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1907 |
Codium bursa |
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1937 |
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1969 |
Codium bursa |
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1970 |
Codium bursa |
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81370 |
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1974 |
Codium bursa |
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1981 |
Codium bursa |
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1987 |
Codium bursa |
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1993 |
Codium bursa |
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80931 |
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1994 |
Codium bursa |
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81347 |
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1994 |
Codium bursa |
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2001 |
Codium bursa |
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81408 |
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2002 |
Codium bursa |
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2007 |
Codium bursa |
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2008 |
Codium bursa |
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2009 |
Codium bursa |
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84622 |
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2010 |
Codium bursa |
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106682 |
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2015 |
Codium bursa |
37 |