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Reference no. | Description | year | Name used | Page |
90483 | Brunswig, D. 1973 Der Nahrungswert makrobenthischer Fischnährtiere der Kieler Bucht im Jahresgang. Diploma Thesis University Kiel, Germany | 1973 | Abra alba | --> |
96352 | Walker, A.J.M. and E.I.S. Rees 1980 Benthic ecology of Dublin Bay in relation to sludge dumping. Ir. Fish. Invest. Ser. B. 22:1-59. | 1980 | Abra alba | 39 |
2778 | López-Jamar, E., G. González and J. Mejuto 1986 Temporal changes of community structure and biomass in two subtidal macroinfaunal assemblages in La Coruña bay, NW Spain. Hydrobiologia 142:137-150. | 1986 | Abra alba | 141 |
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90604 | Rumohr, H., T. Brey and S. Ankar 1987 A compilation of biometric conversion factors for benthic invertebrates of the Baltic Sea. Baltic Marine Biologists Publication (ISSN 0282-8839) 9:1-56. | 1987 | Abra alba | --> |
90532 | Dauvin, J.C. and M. Joncourt 1989 Energy values of marine benthic invertebrates from the western English Channel. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the U.K. 69:589-595. | 1989 | Abra alba | --> |
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2707 | Kühne, S. and E. Rachor 1996 The macrofauna of a stony sand area in the German Bight (North Sea). Helgoländer Meeresunters 50:433-452. | 1996 | Abra alba | 439 |
96214 | Andrea, A.F.D., N.I. Craig and G.R. Lopez 1996 Benthic macrofauna and depth of bioturbation in Eckernförde Bay, southwestern Baltic Sea. Geo-Marine Letters 16:155-159. | 1996 | Abra alba | 156 |
95344 | Harbo, R.M. 1997 Shells and shellfish of the Pacific Northwest, a field guide. Harbour Publishing, Canada, 270p. | 1997 | Abra alba | 43 |
7883 | Cattrijsse, A. and M. Vincx 2001 Biodiversity of the benthos and the avifauna of the Belgian coastal waters: summary of data collected between 1970 and 1998. Sustainable Management of the North Sea. Federal Office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs: Brussel, Belgium. 48 pp. | 2001 | Abra alba | 48 |
96388 | Sanvicente-Añorve, L., A. Leprêtre and D. Davoult 2002 Diversity of benthic macrofauna in the eastern English Channel: comparison among and within communities. Biodiversity and Conservation 11:265-282. | 2002 | Abra alba | 272 |
96507 | Desroy, N., C. Warembourg, J. M. Dewarumez and J. C. Dauvin. 2002 Macrobenthic Resources of the Shallow Soft-bottom Sediments in the Eastern English Channel and Southern North Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 60: 120-131. | 2002 | Abra alba | 120 |
120909 | Funder, S., I. Demidov and Y. Yelovicheva 2002 Hydrography and mollusc faunas of the Baltic and the White Sea-North Sea seaway in the Eemian. Paleogeography, Palaeclimatology, Palaeoecology 184:275-304. | 2002 | Abra alba | 282;tab.1 |
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2684 | Zenetos, A., E. Vardala-Theodorou and C. Alexandrakis 2005 Update of the marine Bivalvia Mollusca checklist in Greek Waters. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 85:993-998. | 2005 | Abra alba | 996 |
2797 | Palaz, M. and S. Berber 2005 The bivalve species of the Dardanelles. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 85:357-358. | 2005 | Abra alba | 357 |
7882 | Degraer, S., J. Wittoeck, W. Appeltans, K. Cooreman, T. Deprez, H. Hillewaert, K. Hostens, J. Mees, E. Vanden Berghe and M. Vincx 2006 The macrobenthos atlas of the Belgian part of the North Sea. Belgian Science Policy. | 2006 | Abra alba | 43 |
96292 | Gaudêncio, M.J. and H.N. Cabral 2007 Trophic structure of macrobenthos in the Tagus estuary and adjacent coastal shelf. Hydrobiologia 587(1):241-251. | 2007 | Abra alba | 246;tab.2 |
83653 | Robinson, L.A., S.P.R. Greenstreet, H. Reiss, R. Callaway, J. Ccraeymeersch, I. de Boois, S. Degraer, S. Ehrich, H.M. Fraser, A. Goffin, I. Kröncke, L. Lindal Jorgenson, M.R. Robertson and J. Lancaster 2010 Length-weight relationships of 216 North Sea benthic invertebrates and fish. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 90(1):95-104. | 2010 | Abra alba | 103 |
85339 | Templado, J. and R. Villanueva 2010 Checklist of Phylum Mollusca. pp. 148-198 In Coll, M., et al., 2010. The biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea: estimates, patterns, and threats. PLoS ONE 5(8):36pp. | 2010 | Abra alba | 191 |
95965 | Gogina, M., M. Glockzin and M.L. Zettler 2010 Distribution of benthic macrofaunal communities in the western Baltic Sea with regard to near-bottom environmental parameters. 1. Causal analysis. Journal of Marine Systems 79:112-123. | 2010 | Abra alba | 115 |
125155 | Riera, R., Ó. Monterroso and J. Núñez 2012 Effects of granulometric gradient on macrofaunal assemblages in Los Cristianos harbour (Tenerife, Canary Islands). Life and Marine Sciences 29:33-41. | 2012 | Abra alba | 36 |
128574 | HELCOM 2012 Checklist of Baltic Sea macro-species. Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings No. 130, 206p. | 2012 | Abra alba | 150 |
95989 | Darr, A., M. Gogina and M.L. Zettler 2014 Detecting hot-spots of bivalve biomass in the south-western Baltic Sea. Journal of Marine Systems 134:69-80. | 2014 | Abra alba | 71 |
96045 | Darr, A., M. Gogina and M.L. Zettler 2014 Functional changes in benthic communities along a salinity gradient - a western Baltic case study. Journal of Sea Research 85:315-324. | 2014 | Abra alba | 319 |
96235 | Garilao, N. 2014 Baltic Sea species list. Personal communication, 25 April 2014. Provided excel file. | 2014 | Abra alba | --> |
107716 | Farsi, P., J. Seyfabadi, F. Owfi and M.S. Aramli 2015 Effect of environmental conditions on spatial distribution of macrobenthic community in Bushehr coasts of the Persian Gulf. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 15:869-878. | 2015 | Abra alba | 875 |
108343 | OBIS 2016 Abra alba (W. Wood, 1802). OBIS Search Interface. [Accessed 5/26/2016]. | 2016 | Abra alba | --> |
125154 | MarLIN 2021 White furrow shell (Abra alba). [Accessed: 08/09/2021]. | 2021 | Abra alba | --> |
3477 | 2050 | 2050 | Abra alba | --> |