79124 |
Forest, J. and D. Guinot 1956 Sur une collection de crustacés décapodes et stomatopodes des mers tunisiennes. Bulletin de la Station Océanographique de Salambo 53:24-43. |
1956 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
--> |
56723 |
Maurin, C. 1962 Étude des fronds chalutables de la Méditeranée occidentale. (Écologie et Pêche). Résultats des campagnes des navires océanographiques Président -Théodore-Tissier 1958 et 1960 et Thallasa 1960 et 1961. Revue des Travaux de l'Institute des Pêches maritimes 216(2): 163-218. |
1962 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
--> |
106515 |
Grindley, J.R. and M.J. Penrith 1965 Notes on the bathypelagic fauna of the seas around South Africa. Zoologica Africana 1(2):275-295. |
1965 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
--> |
106476 |
Saetre, R. and R.d.P. Silva 1979 The marine fish resources of Mozambique. Reports on survey with the R/V Dr. Fridtjof Nansen, Serviço de Investigaçöes Pesqueiras, Maputo, Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, 134 p. |
1979 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
--> |
881 |
Chace, F.A. Jr. 1985 The caridean shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda) of the Albatross Philippine Expedition, 1907-1910, Part 3: Families Thalassocarididae and Pandalidae. Smithson. Contr. Zool. (411):1-143. |
1985 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
12-14;figs.7-8 |
2845 |
Holthuis, L.B. 1987 Crevettes. p. 189-292. In W. Fisher, M. Schneider and M.L. Bauchot (eds.). Fiches FAO d'identification des espèces pour les besoins de la pêche Méditerranée et Mer Noire Zone de pêche 37 Révision 1 Vol. 1 Végetaux et invertébrés. FAO, Rome. |
1987 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
249 |
106024 |
Mura, M. 1987 Crostacei decapodi batiali della Sardegna meridionale. Rend. Sem. Fac. Sci. Univ. Cagliari 57(2): 189-199. |
1987 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
--> |
106414 |
González, J.A., M.A. Caldentey and J.I. Santana 1990 Catálogo de las especies de la familia Pandalidae (Crustacea, Decapoda, Caridea) en Canarias. Vieraea 19:141-151. |
1990 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
--> |
39258 |
Smale, M.J. and P.D. Cowley 1992 The feeding ecology of skates (Batoidea: Rajidae) off the Cape South coast, South Africa. S. Afr. J. mar. Sci. 12:823-834. |
1992 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
--> |
79414 |
Rodriguez-Marin, E. 1993 Biometry of decapod crustaceans in the Cantabrian. Crustaceana 65:192-203. |
1993 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
198;tab.II |
88009 |
Tursi, A., G. D'Onghia, A. Matarrese, C. Caroppo and G. Costantino 1993 L'importanza dei corstacei decapodi (natanti e reptanti macrurui) nel contesto delle campagne di pesca condotte nel Mar Jonio (1985-1986). Quaderni dell'Istituto Ricerche Pesca Marittima 5(2):145-158. |
1993 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
146 |
96908 |
Vaso, A. and L. Gjiknuri 1993 Decapod crustaceans of the Albanian coast. Crustaceana 65(3):390-407. |
1993 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
--> |
97686 |
Takeda, M. and Y. Hanamura 1994 Deep-sea shrimps and lobsters from the Flores Sea collected by the R. V. Hakuho-Maru during kh-85-1 cruise. Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series A 20(1):1-37. |
1994 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
--> |
102262 |
Suzuki, H. and A. Shinomiya 1995 Study on the fauna associated with Nautilus belauensis in the area off the southeast coast of the Palau Islands. Kagoshima Univ. Res. Center Pac., Occasional Papers 27: 11-23. |
1995 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
16 |
105470 |
Fariña, A.C. and F.J. Pereiro 1995 Distribution and abundance of molluscs and decapod crustaceans in trawl samples from the Galician Shelf (NW Spain). ICES mar. Sci. Symp. 199:189-199. |
1995 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
--> |
106508 |
Carbonell, A. and P. Abelló 1998 Distribution characteristics of pandalid shrimps (Decapoda: Caridea: Pandalidae) along the western Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Natural History 32(10-11): 1463-1474. |
1998 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
--> |
804 |
Bianchi, G., K.E. Carpenter, J.-P. Roux, F.J. Molloy, D. Boyer and H.J. Boyer 1999 FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. Field guide to the living marine resources of Namibia. Rome, FAO. 265 p., 11 plates. |
1999 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
33 |
106031 |
