of Venus verrucosa (warty venus) in the Adriatic and Aegean Sea. |
5187 |
The diet of Antarctic petrels, cape petrels and southern fulmars rearing chicks in Prydz Bay. |
123351 |
Shrimp (Decapoda, Natantia) occurrence and distribution in the eastern Weddell Sea, Antarctica. |
105594 |
Cephalopods trawled from Venezuelan waters by the R/V Dr. Fridtjof Nansen in 1988. |
7761 |
Predation on Cnidaria by vertebrates other than fishes. |
129914 |
Aspects of the biology of the deep-sea crab Geryon trispinosus from the Porcupine Seabight. |
76894 |
Crustacea Decapoda: Chirostylus Ortmann, 1892, and Gastroptychus Caullery, 1896 (Chirostylidae) from New Caledonia. |
78410 |
Crustacea Decapoda: Alainius gen. nov., Leiogalathea Baba, 1969, and Phylladiorhynchus Baba, 1969 (Galatheidae) from New Caledonia. |
78420 |
Reexamination of the type material of Munida militaris Henderson, 1885 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Galatheidae), with the selection of a lectotype. |
126630 |
Edad y crecimiento de la langosta en la plataforma suroccidental de Cuba. |
106716 |
Continuing impact of TBT, previously used in mariculture, on dogwhelk (Nucella lapillus L.) populations in a Scottish Sea Loch. |
4750 |
Optimal foraging and intraspecific competition in the Tufted Puffin. |
4090 |
Shags (Phalacrocorax aristotelis L.) as potential samplers of juvenile saithe (Pollachius virens (L.)) stocks in northern Norway. |
80529 |
Prey of humpback dolphins (Sousa plumbea) stranded in eastern Cape Province, South Africa. |
126837 |
Arenicolous Halacaridae (Acari) from Hong Kong. |
81856 |
Giant clams in the Maldives: a stock assessment and study of their potential for culture. |
76648 |
The development of the lobster fishery in the Seychelles. |
3100 |
On two Eudendrium (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) species from the Mediterranean Sea. |
78398 |
Olgaconcha tufari n. gen. et n. sp. - a new mesogastropod (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia) from hydrothermal vents in the Manus Back-Arc Basin ( Bismarck Sea, Papua New Guinea). |
4418 |
Population and contamination studies in coastal birds: the Common Tern Sterna hirundo. |
7593 |
Role of cephalopods in the diet of the swordfish, Xiphias Gladius, from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. |
107795 |
Nereididae of the Suez Canal - potential Lessepsian migrants? |
37553 |
Distribution and trophic ecology of some gadoid fish of the Norwegian Deep. 1. Accounts of individual species. |
86431 |
Unprotected larval development in the Antarctic scallop Adamussium colbecki (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Pectinidae). |
91446 |
Distribution and zoogeography of the Bivalvia of the Eastern Pacific Ocean. |
6468 |
Comparison of the diet of breeding and nonbreeding Cape Gannets Morus capensis. |
83521 |
New observations on scleractinian corals from Indonesia: 3. species belonging to the Merulinidae with new records of Merulina and Boninastrea. |
106609 |
Demersal assemblages of the continental shelf and slope edge between the Gulf of Tehuantepec (Mexico) and the Gulf of Papagayo (Costa Rica). |
125808 |
Six new genera in the chaetognath family Sagittidae. |
733 |
Deep-sea holothurians. |
59898 |
Deep-sea holothurians. |
42159 |
The food of bream (Abramis brama L.) in two basins of Lake Balaton of different trophic status. |
6735 |
Status and conservation of seabirds nesting in the Great Lakes of North America. |
80460 |
Determinants of mating systems in the Otariidae (Pinnipedia). |
4118 |
The breeding performance of the gentoo penguin Pygoscelis papua at the northern edge of its range. |
109518 |
Volutes from Saya de Malha Bank: the saga of Lyria surinamensis and a new species. |
8337 |
Notes additionalles sur les méduses de Papouasie Nouvelle-Gunée (Hydrozoa, Cnidaria) IV. |
91749 |
Evaluation of escape modifications in traps for prawn, Pandalus platyceros. |
528 |
The dive fishery of sea-cucumbers in Washington State. |
4350 |
A long-term study of Short-tailed Shearwaters Puffinus tenuirostris on Fisher Island, Australia. |
89899 |
The benthic Crustacea of subantarctic Marion and Prince Edward Islands: Illustrated keys to the species and results of the 1982-1989 University of Cape Town surveys. |
5640 |
The Little Gull Larus minutus in Japan. |
100975 |
Preliminary estimates of age, mortality, growth, and reproduction in the hiatellid clam Panopea zelandica in New Zealand. |
5662 |
Status of Barau's Petrel (Pterodroma baraui): colony sites, breeding population and taxonomic affinities. |
4932 |
Have Giant Peterls Macronectes spp. Really increased at Iles Crozet?. |
84841 |
Population dynamics of Sterechinus antarcticus (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) on the Wedell Sea shelf and slope, Antarctica. |
86537 |
The genus Sterechinus (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) on the Weddell Sea shelf and slope (Antarctica): distribution, abundance and biomass. |
112149 |
Distribution and population structures of immature and adult Euphausia superba in the western Bransfield Strait region during the 1986-87 summer. |
80753 |
Aspects of the biology of the giant isopod Bathynomus giganteus A. Milne Edwards, 1879 (Flabellifera: Cirolanidae), off the Yucatan Peninsula. |
85138 |
Shallow-water palaemonid shrimps from New Caledonia (Crustacea: Decapoda). Le Benthos des Fonds Meubles des Lagons de Nouvelle-Calédonie, 1. |
101237 |
Crustacea Decapoda: further deep-sea Palaemonoid shrimps from New Caledonian waters. |
2447 |
Hyperbenthic crustacean fauna of the Gullmarfjord area (western Sweden): species richness, seasonal variation and long-term changes. |
58613 |
Hyperbenthic crustacean fauna of the Gullmarfjord area (western Sweden): species richness, seasonal variation and long-term changes. |
4817 |
Maximum diving depths and underwater foraging in alcids and penguins. |
4282 |
Coastal landscapes, coastal colonies, and seabirds. |
4280 |
Vigilance and feeding behaviour in large feeding flocks of laughing gulls, Larus atricilla, on Delaware Bay. |
3729 |
Squids of the genus Abralia (Cephalopoda) from the Central Equatorial Pacific with a description of Abralia heminuchalis, new species. |
803 |
Fauna of Saudi Arabia. |
6390 |
Prey exploitation by seabirds in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. |
2370 |
A revision of the ahermatypic Scleractinia of the Galápagos and Cocos Islands. |
86642 |
Abundance and distribution of hydroids in a mangrove ecosystem at Twin Cays, Belize, Central America. |
5825 |
The relationship between kleptoparasitism and plumage polymorphism in the Arctic Skua Stercorarius parasiticus (L.). |
90908 |
Predation on massive corals: are population outbreaks of Acanthaster planci novel events? |
