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Reference no. | Description | year | Name used | Page |
131339 | Marti, Y.Y. 1962 Soviet fisheries investigations in the Northwest Atlantic. All-Union Scientific-Research Institute of Marine Fishery and Oceanography. Moscow: VNIRO. | 1962 | Oithona similis | --> |
118130 | Horner, R. and D. Murphy 1985 Species composition and abundance of zooplankton in the nearshore Beaufort Sea in winter-spring. Arctic 38(3):201-209. | 1985 | Oithona similis | 203 |
93915 | Mackas, D.L. 1992 Seasonal cycle of zooplankton off southwestern British Columbia 1979-89. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 49:903-921. | 1992 | Oithona similis | 907 |
97597 | Checkley, D.M., Uye Jr., M.J. Dagg, M.M. Mullin, M. Omori, T. Onbe and M.-y. Zhu 1992 Diel variation of the zooplankton and its environment at neritic stations in the Inland Sea of Japan and the north-west Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Plankton Research 14(1):1-40. | 1992 | Oithona similis | 11 |
82826 | Hwang, J.-S. and J.T. Turner 1995 Behaviour of cyclopoid, harpacticoid, and calanoid copepods from coastal waters of Taiwan. P.S.Z.N. I: Marine Ecology 16(3):207-216. | 1995 | Oithona similis | --> |
100002 | Chan, L.-C. 1995 The ecology of marine plankton in Tai Tam Bay, Hong Kong, with special reference to barnacle (Arthropoda: Cirripedia) larvae. Hong Kong: Pok Fu Lam, University of Hong Kong, PhD Thesis, 352 p. | 1995 | Oithona similis | tab.2.4 |
1675 | Froneman, P.W. and E.A. Pakhomov 1998 Trophic importance of the chaetognaths Eukrohnia hamata and Sagitta gazellae in the pelagic system of the Prince Edward Islands (Southern Ocean). Polar Biol. 19:242-249. | 1998 | Oithona similis | --> |
3031 | Niermann, U., F. Bingel, G. Ergün and W. Greve 1998 Fluctuation of dominant mesozooplankton species in the Black Sea, North Sea and the Baltic Sea: is a general trend recognisable? Turkish Journal of Zoology 22:63-81. | 1998 | Oithona similis | --> |
119480 | Kosobokova, K.N., H. Hanssen, H.-J. Hirche and K. Knickmeier 1998 Composition and distribution of zooplankton in the Laptev Sea and adjacent Nansen Basin during summer, 1993. Polar Biology 19:63-76. | 1998 | Oithona similis | 66 |
123994 | Kosobokova, K. and H.-J. Hirche 2000 Zooplankton distribution across the Lomonosov Ridge, Arctic Ocean: species inventory, biomass and vertical structure. Deep-Sea Research I 47:2029-2060. | 2000 | Oithona similis | tab.2 |
75927 | Zheng, Y., X. Chen, J. Chen, Y. Wang, X. Shen, W. Chen and C. Li 2003 Biological resources and the environment in East China Sea. Scientific Technology Publishing of Shanghai, 835 p. | 2003 | Oithona similis | --> |
120296 | Deubel, H., M. Engel, I. Fetzer, S. Gagaev, H.-J. Hirche, M. Klages, V. Larionov, P. Lubin, O. Lubina, E.-M. Nothig, Y. Okolodkov and E. Rachor 2003 The southern Kara Sea ecosystem: phytoplankton, zooplankton and benthos communities influenced by river run-off. Proceedings in Marine Sciences 6:237-266 . | 2003 | Oithona similis | 150 |
126353 | Lee, C.N.W. 2003 Seasonal changes in the planktonic copepod community of the southeastern coastal waters of Hong Kong. pp. 367-387 In B. Morton (ed.) Perspectives on Marine Environmental Change in Hong Kong and Southern China, 1977-2001, Proceedings of an International Workshop Reunion Conference, Hong Kong, 21-26 October 2001. Hong Kong University Press. | 2003 | Oithona similis | 376 |
