List of Species Treated in Reference And Used in SeaLifeBase
n = 9

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ชนิด ชื่อที่ใช้
Acoetes flagelliformis (Wesenberg-Lund, 1949) Acoetes flagelliformis (p. )
Leonnates persicus Wesenberg-Lund, 1949 Leonnates persicus (p. 275 )
Linopherus hirsutus (Wesenburg-Lund, 1949) Linopherus hirsutus (p. )
Linopherus spiralis (Wesenburg-Lund, 1949) Linopherus spiralis (p. )
Micronephthys sphaerocirrata (Wesenberg-Lund, 1949) Nepththys sphaerocirrata (p. 294 )
Ninoe pulchra Wesenberg-Lund, 1949 Ninoe pulchra (p. 319 )
Notomastus rubrocinctus (Wesenberg-Lund, 1949) Notomastus rubrocinctus (p. 336 )
Pectinaria nana Wesenberg-Lund, 1949 Pectinaria nana (p. 348 )
Websterinereis punctata (Wesenberg-Lund, 1949) Leptonereis punctata (p. 289 )

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