References Used for Crassostrea rufa
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Reference no. Description year Name used Page
833 Ruppert, E.E., R.S. Fox and R.D. Barnes 2004 Invertebrate Zoology. A functional evolutionary approach. 7th Ed. Brooks/Cole, Thomson Learning learning, Inc. 990 p. 2004 Crassostrea rufa -->
107088 Strachan, M.F. 2010 Studies on the impact of a water-based drilling mud weighting agent (Barite) on some benthic invertebrates. Heriot-Watt University. 2010 Crassostrea rufa 66
105548 UNDP 2015 Gambia protected areas network and community livelihood project. Project Document, UNDP Project ID PIMS 5000 / GEF Project ID PMIS 5529, 91p. 2015 Crassostrea rufa -->
105280 De Chautagne, L.D.B.M. 2050 Fiche descriptive sur les zones humides Ramsar (FDR) - version 2006-2008. [Accessed 11/16/2015]. 2050 Crassostrea rufa -->
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