833 | Ruppert, E.E., R.S. Fox and R.D. Barnes 2004 Invertebrate Zoology. A functional evolutionary approach. 7th Ed. Brooks/Cole, Thomson Learning learning, Inc. 990 p. | 2004 | Oithona similis | --> |
19 | Bisby, F.A., M.A. Ruggiero, K.L. Wilson, M. Cachuela-Palacio, S.W. Kimani, Y.R. Roskov, A. Soulier-Perkins and J. van Hertum 2005 Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2005 Annual Checklist. CD-ROM; Species 2000: Reading, U.K. | 2005 | Oithona similis | --> |
121739 | Filatov, N., D. Pozdnyakov, O.M. Johannessen, L.H. Pettersson and L.P. Bobylev 2005 White Sea its marine environment and ecosystem dynamics influenced by global change. Praxis Publishing Ltd, Chichester, UK, 530p. | 2005 | Oithona similis | 160 |
111077 | Suarez-Morales, E., J.W. Fleeger and P.A. Montagna 2009 Free-living Copepoda (Crustacea) of the Gulf of Mexico. pp. 841-869 In Felder, D.L.; Camp, D.K. (eds.) Gulf of Mexico - Origins, Waters, and Biota. Biodiversity. Texas A&M University Press, College Station, Texas. | 2009 | Oithona similis | 863 |
121957 | Hopcroft, R.R., J. Questel and C. Clarke-Hopcroft 2009 Oceanographic assessment of the planktonic communities in the Klondike and Burger prospect regions of the Chukchi Sea report for survey year 2008. Institute of Marine Science, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 52p. | 2009 | Oithona similis | tab.3 |
87340 | Southern Ocean Mollusc Database (SOMBASE) 2011 British Antarctic Survey, SOMBASE. Accessed through GBIF data portal,, 2011-07-15. | 2011 | Othiona similes | --> |
115910 | Hogg, O.T., D.K.A. Barnes and H.J. Griffiths 2011 Highly diverse, poorly studied and uniquely threatened by climate change: an assessment of marine biodiversity on South Georgia's continental shelf. PLoS ONE 6(5):e19795. | 2011 | Oithona similis | AppS1 |
118510 | Hirche, H.J. and K.N. Kosobokova 2011 Winter studies on zooplankton in Arctic seas: the Storfjord (Svalbard) and adjacent ice-covered Barents Sea. Marine Biology 158:2359-2376. | 2011 | Oithona similis | 2364 |
118514 | Ershova, E.A., R.R. Hopercroft and K.N. Kosobokova 2015 Inter-annual variability of summer mesozooplankton communities of the western Chukchi Sea: 2004-2012. Polar Biology 38(9):1461-1481. | 2015 | Oithona similis | --> |
112458 | Smithsonian Institution 2016 Oithona similis Claus, 1866. [Accessed 20/10/2016]. | 2016 | Oithona similis | --> |
123985 | Kosobokova, K.N. and H.-G. Hirche 2016 A seasonal comparison of zooplankton communities in the Kara Sea - with special emphasis on overwintering traits. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 175:146-156. | 2016 | Oithona similis | tab.3 |
118138 | Smoot, C.A. and R.R. Hopcroft 2017 Depth-stratified community structure of Beaufort Sea slope zooplankton and its relations to water masses. J. Plankton Res. 39(1):79-91. | 2017 | Oithona similis | 82 |
123615 | Golikov, A.V., F.R. Ceia, R.M. Sabirov, Z.I. Zaripova, M.E. Blicher, D.V. Zakharov and J.C. Xavier 2018 Ontogenetic changes in stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) values in squuid Gonatus fabricii (Cephalopoda) reveal its important ecological role in the Arctic. Marine Ecology Progress Series 606:65-78. | 2018 | Oithona similis | tab.S2 |
130667 | Moon, S.Y. and H. Kim 2024 Feeding habits of Pacific anchovy, Engraulis japonicus (Actinopterygii: Clupeiformes: Engraulidae), captured off the southern coasts of Korea. Acta Ichthyol. Piscat. 54:1-11. | 2024 | Oithona similis | 5:tab.2 |
3477 | 2050 | 2050 | Oithona similis | --> |