Maynou, F. and J.E. Cartes 2000 Community structure of bathyal decapod crustaceans off south-west Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean): seasonality and regional patterns in zonation. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK 80(05):789-798. |
2000 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
--> |
106511 |
García Rodríguez, M., A. Esteban and J.L. Perez Gil 2000 Considerations on the biology of Plesionika edwardsi (Brandt, 1851)(Decapoda, Caridea, Pandalidae) from experimental trap catches in the Spanish western Mediterranean Sea. Scientia Marina 64(4):369-379. |
2000 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
--> |
52384 |
Cartes, J.E., P. Abello, D. Lloris, A. Carbonell, P. Torres, F. Maynou and L.G. de Sola 2002 Feeding guilds of western Mediterranean demersal fish and crustaceans: an analysis based on a spring survey. Sci. Mar. 66(2):209-220. |
2002 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
213 |
59613 |
Abelló, P., A. Carbonell and P. Torres 2002 Biogeography of epibenthic crustaceans on the shelf and upper slope off the Iberian Peninsula Mediterranean coasts: implications for the establishment of natural management areas. Scientia Marina 60(Suppl. 2):183-198. |
2002 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
--> |
77864 |
Li, X. and T. Komai 2003 Pandaloid shrimps from the Northern south China Sea, with description of a new species of Plesionika (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea). The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 51(2):257-275. |
2003 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
259 |
97129 |
Kocataş, A. and T. Katağan 2003 The decapod crustacean fauna of the Turkish seas. Zoology in the Middle East 29:63-74. |
2003 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
--> |
833 |
Ruppert, E.E., R.S. Fox and R.D. Barnes 2004 Invertebrate Zoology. A functional evolutionary approach. 7th Ed. Brooks/Cole, Thomson Learning learning, Inc. 990 p. |
2004 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
--> |
80263 |
Vafidis, D., P.K. Leontarakis, A. Dailianis and A. Kallianiotis 2004 Growth parameters of the most abundant pandalid shrimps (Decapoda: Caridae) from the Northern Aegean Sea. Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Médit. 37, 453. |
2004 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
--> |
105709 |
Castriota, L., M. Falautano, T. Romeo, J. Florio, P., Finoia, M.G. Pelusi and F. Andaloro 2004 Crustacean fishery with bottom traps in an area of the southern Tyrrhenian Sea: species composition, abundance and biomass. Mediterranean Marine Science 5(2):15-22. |
2004 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
--> |
19 |
Bisby, F.A., M.A. Ruggiero, K.L. Wilson, M. Cachuela-Palacio, S.W. Kimani, Y.R. Roskov, A. Soulier-Perkins and J. van Hertum 2005 Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2005 Annual Checklist. CD-ROM; Species 2000: Reading, U.K. |
2005 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
--> |
79398 |
Politou, C.Y., P. Maiorano and G. D'Onghia 2005 Deep-water decapod crustacean fauna of the Eastern Ionian Sea. Belgian Journal of Zoology 135:235-241. |
2005 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
--> |
80760 |
Ungaro, N., C.A. Marano, L. Ceriola and M. Martino 2005 Distribution of demersal crustaceans in the southern Adriatic Sea. Acta Adriatica 46(1):27-40. |
2005 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
--> |
92299 |
Bozzano, A., F. Sarda and J. Rios 2005 Vertical distribution and feeding patterns of the juvenile European hake, Merluccius merluccius in the NW Mediterranean. Fish. Res. 73(1-2):29-36. |
2005 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
33 |
106523 |
Patokina, F.A. and F.F. Litvinov 2005 Food composition and distribution of elasmobranches on the shelf and upper slope of the Eastern Central Atlantic. ICES CM 26. |
2005 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
--> |
80357 |
Li, X. 2006 Additional pandaloid shrimps from the South China Sea (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea), with descriptions of one new species. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 54(2):361-372. |
2006 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
362 |
83447 |
Hong, S.Y., K.Y. Park, C.W. Park, C.H. Han, H.L. Suh, S.G. Yun, C.B. Song, S.G. Jo, H.S. Lim, Y.S. Kang, D.J. Kim, C.W. Ma, M.H. Son, H.K. Cha, K.B. Kim, S.D. Choi, K.Y. Park, C.W. Oh, D.N. Kim, H.S. Shon, J.N. Kim et al. 2006 Marine invertebrates in Korean coasts. Republic of Korea, Academy Publishing Company, Inc. 479 p. |
2006 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
339 |
105691 |
Vergnon, R. and F. Blanchard 2006 Evaluation of trawling disturbance on macrobenthic invertebrate communities in the Bay of Biscay, France: abundance biomass comparison (ABC method). Aquatic Living Resources 19:219-228. |