80192 |
Osservazioni sur deux crostaces profonds du golfe du Lion Aristeus antennatus (R.), Nephrops norvegicus (L.). |
88213 |
Sympetrum signiferum, a new species of dragonfly (Odonata: Libellulidae) from Western Mexica and Arizona. |
125805 |
The first record of a benthic polar chaetognath: a new Spadella from the Antarctic. |
42742 |
A note on the stomach contents of fur seals Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus beached on the South-east coast of South Africa. |
162 |
Studies on the Metanephrops japonicus group (Decapoda, Nephropidae), with descriptions of two new species. |
102947 |
Crustacea Decapoda: Studies of the Plesionika narval (Fabricius, 1787) group (Pandalidae) with descriptions of six new species. |
114882 |
Chilean mussel culture: Mytilus edulis chilensis (Hupe,1854), Choromytilus chorus (Molina, 1782), Aulacomya ater (Molina, 1782). |
75812 |
Notes on the genus Kogia in the Northern Indian Ocean. |
598 |
Two sea cucumbers (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) newly recorded from Taiwan. |
6684 |
Thirteenth census of seabird populations in the sanctuaries of the North Shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 1982-1988. |
77928 |
The preliminary study on the ecology of the benthos in Luoyuan Bay. |
124789 |
An intertidal survey of Cape d'Aguilar, Hong Kong with special reference to the ecology of high-zoned rock pools. |
5621 |
Interaction between seabirds and schools of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) na coast sul do Brasil. |
2113 |
Pycnogonida of the Western Pacific Islands, IX. A shallow-water Guam survey, 1984. |
9233 |
Biology of fork-tailed catfishes from the Sepik River, Papua New Guinea. |
117955 |
Comparative fore-gut morphology of Antarctic Amphipoda (Crustacea) adapted to different food sources. |
122622 |
Curidia magellanica, new species, from Magellan Strait (Crustacea: amphipoda: Ochlesidae). |
4414 |
Demographic changes in a Snow Goose population: biological and management implications. |
121747 |
An early Pleistocene decapod crustacean fauna from Zululand. |
26335 |
Atlante dei pesci dei mari italiani. |
87790 |
The population dynamics of culling herring and lesser black-backed gulls. |
7235 |
An empirical investigation of trans-oceanic linkages between areas of high abundance of sardine. |
87096 |
Parasitic copepods from the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea, III: Caligus. |
6411 |
An effect of instrument attachment on foraging trip duration in Chinstrap Penguins. |
107302 |
Les Melapenaeopsis indo-ouest-pacifiques sans appareil stridulant (Penaeidae). Deuxième partie. |
116395 |
Résultats des Campagnes MUSORSTOM, Volume 9. |
3894 |
Foraging economics and performance of polar and subpolar Atlantic seabirds. |
4416 |
Population regulation of seabirds: implications of their demography for conservation. |
3994 |
Food consumption by predators in a CCAMLR integrated study region. |
3864 |
Diving patterns and performance in the Antarctic blue-eyed shag Phalacrocorax atriceps. |
42246 |
The biology of Solea bleekeri (Teleostei) in lake St. Lucia on the southeast coast of Africa. |
93779 |
Populationsdynamische Untersuchungen an Ophiura texturata and O. albida (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) in der Deutschen Bucht. |
795 |
Reef environment and coral fauna of southern Taiwan. |
77773 |
An ecological study of the zooplankton in western Xiamen harbour, China. |
117951 |
Distribution and life history of krill from the Barents Sea. |
117493 |
Ecology of a North Sea pockmark with an active methane seep. |
6745 |
Status and conservation of Indonesia's seabird colonies. |
91165 |
Dorocordulia nitens sp. N., eine neue Smaragdlibelle aus Venezuela (Odonata: Corduliidae). |
113891 |
Stomatopoda squillidae collected in the northern Tyrrhenian Sea. |
79419 |
Galatheid crustaceans of the genus Munida Leach, 1818, from French Polynesia. |
6743 |
Status and conservation of the breeding seabirds of Sri Lanka. |
82124 |
The Chalinidae (Porifera) of Twin Cays, Belize, and adjacent waters. |
97373 |
Stock assesment of the deep-sea red crab Chaceon notialis in the Argentinian-Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone. |
4751 |
Mortality of seabirds in the Japanese land-based gillnet fishery for salmon. |
60708 |
Mortality of seabirds in the Japanese land-based gillnet fishery for salmon. |
99880 |
Biologie et exploitation du crabe de palétuviers Scylla serrata en Nouvelle-Calédonie. |
101129 |
A contribution to the knowledge of the pectinacean Mollusca (Bivalvia: Propeamussidae, Entoliidae, Pectinidae) from the Indonesia Archipelago. |
75929 |
Studies on commercial cephalopoda in the world. |
5930 |
Field studies of Spheniscus Penguins. |
4351 |
Population studies of the Fulmar on Eynhallow, Orkney Islands. |
114827 |
Feed preferences of Nucella crassilabrum and juvenile Concholepas concholepas (Gastropoda: Muricidae) from a rocky shore in southern Chile. |
110186 |
Pesca e biologia de Penaeus paulensis na lagoa dos Patos, RS, Brasil. |
8910 |
Observations on the predatory behavior of the sevengill shark Notorhynchus cepedianus. |
8927 |
A preliminary investigation of the feeding ecology of skates (Batoidea: Rajidae) off the west coast of southern Africa. |
26809 |
Food and feeding ecology of five gadoid larvae in the northern North Sea. |
92957 |
Systematische, Morphologische und Zoogeographische Untersuchungen an den Thekaten Hydroiden des Patagonischen Schelfs. |
6786 |
Seabird Islands. No. 211. Bramble Cay, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland. |
2200 |
Distribution of Gryphus vitreus (Born, 1778) on transect P2 (Continental margin, French Mediterranean coast) investigated by submersible. |
80095 |
Brood size, food provisioning and chick growth in the Pigeon guillemot Cepphus columba. |
5642 |
Distribution of the Atlantic Petrel, Pterodroma incerta at sea. |
6740 |
Status and conservation of seabirds breeding in Uruguay. |
2112 |
A new genus and species of Gastrotricha from the Atlantic Coast of Florida, USA. |
6738 |
Status and conservation of the breeding seabirds on offshore Pacific Islands of Baja Calfornia and the Gulf of California. |
123311 |
Distribution and substrate preference of Peneroplis planatus and P. arientinus from the Halophia meadow near Wadi Taba, Eilat, Israel. |
117966 |
Prey composition and feeding rate of Sagitta elegans var. arctica (Chaetognatha) in the Barents Sea in early summer. |
4292 |
Colony site selection by eight species of gulls and terns breeding in the "Valli di Comacchio" (Italy). |
5352 |
Abundancia y distribucion espacial de las poblaciones de aves de Punta Armonia y Punta Dedo Isla Nelson Shetland del Sur. |
5447 |
