References Used for Echinorhynchus gadi
n = 17
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2297 Linton, E. 1901 Parasites of fishes of the Woods Hole region. Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission for 1899:407-492. 1901 Echinorhynchus gadi -->
2294 Kabata, Z. 1961 A new genus and species of trematode parasitic in Macrurus fabricii (Sundeval), a deep-sea fish. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 136:285-292. 1961 Echinorhynchus gadi -->
94010 Arai, H.P. 1969 Preliminary report on the parasites of certain marine fishes of British Columbia. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada 26:2319-2337. 1969 Echinorhynchus gadi 2321-2323, 2325-2328, 2335
2299 Noble, E.R. 1973 Parasites and fishes in a deep-sea environment. Adv. Mar. Biol. 11:121-195. 1973 Echinorhynchus acus -->
2301 Redkuzubova, O.I. 1976 Parasitological situation in the region of northern Labrador and northern Newfoundland. In: Gaevskaya, A.V. (Ed.) Summaries of Reports from the 2nd All-Union Symposium of Parasites and Diseases of Marine Animals. Kaliningrad: AtlantNIRO, pp. 53-54. 1976 Echinorhynchus acus -->
2305 Szuks, H. 1980 Die verwendbarkeit von Parasiten zur gruppentrennung beim Grenadierfisch Macrourus rupestris. Angewandte Parasitologie 21:211-214. 1980 Echinorhynchus gadi -->
2312 Zubchenko, A.V. 1981 Use of parasitological data in studies of the local groupings of rock grenadier, Coryphaenoides rupestris Gunner. In: Bauer, O.N. (Ed.) Abstracts. Symposium on parasitology and pathology of marine organisms (Leningrad), pp. 25-32. 1981 Echinorhynchus acus -->
2306 Vassiliadès, G. 1985 Helminthes parasites des poissons de mer des côtes du Sénégal. Bulletin de l’Institute Fondamental d’Afrique Noire, 44:78-99. 1985 Echinorhynchus gadi -->
2295 Kovalenko, L.M. 1986 Acanthocephala in fishes in Australia- New Zealand region. Materialy Konferentsii. Xth Konferentsija Ukrainskogo Obshchestva Parasitologov (Odessa), 1:276. 1986 Echinorhynchus gadi -->
2224 Valtonen, T.E. and D.W.T. Crompton 1990 Acanthocephala in fish from the Bothnian Bay, Finland. Journal of Zoology 220(4):619-639. 1990 Echinorhynchus gadi -->
2252 Marcogliese, D.J. 1994 Aeginina longicornis (Ampipoda: Caprellidea), new intermediate host for Echinorhynchus gadi (Acanthocephala: Echinorhynchidea). Jornal of Parasitology 80:1043-1045. 1994 Echinorhynchus acus -->
429 Hansson, H.G. 1998 NEAT (North East Atlantic Taxa): South Scandinavian marine "Aschelminth" (except Nematoda, which are treated separately and some other species poor phyla Check-List. Internet pdf Ed., 1998 Echinorhynchus gadi -->
2253 Wayland, M.T., C. Sommerville and D.I. Gibson 1999 Echinorhynchus brayi n. sp. (Acanthocephala: Echinorhynchidea) from Pachycara crassiceps (Roule) (Zoarcidae) deep-sea fish. Systematic Parasitology 43:93-101. 1999 Echinorhynchus gadi 94
19 Bisby, F.A., M.A. Ruggiero, K.L. Wilson, M. Cachuela-Palacio, S.W. Kimani, Y.R. Roskov, A. Soulier-Perkins and J. van Hertum 2005 Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2005 Annual Checklist. CD-ROM; Species 2000: Reading, U.K. 2005 Echinorhynchus gadi -->
2247 Wayland, M.T., D.I. Gibson and C. Sommerville 2005 Morphometric discrimination of two allozymically diagnosed sibling species of the Echinorhynchus gadi Zoega in Müller complex (Acanthocephala) in the North Sea. Systematic Parasitology, 60(2):139-149. 2005 Echinorhynchus gadi 139
125600 Køie, M. 2009 Boreogadus saida (Lepechin) (Gadidae): a review of its metazoan parasite fauna from Greenland, eastern Canada, Alaska and the Russian Arctic. Polar Biol 32:1399-1406. 2009 Echinorhynchus acus tab.1
96235 Garilao, N. 2014 Baltic Sea species list. Personal communication, 25 April 2014. Provided excel file. 2014 Echinorhynchus gadi -->
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