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Reference no. | Description | year | Name used | Page |
95880 | Powers, L.W. 1977 A catalogue and bibliography to the crabs (Brachyura) of the Gulf of Mexico. Contributions in marine science 20(suppl.): 190 p. | 1977 | Homola barbata | 22 |
62709 | Manning, R.B. and L.B. Holthuis 1981 West African brachyuran crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 306:1-379. | 1981 | Homola barbata | 27 |
95884 | Shiber, J.G. 1981 Brachyurans from Lebanese waters. Bulletin of Marine Science 31(4):864-875. | 1981 | Homola barbata | 865 |
74480 | Holthuis, L.B. 1987 Vrais Crabes. 321-333. In W. Fisher, M. Schneider and M.L. Bauchot (eds.). Fiches FAO d'identification des espèces pour les besoins de la pêche Méditerranée et Mer Noire Zone de pêche 37 Révision 1 Vol. 1 Végetaux et invertébrés. FAO, Rome. | 1987 | Homola barbata | 341 |
95894 | Neves, A.M. 1990 On a small collection of crustacea Decapoda from Sagres (Algarve). Nova Série 1(45):661-695. | 1990 | Homola barbata | 674 |
96908 | Vaso, A. and L. Gjiknuri 1993 Decapod crustaceans of the Albanian coast. Crustaceana 65(3):390-407. | 1993 | Homola barbata | 401 |
102839 | Wirtz, P. 1997 Crustacean symbionts of the sea anemone Telmatactis cricoides at Madeira and the Canary Islands. Journal of Zoology, London 242:799-811. | 1997 | Homola barbata | 804 |
90546 | Company, J.B. and F. Sarda 1998 Metabolic rates and energy content of deep-sea benthic decapod crustaceans in the western Mediterranean Sea. Deep Sea Research I 45:1861-1880. | 1998 | Homola barbata | --> |
106332 | Alvarez, F., J.L. Villalobos, Y. Rojas and R. Robles 1999 Listas y comentarios sobre los crustáceos decápodos de Veracruz, México. Anales del Instituto de Biologia Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Serie Zoologia 70(1):1-27. | 1999 | Homola barbata | 10 |
2747 | Pinho, M.R., J.M. Gonçalves, H.R. Martins and G.M. Menezes 2001 Some aspects of the biology of the deep-water crab, Chaceon affinis (Milne-Edwards and Bouvier, 1894) off the Azores. Fish. Res. 51(2-3):283-295. | 2001 | Homola barbata | 287 |
80377 | González-Gordillo, J.I., A. Dos Santos and A. Rodríguez 2001 Checklist and annotated bibliography of decapod crustacean larvae from the Southwestern European coast (Gibraltar Strait area). Scientia Marina 65(4):275-305. | 2001 | Homola barbata | --> |
78232 | Abelló, P., A. Carbonell and P. Torres 2002 Biogeography of epibenthic crustaceans on the shelf and upper slope off the Iberian Peninsula Mediterranean coasts: implications for the establishment of natural management areas. Scientia Marina 66(Suppl.2):183-198. | 2002 | Homola barbata | 186 |
79362 | Nizinski, M. 2003 Annotated checklist of decapod crustaceans of Atlantic coastal and continental shelf waters of the United States. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 116:96-157. | 2003 | Homola barbata | 123 |
105375 | Kevrekidis, K. and B.S. Galil 2003 Decapoda and stomatopoda (Crustacea) of Rodos island (Greece) and the erythrean expansion NW of the Levantine. Mediterranean Marine Science 4(1):57-66. | 2003 | Homola barbata | 61 |
833 | Ruppert, E.E., R.S. Fox and R.D. Barnes 2004 Invertebrate Zoology. A functional evolutionary approach. 7th Ed. Brooks/Cole, Thomson Learning learning, Inc. 990 p. | 2004 | Homola barbata | --> |
2364 | Coelho Filho, P.A. 2004 Análise do macrobentos na plataforma continental externa e bancos oceânicos do nordeste do Brasil no âmbito do programa REVIZEE. Grupo de estudo do Bentos (Oceanografia Biológica), Programa REVIZEE. 81 p. | 2004 | Homola barbata | 24 |