Abundancia y distribucion espacial de las poblaciones de aves de Punta Armonia y Punta Dedo Isla Nelson Shetland del Sur. |
4355 |
Time and energy limits to the foraging radius of Sooty Terns Sterna fuscata. |
8677 |
A large new species of Dardanus (Crustacea, Decapoda, Diogenidae) from southwest Australia. |
80459 |
The effect of thermoregulatory behaviour on the mating system of the JuanFernandez fur seal, Arctocephalus philippii. |
113849 |
Shrimps and Prawns. |
32998 |
Predation on sand dollars by gray triggerfish, Balistes capriscus, in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. |
7257 |
Field and laboratory metabolism and thermoregulation in Dovekies. |
108207 |
Taxonomy, distribution, and ecology of Galápagos Brachyura. |
6734 |
Seabirds of Hudson Strait, Hudson Bay and adjacent waters. |
69058 |
A bibliography of the pearl oysters (Bivalvia: Pteriidae). |
77862 |
Range extension of a Hippolytid shrimp (Decapoda, Caridea) Latreutes mucronatus (Stimpson, 1860). |
42272 |
Energetics of a predator-prey interaction: corals and coral-feeding fishes. |
3054 |
Actual state of gammaridean amphipoda taxonomy and catalogue of species from Chile. |
126625 |
Migration and refuge in the assessment and management of the spiny lobster Panulirus argus, in the Mexican Caribbean. |
10613 |
Distribution, reproduction, and diet of the pelagic pipefish, Syngnathus schmidti, in the Black Sea. |
3263 |
Potential predation on fish eggs by the lobate ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi within and outside the Chesapeake Bay Plume. |
7478 |
Hydromedusa of the Mediterranean Sea. |
5601 |
The breeding biology of Cory's Shearwater Calonectris diomedea borealis on Berlenga Island, Portugal. |
90338 |
Carbon and nitrogen scope for growth as a function of diet in the sea scallop Placopecten Magellanicus. |
108649 |
Demographic patterns of the palaemonid prawn Macrobrachium intermedium in southeastern Australia: spatial heterogeneity and the effects of species of seagrass. |
8771 |
The diet if Antarctic fur seals during the late autumn and early winter around Heard Island. |
72838 |
The diet if Antarctic fur seals during the late autumn and early winter around Heard Island. |
7592 |
Preliminary study on the feeding by Loligo gahi (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae). |
9100 |
Algunos aspectos biologicos de la agujilla (Scomberesox saurus scombroides) en la zona sur del Peru (17° - 18° S). |
8686 |
Growth from birth to weaning in the southern Elephant Seal (Mirounga leonina). |
2545 |
On the distribution and ecology of holothurians in the Weddell Sea (Antarctica). |
739 |
Dense aggregations of three deep-sea holothurians in the southern Weddell Sea, Antarctica. |
2660 |
Spatial distribution of Antarctic shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda) by underwater photography. |
5113 |
Aspects of the breeding biology of the Antarctic Petrel Thalassoica antarctica and the krill requirement of the chicks, at Svarthamaren in Myhlig-Hofmannfjerrla, Dronning Maud Land. |
81178 |
The use of manatees for the control of aquatic weeds in Guyana. |
106242 |
Coastal cephalopod fauna of southern Brazil. |
3762 |
A method for estimating mass of large pinnipeds. |
91553 |
The Philippine Genus Risiocnemis Cowley (Zygoptera: Platycnemididae). 1. Subgenus Risiocnemis. |
91656 |
Preliminary descriptions of seven new Risiocnemis species of the subgenus Igneocnemis Hamalainen, 1991 (Zygoptera: Platycnemididae). |
91667 |
Drepanosticta belyshevi spec. nov. from the Philippines (Zygoptera: Platistictidae). |
101830 |
Sohgenia palauensis n. gen. & sp., a new ascoglossan opisthobranch from the Palau Islands collected by the R/V Sohgen-Maru. |
4245 |
Age-specific breeding performance and reproductive effort in great skuas Catharacta skua. |
4232 |
The effects of changes in food availability on the breeding ecology of great skuas Catharacta skua in Shetland. |
40231 |
Diet of spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias Linnaeus, on the east coast, South Island, New Zealand. |
8200 |
Revision of the genus Paralepidonotus Horst, 1915 (Polychaeta: Polynoidae). |
107161 |
Polychaeta Polynoidae: scaleworms of the Chesterfield Islands and Fairway Reefs, Coral Sea. |
115387 |
Quantitative importance and trophic role of heterotrophic dinoflagellates in a coastal pelagial food web. |
4696 |
Population changes in British common murres and Atlantic puffins, 1969-88. |
4415 |
Population studies and conservation of Puffins Fratercula arctica. |
4610 |
Observations of multispecies seabird flocks around South Georgia. |
3044 |
Distributional ecology and behaviour of the early stages of the box jellyfish Chironex fleckeri. |
49452 |
Impact of grazing from capelin (Mallotus villosus) on zooplankton: a case study in the northern Barents Sea in August 1985. |
4011 |
An experimental study of the effects of timing of breeding on the reproductive success of common guillemots (Uria aalge). |
4102 |
The feeding ecology of young Guillemots Uria aalge on Skomer Island, Wales. |
4099 |
Population dynamics of Common Guillemots Uria aalge on Skomer Island, Wales. |
7594 |
Post-recruit growth of the Patagonian squid Loligo gahi (d'Orbigny). |
9075 |
Harp seal (Phoca groenlandica) invasions in Norwegian coastal waters: age composition and feeding habits. |
42752 |
Relationship between turbidity and fish diets in lakes Waahi and Whangape, New Zealand. |
81022 |
Satellite tracking of a loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) in the Mediterranean. |
123159 |
Systematic studies on some Antarctic and sub-Antarctic Ascophora (Bryozoa: cheilostomata). |
123160 |
New and little-known Bryozoa from Antarctica and the southwest Atlantic. |
10432 |
Alosa pontica kessleri (Grimm 1887). |
90404 |
Energetic composition, biomass, and chemical defense in the common antarctic nemertean Parborlasia corrugatus McIntosh. |
105343 |
Foraminiferivory in a Puncturella (Gastropoda: Fissurellidae). |
107327 |
New records of Mollusca from southern Africa and Mozambique. Part 1. (Mollusca: Gastropoda). |
101408 |
The occurrence of Pisulina (Neritidae) and Neritopsis (Neritopsidae) in southern Africa (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Neritoidea). |
114684 |
New records of errantiate polychaetous annelids from the Gulf of California. |
90441 |
Inter- and intraspecific variations in zooplankton element composition. |
82175 |
Additions to the Indo-Australian representatives of Acarnus Gray (Porifera: Demospongiae: Poecilosclerida), with description of a new species. |
1224 |
Kinorhyncha from the Black Sea I. Redescription of Kinorhynchus paraneapolitanus. |
1570 |
Evidence for direct development in Meiopriapulus fijiensis (Priapulida). |
59418 |
