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Reference no. | Description | year | Name used | Page |
81840 | Estampador, E.P. 1959 Revised list of Philippine crustacean decapods. Nat. Appl. Sci. Bull. 17:1-125. | 1959 | Macrobrachium rosenbergii | 23 |
90737 | Nelson, S.G., H.W. Li and A.W. Knight 1977 Calorie, carbon and nitrogen metabolism of juvenile Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man) (Crustacea, Palaemonidae) with regard to trophic position. Compendium of Biochemistry and Physiology 58A:319-327. | 1977 | Macrobrachium rosenbergii | --> |
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63114 | Motoh, H. 1980 Field guide for the edible crustacea of the Philippines. Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC). Aquaculture Department, Iloilo, Philippines. | 1980 | Macrobrachium rosenbergii | 42 |
82059 | New, M.B. and S. Singholka 1984 Cultivo de camaron de agua dulce. [Culture of the freshwater shrimp]. Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Documento Tecnico de Pesca 225, Rome. | 1984 | Macrobrachium rosenbergii | --> |
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84826 | Sampaio, C.M.S. and W.C. Valenti 1996 Growth curves for Macrobrachium resenbergii in semi-intensive culture in Brazil. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 27(3):353-358. | 1996 | Macrobrachium rosenbergii | 353-358 |
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75706 | Poupin, J. 1998 Crustacea Decapoda and Stomatopoda of French Polynesia. Atoll Research Bulletin 451:62 p. | 1998 | Macrobrachium rosenbergii | 12 |
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77861 | Li, X., D. Liu and X. Liang 2003 The zoogeography of Chinese Palaemonoidea fauna. Biodiversity Science 11(5):393-406. | 2003 | Macrobrachium rosenbergii | --> |
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110593 | De Bruyn, M., J.A. Wilson and P.B. Mather 2004 Huxley's line demarcates extensive genetic divergence between eastern and western forms of the giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 30:251-257. | 2004 | Macrobrachium rosenbergii | 251 |
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82055 | Arana-Magallón, F.C. and A.A. Ortga-Salas 2005 Growth of postlarval Macrobrachium rosenbergii at two temperatures. North American Journal of Aquaculture 67:10-12. | 2005 | Macrobrachium rosenbergii | 11;fig.1 |
110587 | Chand, V., M. De Bruyn and P.B. Mather 2005 Microsatellite loci in the eastern form of the giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii). Molecular Ecology Notes 5:308-310. | 2005 | Macrobrachium rosenbergii | 308 |
74657 | Bartley, D.M. (comp./ed.) 2006 DIAS. Introduced species in fisheries and aquaculture: information for responsible use and control. CD-ROM. Rome (Italy): FAO. | 2006 | Macrobrachium rosenbergii | --> |
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78075 | FAO 2007 Seafood in Europe. FAO Seafood in Europe CD's 4. | 2007 | Macrobrachium rosenbergii | --> |
110598 | Wowor, D. and P.K.L. Ng 2007 The giant freshwater prawns of the Macrobrachium rosenbergii species group (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea: Palaemonidae). The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 55(2):321-336. | 2007 | Macrobrachium rosenbergii | 321-336 |
85383 | Yeo, D.C.J., T. Swee Hee and P.K.L. Ng 2008 Horseshoe crabs (Phylum Arthropoda: Subphylum Chelicerata: Class Merostomata) and Decapod crustaceans (Phylum Arthropoda: Subphylum Crustacea: Order Decapoda). In pp. 110-128, 259-262, Davison, G.W.H.; Ng, P.K.L.; Ho, H.C., 2008. The Singapore Red Data Book: Threatened plants and animals of Singapore. Singapore: The Nature Society, 285pp. | 2008 | Macrobrachium rosenbergii | 259 |