95881 | Bertini, G., A. Fransozo and G.A.S. De Melo 2004 Biodiversity of brachyuran crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda) from non-consolidated sublittoral bottom on the northern coast of São Paulo State, Brazil. Biodiversity and Conservation 13:2185-2207. | 2004 | Homola barbata | --> |
105709 | Castriota, L., M. Falautano, T. Romeo, J. Florio, P., Finoia, M.G. Pelusi and F. Andaloro 2004 Crustacean fishery with bottom traps in an area of the southern Tyrrhenian Sea: species composition, abundance and biomass. Mediterranean Marine Science 5(2):15-22. | 2004 | Homola barbata | 18 |
19 | Bisby, F.A., M.A. Ruggiero, K.L. Wilson, M. Cachuela-Palacio, S.W. Kimani, Y.R. Roskov, A. Soulier-Perkins and J. van Hertum 2005 Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2005 Annual Checklist. CD-ROM; Species 2000: Reading, U.K. | 2005 | Homola barbata | --> |
80760 | Ungaro, N., C.A. Marano, L. Ceriola and M. Martino 2005 Distribution of demersal crustaceans in the southern Adriatic Sea. Acta Adriatica 46(1):27-40. | 2005 | Homola barbata | 30 |
93549 | Braga, A.A., A. Fransozo, G. Bertini and P.B. Fumis 2005 Composition and abundance of the crabs (Decapoda, Brachyura) off Ubatuba and Caraguatatuba, northern coast of São Paulo, Brazil. Biota Neotropica 5(2):1-34. | 2005 | Homola barbata | 3 |
77129 | FAO-FIES 2007 Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, [accessed 03/07/2008]. | 2007 | Homola barbata | --> |
105705 | Perez-Gelabert, D.E 2008 Arthropods of hispaniola (Dominican Republic and Haiti): a checklist and bibliography. Zootaxa 1831:1-530. | 2008 | Homola barbata | --> |
96925 | Ateş, A.A., A. Kocataş, T. Kataǧan and T. Özcan 2010 An updated list of decapod crustaceans on the Turkish coast with a new record of the Mediterranean shrimp, Processa acutirostris Nouvel and Holthuis 1957 (Caridea, Processidae). North-Western Journal of Zoology 6(2):209-217. | 2010 | Homola barbata | 216 |
106582 | Capezzuto, F., R. Carlucci, P. Maiorano, L. Sion, D. Battista, A. Giove, A. Indennidate, A. Tursi and G. D'Onghia 2010 The bathyal benthopelagic fauna in the north-western Ionian Sea: structure, patterns and interactions. Chemistry and Ecology 26:199-217. | 2010 | Homola barbata | --> |
104461 | Muñoz, I., E. García-Isarch, I. Sobrino, C. Burgos, R. Funny and M. González-Porto 2012 Distribution, abundance and assemblages of decapod crustaceans in waters off Guinea-Bissau (north-west Africa). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 92(3):475-494. | 2012 | Homola barbata | --> |
3402 | Majaneva, S., O. Setala, E. Gorokhova and M. Lehtiniemi 2014 Feeding of the Arctic ctenophore Mertensia ovum in the Baltic Sea: evidence of the use of microbial prey. Journal of Plankton Research 36(1):91-103. | 2014 | Homola barbata | 324 |
105743 | Terribile, K., J. Evans, L. Knittweis and P.J. Schembri 2015 Maximising MEDITS: Using data collected from trawl surveys to characterise the benthic and demersal assemblages of the circalittoral and deeper waters around the Maltese Islands (Central Mediterranean). Regional Studies in Marine Science. | 2015 | Homola barbata | 5 |
107107 | Paleobiology Database. 2016 Family Homolidae De Haan 1833 (crab). [Accessed 3/31/2016]. | 2016 | Homola barbata | --> |
115257 | FAO-FIES 2017 Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from (accessed 08/06/2017). | 2017 | Homola barbata | --> |
127136 | González, J.A., J.I. Santana, J.M. Lorenzo, J.A. Quiles, S. Jiménez, G. González-Lorenzo, J.M. Landeira, J. Barquín and I.J. Lozano 2017 Lista, etymología y nombres comunes de los crustáceos decápodos de Canarias. Parte 1. cangrejos (Brachyura). Vieraea 45:15-40. | 2017 | Homola barbata | 18 |