Evidence for direct development in Meiopriapulus fijiensis (Priapulida). |
74990 |
Population structure and reproduction in the marine snake, Lapemis hardwickii Gray, from the west coast of Sabah. |
78494 |
Fecundity and reproductive output in nine species of Cancer crabs (Crustacea, Brachyura, Cancridae). |
82184 |
Marine Ampeliscidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from Hong Kong. |
120580 |
Distribution of dominant calanoid copepod species in the Greenland Sea during late fall. |
661 |
Holothurian resources in the sea of South Vietnam. |
4585 |
Stable isotopic determinations of the trophic relationships of seabirds: Preliminary investigations of alcids from coastal British Columbia. |
4586 |
Stable isotope determinations of trophic relationships of great auks. |
124266 |
New observations on scleractinian corals from Indonesia: 2. Sipunculan-associated species belonging to the genera Heterocyathus and Heteropsammia. |
4 |
FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 13. Marine lobsters of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of species of interest to fisheries known to date. |
82464 |
Revision of the family Raspailiidae (Porifera: Demospongiae), with description of Australian species. |
82615 |
Habitat characteristics and occurrence of the spionid Pseudopolydora sp. on the tube-caps of the onuphid Diopatra bilobata (Polychaeta: Spionidae, Onuphidae). |
2905 |
Activity patterns and homing of Acanthopleura gemmata (Blainville, 1825) (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) in the rocky intertidal of Jordan Gulf of Aqaba. |
4937 |
Top predators in the Southern Ocean: a major leak in the biological carbon pump. |
107801 |
Perinereis (Polychaeta, Nereididae) from Australia, with redescriptions of six additional species. |
78555 |
Tantulocarida (Crustacea: Maxilliopoda): A New Taxon from the temporary Meiobenthos. |
84697 |
Morphological, internal anatomy, and biometrics of the cephalopod Idiosepius iserialis Voss, 1962, a new record for the Andaman Sea. |
84699 |
Redescription of Idiosepius pygmaeus Steenstrup,1881. (Cephalopoda : Idiosepiidae), with mention of additional morphological characters. |
84879 |
Echinoderms from continental shelf and slope around Japan Vol. II. |
6129 |
Juan Fernandez Petrels prospecting at the Chatham Islands. |
7567 |
Prey selection by the small Patagonian octopus Octopus tehuelchus d'Orbigny. |
74598 |
Ghost crabs of the genus Ocypode (Decapoda, Brachyura, Ocypodidae) of the east coast of South Africa. |
76728 |
Ghost Crabs of the genus Ocypode (Decapoda, Brachyura, Ocypodidae) of the East Coast of South Africa. |
102988 |
pp. 123-145. In Galápagos marine invertebrates. Taxonomy, distribution and ecology of Galápago Brachyura. |
2592 |
Re-examination of growth estimates in oceanic squid: the case of Kondakovia longimana (Onychoteuthidae). |
12637 |
Two approaches for modelling fish stock interactions in the Peruvian upwelling ecosystem. |
108676 |
Fishery and population dynamics of Panulirus homarus (Linnaeus) from Mutwal, Sri Lanka. |
104410 |
Survey and distributional patterns of the amphipod fauna of Admiralty Bay, King George Island, South Shetland Islands. |
13465 |
Traditional fishing in the Torres Strait Islands. |
5072 |
Spring distribution and ecological role of seabirds and marine mammals in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica. |
4417 |
Changes in the population size and demography of southern seabirds: management implications. |
383 |
Bivalves in continental shelf and continental slope of Northern Pacific. |
76689 |
Biologie de la reproduction, relation biométrique et pêche de la langouste verte (Palinurus regius). |
116366 |
Some aspects of buoyancy adaptations of chaetognaths. |
101196 |
The diet of the edible cockle Anadara antiquata L. (Bivalvia, Arcidae) in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, during the northeast monsoons. |
8655 |
Density dependent growth in north Pacific Sperm Whales. |
32665 |
American plaice, Hippoglossoides platessoides (Fabricius), predation on green sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (O.F. Muller), in eastern Newfoundland. |
79206 |
Deep-sea decapods of genus Munidopsis (Decapoda, Anomura, Galatheidae) from the hydrothermal waters of East Pacific. |
78488 |
Deep-sea shrimps of the genus Benthesicymus (Decapoda: Dendrobrachiata) from the western North Pacific. |
6727 |
Seabird Islands. No. 209. Sherrard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland. |
6753 |
Seabird Islands. No. 208. Chapman Island, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland. |
6784 |
Seabird Islands. No. 207. Piper Islands, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland. |
6868 |
Seabird Island. No. 209. Sherrard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland. |
6924 |
Seabird Islands. No. 210. Fife Island, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland. |
5625 |
Seabirds observed in the Andaman Shelf Sea off Phuket, Thailand, 1990-91. |
116441 |
Population biology of Sphaeroma serratum Fabricius (Isopoda, Flabellifera) at the Port of Mar del Plata, Argentina. |
45000 |
Trophic status of the peruvian anchovy and sardine. |
6741 |
Status of the seabirds nesting in Northeast USSR. |
5018 |
On the relation between basal and field metabolic rates in birds and mammals. |
46490 |
Food habits of the frilled shark Chlamydoselachus anguineus collected from Suruga Bay, Central Japan. |
6171 |
Distributional patterns and seasonal movements of Procellariiformes in the North Pacific. |
42662 |
Diet and food resource partitioning in koaro, Galaxias brevipinnis (Günther), and juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Richardson), in two Taupo streams, New Zealand. |
6864 |
Seabird Islands. No. 214. Distant Cay, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland. |
106824 |
Diet, prey selection and daily ration of Stomolophus meleagris, a filter-feeding scyphomedusa from the NE Gulf of Mexico. Estuarine. |
8885 |
Feeding convergence in South American and African zooplanktivorous cichlids Geophagus brasiliensis and Tilapia rendalli. |
2160 |
Dolphins of the genus Lagenorhynchus in the tropical South Pacific. |
107336 |
The population dynamics of Metapenaeus ensis (Penaeidae) and Exopalaemon styliferus (Palaemonidae) in a traditional tidal shrimppond at the Mai Po Marshes Nature Reserve, Hong Kong. |
90811 |
Seasonal patterns of photosynthesis and physiological parameters and the effects of emersion in littoral seaweeds. |
90787 |
Growth and elemental composition (C, N, P) during larval developmental stages of mass-cultured swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus. |
6742 |
Status and conservation of the seabirds nesting in Southeast USSR. |
