87707 |
Smith, E.A. 1876 Descriptions of species of Asteriidaeand Ophiuridae from Kerguelen's Island. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., Ser. 4 17:105-13. |
1876 |
Odontaster meridionalis |
--> |
87708 |
Smith, E.A. 1879 Transit of Venus Expeditions, 1874-75 - Collections from Kerguelen Island. Mollusca. Echinodermata. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. 168: 270-81 + pls 16-17. |
1879 |
Odontaster meridionalis |
--> |
87480 |
Murray, J. 1896 On the deep and shallow-water marine fauna of the Kerguelen region of the Great Southern Ocean. Challenger Expedition 343-500 p. |
1896 |
Gnathaster meridionalis |
415 |
86525 |
Arnaud, P.M. 1974 Contribution à la bionomie marine benthique des régions antarctiques et subantarctiques. Téthys 6(3):467-653. |
1974 |
Odontaster meridionalis |
--> |
89085 |
Cherbonnier, G. and A. Guille 1975 Échinodermes récoltés aux Îles Kerguelen. Bull. Mus. Natn. Hist. natn. 210:600-644. |
1975 |
Odontaster meridionalis |
612 |
90809 |
Lawrence, J.M. and A. Guille 1982 Organic composition of tropical, polar and temperate water echinoderms. Compendium of Biochemistry and Physiology 72B:283-287. |
1982 |
Odontaster meridionalis |
--> |
93287 |
Larraín, A., E. Mutschke, A. Riveros and E. Solar 1999 Preliminary report on Echinoidea and Asteroidea (Echinodermata) of the Joint Chilean-German-Italian Magellan "Victor Hensen" Campaign, 17 October - 25 November 1994. Scientia Marina 63(Suppl 1):433-438. |
1999 |
Odontaster meridionalis |
435 |
833 |
Ruppert, E.E., R.S. Fox and R.D. Barnes 2004 Invertebrate Zoology. A functional evolutionary approach. 7th Ed. Brooks/Cole, Thomson Learning learning, Inc. 990 p. |
2004 |
Odontaster meridionalis |
--> |
116837 |
McClintock, J.B., C.D. Amsler, B.J. Baker and R.W.M. van Soest 2005 Ecology of Antarctic marine sponges: an overview. Integr. Comp. Biol. 45:359-368. |
2005 |
Odontaster meridionalis |
116837 |
89090 |
Hibberd, T. and K. Moore 2009 Field identification guide to Heard Island and McDonald Islands benthic invertebrates: a guide for scientific observers aboard fishing vessels. Kingston, Tas. : Australian Antarctic Division and Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (Australia), 152 p. |
2009 |
Odontaster meridionalis |
39 |
87340 |
Southern Ocean Mollusc Database (SOMBASE) 2011 British Antarctic Survey, SOMBASE. Accessed through GBIF data portal, http://data.gbif.org/datasets/resource/66, 2011-07-15. |
2011 |
Odontaster meridionalis |
--> |
87520 |
Gutt, J., I. Barratt, E. Domack, C. d'Udekem d'Acoz, W. Dimmler, A. Gremare, O. Heilmayer, E. Isla, D. Janussen, E. Jorgensen, K.H. Kock, L.S. Lehnert, P. Lopez-Gonzales, S. Langner, K. Linse, M.E. Manjon-Cabeza and M. Meißner 2011 Biodiversity change after climate-induced ice-shelf collapse in the Antarctic. Deep Sea Research Part II 58:74-83. |
2011 |
Odontaster meridionalis |
tab.S3 |
116836 |
Rauschert, M. and W.E. Arntz 2015 Antarctic macrobenthos: a field guide of the invertebrates living at the Antarctic seafloor. Arntz & Rauschert Selbstverlag, Wurster Nordseekueste, Germany, 143p. |
2015 |
Odontaster meridionalis |
10 |
3477 |
MarineSpecies.org 2050 MarineSpecies.org. http://www.marinespecies.org/index.php |
2050 |
Odontaster meridionalis |
--> |
89939 |
Danis, B. 2050 A field guide to Antarctic sponges. Antarctic Field Guide. SCAR-MarBIN and ANTABIF. www.afg.org. |
2050 |
Odontaster meridionalis |
5 |