106081 | Finlex Data Bank 2008 Maa- ja metsätalousministeriön asetus kalastus- ja vesiviljelytuotteiden sallituista kauppanimistä. [Accessed 01/06/2016]. | 2008 | Macrobrachium rosenbergii | --> |
114042 | O'Connor, M., C. Hawkins and D. K. Loomis 2008 A manual of previously recorded non-indigenous invasive and native transplanted animal species of the Laurentian Great Lakes and coastal United States. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 77, 82 pp. | 2008 | Macrobrachium rosenbergii | 30 |
97531 | Felder, D.L., F. Alvarez, J.W. Goy and R. Lemaitre 2009 Decapoda (Crustacea) of the Gulf of Mexico, with comments on the Amphionidacea. pp. 1019-1104 In Felder, D.L.; Camp, D.K. (eds.) Gulf of Mexico - Origins, Waters, and Biota. Biodiversity. Texas A&M University Press, College Station, Texas. | 2009 | Macrobrachium rosenbergii | 1055 |
85538 | Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources 2010 Major marine fish types by commercial group. | 2010 | Macrobrachium rosenbergii | --> |
110609 | Holthuis, L.B. and P.K.L. Ng 2010 Nomenclature and taxonomy. In M.B. New, W.C. Valenti, J.H. Tidwell, L.R. D'Abramo and M.N. Kutty (eds.). Freshwater Prawns: Biology and Farming. John Wiley & Sons, p. 560. | 2010 | Macrobrachium rosenbergii | 15-16 |
86590 | Medeville, P. 2011 Common name of Macrobrachium rosenbergii in Cambodia. Pers. Comm. | 2011 | Macrobrachium rosenbergii | --> |
96696 | Radhakrishnan, E.V., V.D. Deshmukh, G. Maheswarudu, J. Josileen, A.P. Dineshbabu, K.K. Philipose, P.T. Sarada, S.L. Pillal, K.N. Saleela, R. Chakraborty, G. Dash, C.K. Sajeev, P. Thirumilu, B. Sridhara, Y. Muniyappa, A.D. Sawant 2012 Prawn fauna (Crustacea: Decapoda) of India - An annotated checklist of the Penaeoid, Sergestoid, Stenopodid and Caridean prawns. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. India, 54 (1):50-72. | 2012 | Macrobrachium rosenbergii | 65 |
106096 | Fødevarestyrelsen. 2012 Handelsnavne fisk version 2012. [Accessed 01/06/2015]. | 2012 | Macrobrachium rosenbergii | --> |
113816 | Oehlenschläger, J. 2012 Cholesterolgehalte in Fischereierzeugnissen vom Deutschen Markt. Informationen aus der Fischereiforschung 59: 71-79. | 2012 | Macrobrachium rosenbergii | --> |
104052 | Carpenter, K.E. and N. De Angelis (eds.) 2014 The living marine resources of the Eastern Central Atlantic, Volume 1: Introduction, crustaceans, chitons and cephalopods. FAO Species Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes, Rome, FAO, pp.1-663. | 2014 | Macrobrachium rosenbergii | 126-127 |
121467 | Hajisamae, S. and P. Yeesin 2014 Do habitat, month and environmental parameters affect shrimp assemblage in a shallow semi-enclosed tropical bay, Thailand? Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 62:107-114. | 2014 | Macrobrachium rosenbergii | 110 |
111574 | Chand, B.K., R.K. Trivedi, S.K. Dubey, S.K. Rout, M.M. Beg and U.K. Das 2015 Effect of salinity on survival and growth of giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man). Aquaculture Reports 2:23-33. | 2015 | Macrobrachium rosenbergii | --> |
117292 | Udoinyang, E.P., O. Amali, C.C. Iheukwumere and J.E. Ukpatu 2016 Length-weight relationship and condition factor of seven shrimp species in the artisanal shrimp fishery of Iko river estuary, southeastern Nigeria. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies 2016 4(2):109-114. | 2016 | Macrobrachium rosenbergii | 111;tab.1 |
115257 | FAO-FIES 2017 Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from (accessed 08/06/2017). | 2017 | Macrobrachium rosenbergii | --> |