81960 |
Estudio taxonómico de las esponjas del Parque Nacional Cahuita, Sector Puerto Vargas e Isla Uvita, Limón, Costa Rica. |
32140 |
Apparent predation by a white shark Carcharodon carcharias on a pygmy sperm whale Kogia breviceps. |
43439 |
Probably more than you want to know about the fishes of the Pacific coast. |
7589 |
Eledone palari, a new species of octopus (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae) from Australia. |
41215 |
Ariidae. |
82621 |
A new species of Scoloplos (Polychaeta: Orbiniidae) from Hong Kong and a comparison with the closely related Scoloplos marsupialis Southern, 1921 from India. |
77086 |
Biogeography and community structure of the decapod crustacean fauna off Namibia (Southeast Atlantic). |
79279 |
A new species of the genus Munida Leach, 1819 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura, Galatheidae) from the Western Indian Ocean, with the redescription of M. africana Doflein and Balss, 1913. |
79293 |
Galatheid crustaceans of the genus Munida Leach, 1818, from French Polynesia. |
86480 |
The nocturnal pelagic phases of cumaceans. |
1610 |
Distribution and taxonomy of Zooplankton in the Alboran Sea and Adjacent Mediterranean sea. A literature Survey and field guide. |
108395 |
Functional organisation of mouth parts, and filter feeding, in Clibanarius longitarsus (Crustacea: Anomura). |
3121 |
Stomatopod Crustacea collected by the Galathea Expedition, 1950-1952, with a list of Stomatopoda known from depths below 400 meters. |
62700 |
Stomatopod Crustacea collected by the Galathea Expedition, 1950-1952, with a list of Stomatopoda known from depths below 400 meters. |
103017 |
Crustacea Decapoda: Cecidocarcinus zibrowii, a new deep-water gall crab (Cryptochiridae) from New Caledonia. |
8893 |
Lestradea. |
8894 |
Neolamprologus. |
125106 |
Gammaridea and Caprellidea (Crustacea — Amphipoda) of the Portuguese south-western continental shelf: taxonomy and distributional ecology. |
8830 |
The impact of the introduced sardine Limnothrissa miodon on the ecology of Lake Kariba. |
77711 |
Crabs of the Family Homolodromiidae, III. first record of the larvae. |
1574 |
Primera cita de una cercaria tricocerca parásita de Dorsanum moniliferum (Mollusca, Buccinidae) para el Atlántico sud-occidental. Aportes al conocinmiento de su ciclo de vida. |
7565 |
Foraging, feeding and prey remains in middens of juvenile Octopus vulgaris (Mollusca: Cephalopoda). |
111855 |
Passive exclusion of finfish by trawl efficiency device (TED) in prawn trawling in Gulf of Papua, Papua New Guinea. |
5031 |
Observations of gulls foraging on beach-stranded plankton in Otago Harbor, New Zealand. |
90810 |
Biochemical and energetic composition, population biology, and chemical defense of the Antarctic ascidian Cnemidocarpa verrucosa Lesson. |
712 |
The taxonomy and natural history of north European dendrochirote holothurians (Echinodermata). |
62819 |
The taxonomy and natural history of north European dendrochirote holothurians (Echinodermata). |
97240 |
A small collection of deep water sponge crabs (Brachyura, Dromiidae) from French Polynesia, including a new species of Sphaerodromia Alcock, 1899. |
76638 |
Description of a new and unusual species of Sphaerodromia (Brachyura, Dromiidae) from the Seychelles Islands. |
3434 |
Four new pseudococculinid limpets collected by the deep-submersible Alvin in the eastern Pacific. |
111246 |
Larval development and salinity tolerance of Brazilian Eurytium limosum (Say, 1818) (Brachyura: Xanthidae) reared in the laboratory. |
34721 |
A new species of the deep-sea fish genus Parabrotula (Parabrotulidae) from Sagami Bay with notes on its biology. |
5968 |
Nitrogen and carbon isotope compositions relate linearly in Cormorant tissues and its diet. |
87021 |
Paranebalia belizensis, a new species from shallow waters off Belize, Central America (Crustacea: Malacostraca: Leptostraca). |
72388 |
Clupeonella abrau (Maljatskij, 1930). |
81308 |
Observation of the vertical distribution and behavior of nektonic squids using manned submersibles. |
7745 |
Ascidies de Nouvelle-Calédonie. 10. Stolidobranches (suite). |
3674 |
Tunicata: peuplements d'ascidies profondes en Nouvelle-Calédonie. Diversité des stratégies adaptatives. |
102341 |
Coral reef ascidians of New Caledonia. |
112264 |
Postlarval recruitment of the spiny lobster, Panulirus argus (Latreille), in southwestern Puerto Rico. |
3788 |
Avian indication of pelagic fishery conditions in the southeast and northwest Atlantic. |
81903 |
Demography and growth of Anomalocardia brasiliana (Gmelin) (Bivalvia: Veneridae) in a mangrove, in Guadaloupe (French West Indies). |
104146 |
Demography and growth of Anomalocardia brasiliana (Gmelin) (Bivalvia: Veneridae) in a mangrove, in Guadeloupe (French West Indies). |
3141 |
The Stomatopoda of New Caledonia and Chesterfield Islands. |
62531 |
The Stomatopoda of New Caledonia and Chesterfield Islands. |
77771 |
Notes on the first mangrove shipworm, Lyrodus singaporeana, recorded from Hong Kong. |
126978 |
Hong Kong's scleractinian coral-gallery communities. |
8980 |
A synoptic review of the biology and culture of Oreochromis shiranus shiranus and Oreochromis shiranus chilwae. |
8838 |
Micronesian reef fishes. |
56598 |
Ration of yellowfin and flathead soles. |
1867 |
Ischnochitonika japonica, new species (Copepoda), a parasite on Ischnochiton (Ishnoradsia) hakodadensis (Pilsbry) (Polyplacophora: Ischnochitonidae) from the Sea of Japan. |
5119 |
Coastal Marine Ecosystems and Anthropogenic Pressure in the Gulf of Kachchh. |
139 |
Pycnogonida of waters adjacent to Japan. |
63195 |
Pycnogonida of waters adjacent to Japan. |
101610 |
p. 126. In Estuarine and Marine Bivalve Mollusck Culture. Chapter 10: Crassostrea rhizophorae Guilding) and C. brasiliana (Lamarck) in South and Central America. |
891 |
Production of aquatic animals: crustaceans, molluscs, amphibians and reptiles. |
7640 |
Neritic squid resources and cuttlefish resources in Japan. |
8535 |
Food addition and twinning experiments in the Cape Gannet: effects on breeding success and chick growth and behavior. |
90735 |
Nutritional quality of macrophytes eaten and not eaten by two temperate-zone herbivorous fishes: A multivariate comparison. |
100789 |
Republic of Palau marine resources profiles. |
2263 |
The development of the brachiopod Crania (Neocrania) anomala (O.F. Müller) and its phylogenetic significance. |
7481 |
The ascidians of the Japan Sea. 2. |
7588 |
Octopus cyanea Gray, 1849 (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) in Australian waters: description, distribution and taxonomy. |
824 |
the distribution of two irregular echinoids (Maretia planulata Lamarck and Metalia dicrana clark) in Apra harbor, Guam. |
80521 |