2006 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
--> |
79118 |
Fanelli, E.F., F. Colloca and G.D. Ardizzone 2007 Decapod crustacean assemblages off the West coast of central Italy (western Mediterranean). Scientia Marina 71:19-28. |
2007 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
--> |
106512 |
Rosa, R., R. Calado, L. Narciso and M.L. Nunes 2007 Embryogenesis of decapod crustaceans with different life history traits, feeding ecologies and habitats: a fatty acid approach. Marine Biology 151(3):935-947. |
2007 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
--> |
120777 |
Carpentieri, P., F. Colloca and G. Ardizzone 2007 Rhythms of feeding activity and food consumption of two Mediterranean burrowing fishes: Gnathophis mystax (Delaroche) and Chlopsis bicolor Rafinesque. Mar. Ecol. 28(4):487-495. |
2007 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
tab.2 |
80054 |
Apostolidis, C.A. and K.I. Stergiou 2008 A preliminary compilation of life-history data for Mediterranean marine invertebrates. In Palomares, M.L.D., Pauly, D. (Eds.), Von Bertalanffy Growth Parameters of Non-fish Organisms. Fisheries Centre Research Reports 16(10). Fisheries Centre, University of British Colombia [ISSN 1198-6727], pp. 102-121. |
2008 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
115;tab.A1 |
104027 |
Galil, B.S. and A. Shlagman 2010 An annotated list of the decapod Crustacea of the Mediterranean coast of Israel - half a century later. pp. 269-281, In Fransen, C.; de Grave, S.; Ng, P. 2010. Studies on Malacostraca: Lipke Bijdeley Holthuis Memorial Volume. CRM 014. |
2010 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
--> |
105629 |
Serrano, A., F. Sánchez, A. Punzón, F. Velasco and I. Olaso 2011 Deep sea megafaunal assemblages off the northern Iberian slope related to environmental factors. Scientia Marina 75(3):425-437. |
2011 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
--> |
106519 |
Lopez-Lopez, L., I. Preciado, F. Velasco, I. Olaso and J.L. Gutiérrez-Zabala 2011 Resource partitioning amongst five coexisting species of gurnards (Scorpaeniforme: Triglidae): Role of trophic and habitat segregation. Journal of sea research 66(2):58-68. |
2011 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
--> |
106514 |
Rajool Shanis, C. P., K. V. Akhilesh, H. Manjebrayakath, U. Ganga and N. G. K. Pillai 2012 Shrimps of the family Pandalidae (Caridea) from Indian waters, with new distributional record of Plesionika adensameri (Balss, 1914). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India 54(1): 45-49. |
2012 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
--> |
106605 |
Belhabib, D., D. Pauly, S. Harper and D. Zeller 2012 Marine fisheries catches in West Africa, 1950-2010, part I. Fisheries Centre Research Reports 20 (3). |
2012 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
--> |
105660 |
Mastrototaro, F., P. Maiorano, A. Vertino, D. Battista, A. Indennidate, A. Savini, A. Tursi and G. D'Onghia 2013 A facies of Kophobelemnon (Cnidaria, Octocorallia) from Santa Maria di Leuca coral province (Mediterranean Sea). Marine Ecology 34:313-320. |
2013 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
--> |
105743 |
Terribile, K., J. Evans, L. Knittweis and P.J. Schembri 2015 Maximising MEDITS: Using data collected from trawl surveys to characterise the benthic and demersal assemblages of the circalittoral and deeper waters around the Maltese Islands (Central Mediterranean). Regional Studies in Marine Science. |
2015 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
--> |
106517 |
Landeira, J.M., G.C. Jiang, T. Chan, T.W. Shih and J.I. Gozalez-Gordillo 2015 Redescription of the early larval stages of the pandalid shrimp Chlorotocus crassicornis (Decapoda: Caridea: Pandalidae). Zootaxa 4013(1):100-110. |
2015 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
--> |
106518 |
Barria, C., M. Coll and J. Navarro 2015 Unravelling the ecological role and trophic relationships of uncommon and threatened elasmobranchs in the western Mediterranean Sea (Supplement). Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 539:225-240. |
2015 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
Supp., p.1 |
114857 |
Torres, M.A., Y. Vila, L. Silva, J.J. Acosta, F. Ramos, M.L.D. Palomares and I. Sobrino 2017 Length-weight relationships for 22 crustaceans and cephalopods from the Gulf of Cadiz (SW Spain). Aquat. Living Resour. 30(12). |
2017 |
Chlorotocus crassicornis |
tab.1 |
3477 |
MarineSpecies.org 2050 MarineSpecies.org. http://www.marinespecies.org/index.php |
2050 |
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