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Reference no. | Description | year | Name used | Page |
86450 | Walker, A. 1901 Contributions to the Malacotracan fauna of the Mediterranean. Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology 28(182):290-306. | 1901 | Iphinoe tenella | --> |
79168 | Graeffe, E 1902 Ubersicht der Fauna des Golfes von Triest, nebst Notizen ubre Vorkommen, Lebensweise, Erscheinungs- und Laichzeit der einzelnen Arten v. Crustacea. Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Instituyen der Universität Wien und der Zoologischen Station in Triest, Wien 13:33-80. | 1902 | Iphinoe tenella | --> |
86456 | Fage, L. 1933 Pêches planctoniques à la lumière effectuées à Banyuls et à Concarneau. III. Crustacés. Archives de Zoologie experimental et géneral 76:105-248. | 1933 | Iphinoe tenella | --> |
86457 | Steuer, A. 1936 Cumacea und Stomatopoda von Alexandrien in Ägypten. Note Ist. Italo Germ. Biol. Mar. Rovigno 21:1-19. | 1936 | Iphinoe tenella | --> |
86464 | Ledoyer, M. 1968 Écologie de la faune vagile des biotopes méditerranéens accessibles en scaphandre autonome (Région de Marseille principalement) IV Synthèse de l'étude écologique. Recueil des Travaux de la Station Marine d'Endoume 60:125-295. | 1968 | Iphinoe tenella | --> |
86467 | Desbruyères, D., A. Guille and J. Ramos 1972 Bionomie benthique du plateau continental de la côte catalane espagnole. Vie et Milieu 28(2B):335-363. | 1972 | Iphinoe tenella | --> |
86449 | Sars, G.O. 1979 Nye Bidrah til Kundskaben om Middelhavets Invertebratfauna. II. Middelhavets Cumaceer. Archiv for Mathematik og Naturvidenskabs-Selskabet I Christiana 3:461-512; 4:1-134. | 1979 | Iphinoe tenella | --> |
86474 | Valentin, C. 1982 Zur Biozönik und Substratpräferenz der Cumaceen (Crustacea Peracarida) aus dem Küstenbereich der Insel Ischia (Golf von Neaple). Teil I: Problemstellung, untersuchungsgebeit und methoden. Mitteilungen aus der Zoologischen Musuem Universitat Kiel, 1(10):1-20. | 1982 | Iphinoe tenella | --> |
86480 | Macquart-Moulin, C. 1991 The nocturnal pelagic phases of cumaceans. Journal of Plankton Research 13(2):313-337. | 1991 | Iphinoe tenella | --> |
86483 | Corbera, J. 1995 Check-list of the Cumacea from Iberian waters. Miscel-lania Zoologica 18:57-75. | 1995 | Iphinoe tenella | 205 |
86484 | Corbera, J. and M.J. Cardell 1995 Cumaceans as indicators of eutrophication on soft bottoms. Scientia Marina 59:63-69. | 1995 | Iphinoe tenella | --> |
86487 | Corbera, J. and A. Garcia-rubies 1998 Cumaceans (Crustacea) of the Medes Islands (Catalonia, Spain) with special attention to the genera Bodotria and Iphinoe. Scientia Marina 62(1-2):101-112. | 1998 | Iphinoe tenella | --> |
2780 | Gusso, C.C., M.F. Gravina and F.R. Maggiore 2001 Temporal variations in soft bottom benthic communities in central Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy). Archo Oceanogr. Limnol. 22:175-182. | 2001 | Iphinoe tenella | 178 |
86491 | Sánchez-Moyano, J., E. García-Adiego, F. Estacio and J. García-Gómez 2001 On the composition of the macrofauna in a meadow in Algeciras Bay (southern Spain). Ciencias Marinas 27(1):47-71. | 2001 | Iphinoe tenella | --> |
833 | Ruppert, E.E., R.S. Fox and R.D. Barnes 2004 Invertebrate Zoology. A functional evolutionary approach. 7th Ed. Brooks/Cole, Thomson Learning learning, Inc. 990 p. | 2004 | Iphinoe tenella | --> |
1398 | MarBEF 2006 MarBEF Data System.[accessed June 26, 2006] | 2006 | Iphinoe tenella | --> |
96292 | Gaudêncio, M.J. and H.N. Cabral 2007 Trophic structure of macrobenthos in the Tagus estuary and adjacent coastal shelf. Hydrobiologia 587(1):241-251. | 2007 | Iphinoe tenella | 246;tab.2 |
85341 | Corbera, J. 2010 Checklist of the Order Cumacea (Phylum Arthropoda), with enumeration of references in each region of the Meditteranean Sea. pp. 237-246 In Coll, M., et al., 2010. The biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea: estimates, patterns, and threats. PLoS ONE 5(8):36pp. | 2010 | Iphinoe tenella | 238 |
3477 | 2050 | 2050 | Iphinoe tenella | --> |