Dolphin days: the life and times of the Spinner dolphin. |
4339 |
Food of juvenile common eiders (Somateria mollissima) in areas of high and low salinity. |
87025 |
Belize - a last stronghold for manatees in the Caribbean. |
106421 |
Seasonal changes in hydrographic factors and breeding in two populations of Crassostrea tulipa (Lamarck). |
1638 |
Presencia de Phoronis australis Haswell, 1883 (Phoronida, Lophophorata) en las Islas Canarias. |
7055 |
Diet of Murres caught incidentally during winter in Northern Japan. |
78020 |
Relationship between mouthpart structures and in situ feeding habits of species of the family Pontellidae (Copepoda: Calanoida). |
77636 |
Spatial and temporal variations in the subtidal macrobenthic community of Tai Tam Bay, Hong Kong. |
127144 |
Population dynamics and management of natural stocks. |
78771 |
Amphipoda Crustacea II. Family Bateidae. |
91161 |
Charonia tritonis (Linne 1758) en Isla de Pascua (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Cymatiidae). |
46464 |
Stomach content analysis of chub mackerel Scomber japonicus larvae by quantification I method. |
3006 |
Four new species of Hydromedusae (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) from the coast of south-western Africa. |
3524 |
Antarctic macroplankton and the nutrition of coastal fishes (in Russian). |
55580 |
Data on krill (Euphausia superba Dana) consumption by coastal fishes in Division 58.4.2 (Kosmonavtov and Sodruzhestva seas). |
8846 |
La consommation de nourriture chez les poissons: étude comparative, mise au point d'un modèle prédictif et application à l'étude des réseaux trophiques. |
54061 |
Species composition and food habits of the micronektonic cephalopod assemblage in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. |
118417 |
Growth, mortality and recruitment rates of giant clams, Tridacna gigas and T. derasa, at Michaelmas Reef, central Great Barrier Reef, Australia. |
8916 |
Biology of Galaxiella munda McDowall (Teleostei: Galaxiidae), including a comparison of the reproductive strategies of this and three other local species. |
106189 |
Reproductive behavior of Aplysia californica Cooper: diel patterns, sexual roles and mating aggregations. |
4352 |
The population structure of Greenland Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis on the wintering grounds on Islay. |
104514 |
Sexual maturation and reproductive cycle of Eledone massyae, Voss 1964 Cephalopoda: Octopodidae) in southern Brazil. |
90756 |
Particulate organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus content in roots, rhizomes and differently aged leaves of Zostsera noltii Hornem. In Oosterschelde Estuary (Southwestern Netherlands). |
72074 |
Biological aspects of Monacanthus tomentosus (Monacanthidae) in the seagrass beds of Kotania Bay, West Seram, Moluccas, Indonesia. |
4467 |
Bird population studies: relevance to conservation and management. |
5379 |
Breeding ecology of the Southern Giant Petrel Macronectes giganteus on King George Island (South Shetland Islands, Antarctic). |
8975 |
Freshwater fishes of Sri Lanka. |
117499 |
Contribution to the knowledge of genus Eudorella Norman, 1867 (Crustacea, Cumacea, Leuconidae) with the description of two new species: Eudorella bacescui n. sp. And Eudorella menziesi n. sp. |
7591 |
On the distribution of pelagic cephalopods in the Arabian Sea. |
6492 |
The distribution of seabirds and fish in relation to ocean currents in the southeastern Chukchi Sea. |
8806 |
Prey remains in grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) faeces from the Moray Firth, north-east Scotland. |
7765 |
Seasonal variation in the diet of common seals (Phoca vitulina) in the Moray Firth area of Scotland. |
63619 |
Seasonal variation in the diet of common seals (Phoca vitulina) in the Moray Firth area of Scotland. |
1737 |
Distribution patterns in chaetognaths. |
7695 |
The adaptive pattern of growth and reproduction of the colonial hydroid Clavopsella michaeli. |
92117 |
The volume of stomach oils increases during prefledging weight loss in Leach's storm petrel (Oceanodroma leucorhoa) chicks. |
81144 |
Population structure and growth on captivity of the spiny lobster Panulirus penicillatus from Dahab, Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. |
86823 |
Phylogeny and classification of the Phyllodocidae (Polychaeta). |
5073 |
Winter aggregations of marine mammals and birds in the north-eastern Weddell Sea pack ice. |
26982 |
Feeding of predaceous fishes on out-migrating juvenile salmonids in John Day Reservoir, Columbia River. |
7833 |
New data on an interstitial opisthobranch assemblage and other meiofauna from the Skagerrak, Sweden. |
106858 |
Spiny lobsters at Tristan da Cunha, South Atlantic: inter-island variations in growth and population structure. |
106327 |
Reproductive dynamics of two Jasus species in the south Atlantic region. |
106608 |
Les crabes profonds des îles Marquises (Chaceon sp. nov., Decapoda, Geryonidae). |
81426 |
Checklists on seaweeds in the Atlantic Ocean and in the Cape Verde Archipelago. |
7712 |
A review of cnidarians and ctenophores feeding on competitors in the plankton. |
1331 |
Differential ingestion and digestion of bivalve larva by the Scyphozoan Chrysaora quinquecirrha and the Ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi. |
121162 |
Distribution, growth, and production of Nephtys hombergii and N. assimilis (Polychaeta: Nephtyidae) in benthic communities of the North Sea. |
81417 |
Catálogo de las algas marinas bentónicas de la costa temperada del Pacífico de Sudamérica. |
115032 |
Scientific, common and local names of commercially important edible marine fin and shell fishes from Andhra Pradesh. |
2976 |
Meiofauna. Fauna of Lakshadweep. |
87968 |
Ergebnisse der faunistischen Arbeiten im Benthal von King George Island (Südshetlandinseln, Antarktis). |
105441 |
Mollusca of Tampamachoco lagoon, Veracruz, Mexico: systematics and ecology. |
6746 |
Status and conservation of seabirds in the Mariana Islands. |
6057 |
Checklist of the birds of the Mariana Islands. |
104084 |
Comparative fecundity of decapod crustaceans, II. the fecundity of fifteen species of Anomuran and Brachyuran crabs. |
97727 |
Mesopelagic-boundary community in Hawaii: micronekton at the interface between neritic and oceanic ecosystems. |
82241 |
Five species of Gammaridea (Amphipoda) from Nansha Islands. |
79412 |
Chirostylid and galatheid crustaceans associates of coelenterates and echinoderms collected from the Johnson-Sea-Link submersible, including a new species of Gastroptychus. |
894 |
Le benthos des fonds meubles des lagons de Nouvelle-Calédonie. Volume 1. |
6165 |
Birds of 'Ata and Late, and additional notes on the Avifauna of Niuafo' ou, Kingdom of Tonga. |
952 |
New Zealand nemertines from kelp holdfasts: Heteronemertinea Notospermus geniculatus (Delle Chiaje, 1828) n. comb. |
106719 |
Effects of a toxic bloom of Chrysochromulina polylepis on the common dog-whelk, Nucella lapillus on the Swedish west coast. |
4340 |
Diet and postnatal energetics in convergent taxa of plankton-feeding seabirds. |
6736 |
Status and conservation of breeding seabirds in British Columbia. |
75852 |
Guidebook to pecten shells. |
80294 |
Growth rates of American alligators in estuarine and palustrine wetlands in Louisiana. |
7595 |
Octopus schultzei (Hoyle, 1910): a redescription with designation of Aphrodoctopus new genus (Cephalopoda; Octopodinae). |
82514 |
Crustacea Cirripedia Thoracica: MUSORSTOM 3 Philippines collection. |
94669 |
Abundance estimation, population dynamics and assessment of the Chesapeake Bay blue crab stock: a report of the Maryland research program. |
125543 |
Benthic molluscs of Kongsfjorden (Svalbard). |
80341 |
Further studies on the taxonomy and biology of the octocoral-feeding genus Phyllodesmium Ehrenberg, 1831 (Nudibranchia: Aeolidoidea). |
64181 |
Argulus papuensis n. sp., a new fish louse (Crustacea: Branchiura) from Papua New Guinea. |
4184 |
The impact of the commercial lobster fishery on seabirds at the Tristan da Cunha Islands, South Atlantic Ocean. |
4183 |
Rockhopper penguins and other marine life threatened by driftnet fisheries at Tristan da Cunha. |
4185 |
Marine and coastal birds in False Bay. Distribution, population sizes and conservation. |
5468 |
Aspects of the breeding and feeding of Kerguelen and Antarctic Terns at the Kerguelen Islands. |
7821 |
Nota sobre los moluscosmesopsammicos del sudeste de Espana. |
90594 |
Skeleton weight-free oxygen consumption related to adaptations to environment and habits of six crustacean species. |
7636 |
Morphometrics and some aspects of biology of Sepia australis in Namibian waters. |
114487 |
On the taxonomy and distribution of Callinectes Stimpson (Crustacea, Decapoda, Portunidae) in Rio Grande do Norte. |
121626 |
Food of squid Loligo vulgaris reynaudii (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae) on their spawning grounds off the Eastern Cape, South Africa. |
3763 |
Octopus Predation on nautilus: evidence from Papua New Guinea. |
108067 |
Burrowing in the inarticulate brachiopod Lingula anatina. |
4537 |
La nidificazione del gabbiano comune, Larus ridibundus, in Laguna di Venezia: Anni 1989-1990. |
87410 |
The brooding cycle of Abatus cordatus (Echinodermata: Spatangoida) at Kerguelen islands. |
78231 |
Helicoradomenia juani gen. et sp. Nov., a Pacific Hydrothermal Vent Aplacophora (Mollusca: Neomeniomorpha). |
84949 |
Population structure, ageing, and fishing mortality of the New Zealand abalone Haliotis iris. |
80942 |
Seaweeds of the Southeastern United States. |
5717 |
The role of fluid dynamics in the ecology of marine birds. |
5926 |
Maximum diving depths of the Magellanic Penguin. |
104367 |
Length and age structure in commercial catch samples of the pismo clam Tivela stultorum (Mawe, 1823), from Playa San Ramon, B.C., Mexico. |
106936 |
Gametogenesis and spawning in the carpet‐shell clam, Ruditapes decussatus (L.) (Mollusca: Bivalvia), from the Atlantic coast of Morocco. |
8773 |
Feeding ecology of wild and head-started Kemp's Ridley sea turtles in South Texas waters. |
82629 |
A new family of polychaeta - Euniphysidae. |
102253 |
Growth, size at sexual maturity, and egg-per-recruit analysis of the abalone Haliotis fulgens in Baja California. |
78000 |
Description of two new species of Phronima Latreille, 1802 (Amphipoda: Hyperiidea) with a key to all species of the genus. |
85492 |
Estimation of natural mortality of Kuwait's grooved tiger prawn Penaeus semisulcatus (de Haan) using tag-recapture and commercial fisheries data. |
79937 |
A nudibranch, Murphydoris singaporensis, a new genus and new species from Singapore mangroves (Mollusca: Opisthobranchia: Goniodoriidae). |
6427 |
The Short-tailed Shearwater: a review of its biology. |
5190 |
The Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii gracilis breeding on the Northern Great Barrier Reef Queensland. |
5217 |
Kleptoparasitic Silver Gulls Larus novaehollandiae on the Northern Great Barrier Reef Queensland. |
2002 |
Convoluta pulchra n. sp. (Turbellaria: Acoela) from the East Coast of North America. |
1370 |
The Meiobenthos along a Mediterranean deep-sea transect off Calvi (Corsica) and in an adjacent canyon. |
7823 |
Three new species of Pogonophora, including two vestimentiferans, from hydrothermal sites in the Lau Back-arc Basin (Southwest Pacific Ocean). |
104865 |
Life history and structure of the world's southernmost Uca population: Uca uruguayensis (Crustacea, Brachyura) in Mar Chiquita Lagoon (Argentina). |
5423 |
Distribution, abundance and aspects of the pelagic ecology of Barau's Petrel (Pterodroma baraui) in the South-west Indian Ocean. |
8895 |
Food habits and growth of walleye, Stizostedion vitreum, smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieui, and northern pike, Esox lucius, in the Kaministiquia River, Ontario. |
1428 |
Gnathostomulida from Hawaii. |
1429 |
Gnathostomulida from Fiji, Tonga, and New Zealand. |
1447 |
Gnathostomulida from Tahiti. |
1535 |
Triplignathia adriatica, new genus and species, and a typology of mouth parts in Austrognathiidae (Gnathostomulida). |
64500 |
Gnathostomulida from Tahiti. |
82054 |
Marine Algae and Seagrasses of San Diego County. |
1972 |
Deep-water Pycnogonida from the surroundings of New caledonia. |
2027 |
Pycnogonides de la campagne Seamount 1 au large de la péninsule ibérique et dans le golfe ibéro-marocain. |
8901 |
Life history and ecology of large jacks in undisturbed, shallow, oceanic communities. |
1508 |
The role of prey stratification in predation pressure by the cydippid ctenophore Mertensia ovum in the Barents Sea. |
4700 |
The diet of some young seabirds on Canna, 1981-90. |
4461 |
Breeding performance in the Western Gull: effects of parental age, timing of breeding and year in relation to food availability. |
113745 |
Distribution and abundance of the Pacific razor clam, Siliqua patula (Dixon), on the eastside Cook Inlet beaches, Alaska. |
103129 |
Japanese species of the Macrophthalmus telescopicus complex (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Ocypodidae). |
46484 |
Ecological studies on young puffers Takifugu rubripes and T. xanthopterus in Ariake Sound. |
8989 |
Inland fishes of India and adjacent countries. vol 1. |
8990 |
Inland fishes of India and adjacent countries. Volume 2. |
8942 |
Tilapia. |
735 |
The cucumariid holothurians of southern Africa with the erection of a new genus. |
122844 |
Basic data on Chicoreus ramosus: some length-weight relationships. |
12626 |
Amazon fish parasites. |
114196 |
Seasonal variations in Palaemon serratus abdominal muscle metabolism and performance during exercise, as studied by 31P NMR. |
5977 |
Breeding seabirds of Rapa (Polynesia): numbers and changes during the 20th century. |
89806 |
Population selection strategies in the wedge clam, Donax incarnatus (Gmelin) from Panambur beach, Mangalore. |
5403 |
A census of the Black-browed Albatross Diomedea melanophrys population on Steeple Jason Island, Falkland Islands. |
119584 |
Faunal assemblages of benthic megainvertebrates inhabiting sea scallop grounds from eastern Georges Bank, in relation to environmental factors. |
84894 |
Spatial variability in distribution and growth of juvenile and adult sea scallops Placopecten magellanicus (Gmelin) on eastern Georges Bank (northwest Atlantic). |
85073 |
Light-dependence in scleractinian distribution in the sublittoral zone of South China Sea Islands. |
2246 |
Marine Gastrotricha on the east coast of Florida: Status. |
42305 |
Diet of the pacific cod, Gadus morhua macrocephalus, and its position in the food chain in Kamchatkan coastal waters. |
7590 |
Growth stages of Moroteuthis robusta (Verrill, 1881) with the re-evaluation of the genus. |
96682 |
Cephalopod paralarvae (excluding Ommastrephidae) collected from western Japan Sea and northern sector of the East China Sea during 1987-1988: preliminary classification and distribution. |
2889 |
Spermatophore diversity within and among the hermit crab families, Coenobitidae, Diogenidae, and Paguridae (Paguroidea, Anomura, Decapoda). |
8839 |
The diet of Oreochromis lidole (Trewavas) and other chambo species in Lakes Malawi and Malombe. |
165 |
Pantapoda (Pycnogonida) from the shelf of south-eastern Africa and surrounding waters. |
8884 |
Cannibalism and intraguild predation in clupeoids. |
6601 |
Barau's Petrel Pterodroma baraui, Jouanin's Petrel Bulweria fallax and other seabirds in the Northern Indian Ocean in June-July 1984 and 1985. |
8853 |
Marine linefish: priority species and research objectives in southern Africa. |
80164 |
A comparison of Yellow-eyed penguin growth rates across fifty years: Richdale revisited. |
42172 |
A systematic revision of the piscivorous haplochromine Cichlidae (Pisces: Teleostei) of Lake Victoria (East Africa). Part I. |
82174 |
Taxonomy, phylogeny and biogeography of the marine sponge genus Acarnus (Porifera: Poecilosclerida). |
90676 |
Eco-physiological characteristic of some common caprellid species in the Possjet Bay (the Japan Sea). |
4856 |
Broadscale density and aggregation of pelagic birds from a circumnavigational survey of the Antarctic Ocean. |
4855 |
Foraging interactions between pelagic seabirds and antarctic krill at South Georgia during austral winter 1991. |
82120 |
Comparative morphology, ecology, and fatty acid composition of West Indian Spheciospongia (Demospongae). |
7586 |
Food and prey detection in two deep-sea cephalopods: Opisthoteuthis agassizi and O. vossi (Octopoda: Cirrata). |
7545 |
Octopus magnificus (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae), a new species of large octopod from the southeastern atlantic. |
107782 |
Population ecology and community structure of sub-tidal soft sediment dwelling macro-invertebrates of Konkan, west coast of India. |
5409 |
Sur le régime et l'écologie alimentaires des Pétrels géants Macronectes halli et M. giganteus de l'archipel Crozet. |
116888 |
The taxonomy of the genus Trachycardium (Part 1) with descriptions of three new species. |
124249 |
Shrinkage and weight loss of nine commercial species of Holothurians from Fijian waters. |
6516 |
Seabird Islands. No. 213. East Rock, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland. |
6383 |
Seabird Islands. No. 212. South Barnard Islands, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland. |
75916 |
Biological records of a few marine mammals along the coast of Zhejiang province. |
6093 |
Diving patterns of full-grown and juvenile Rock Shags. |
4356 |
Diving depths of shags Phalacrocorax aristotelis breeding on the Isle of May. |
4381 |
Foraging range and feeding locations of Shags Phalacrocorax aristotelis during chick rearing. |
8247 |
Occurrence and distribution of an outbreak of infection of Loxothylacus texanus (Rhizocephala) in Blue Crabs in Galveston Bay, Texas, with special reference to size and coloration of the parasite's external reproductive structures. |
127039 |
New and little known mollusca from Iceland and Scandinavia. |
8405 |
Occurrence of the marine tapeworms hepatoxylon trichiuri and Hapatoxylon megacephalum, in fishes from Kaikoura, New Zealand. |
6744 |
Status and conservation of seabirds breeding in Malaysian waters. |
85358 |
Soft plastra of adult male sea turtles: an apparent secondary sexual characteristic. |
106509 |
Caridean and stenopodid shrimp of the Galápagos Islands. |
1607 |
Midwater bioluminescence assessment in the West Alboran gyre (Mediterranean Sea). |
1361 |
Glossobalanus berkeleyi, a new enteropneust from the Wes Coast. |
4119 |
Foraging ecology and diet of gentoo penguins Pygoscelis papua at South Georgia during winter and an assessment of their winter prey consumption. |
3865 |
Annual variation in breeding biology of macaroni penguins, Eudyptes chrysolophus, at Bird Island, South Georgia. |
4570 |
Depth utilisation by breeding Adelie penguins, Pygoscelis adeliae, at Esperanza Bay, Antarctica. |
6747 |
Status and conservation of the seabirds of Heard Island and the McDonald Islands. |
6748 |
Status and conservation of the seabirds of the Australian Antarctic Territory. |
4914 |
The distribution, abundance and status of Adelie Penguins Pygoscelis adeliae at the Windmill Islands, Wilkes Land, Antarctica. |
5450 |
Seabird abundance, distribution and breeding patterns in relation to the Leeuwin Current. |
4353 |
The sympatric breeding of Larus fuscus, L. cachinnans and L. argentatus in western Europe. |
3152 |
Growth and seasonal changes in the size structure of clam, Gomphina veneriformis. |
2750 |
Distribution, biology, and behavior of deepwater crabs in open areas of the north Atlantic. |
1497 |
Ongoing modification of the Mediterranen marine fauna and flora by the establishment of exotic species. |
9021 |
Feeding characteristics of greenlings and Irish lords during spawning in the upper sublittoral of eastern Kamchatka. |
105929 |
Zoogeography of the shallow-water cirriped fauna of the Galápagos Islands and adjacent regions in the tropical Eastern Pacific. |
3596 |
Arcoscalpellum toulmini Weisbord and Zeugmatolepas sp. (Cirripedia, Thoracica) from the Lower Paleocene of Alabama. |
6062 |
Status and conservation of seabirds breeding in Brazilian waters. |
6739 |
Status and conservation of seabirds breeding in Brazilian waters. |