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Reference no. | Description | year | Name used | Page |
106399 | Wigley, R.L. 1960 Note on the distribution of Pandalidae (Crustacea, Decapoda) in New England waters. Ecology 41(3):564-570. | 1960 | Plesionika acanthonotus | --> |
2845 | Holthuis, L.B. 1987 Crevettes. p. 189-292. In W. Fisher, M. Schneider and M.L. Bauchot (eds.). Fiches FAO d'identification des espèces pour les besoins de la pêche Méditerranée et Mer Noire Zone de pêche 37 Révision 1 Vol. 1 Végetaux et invertébrés. FAO, Rome. | 1987 | Plesionika acanthonotus | 254 |
2214 | Williams, A.B., L.G. Abele, D.L. Felder, H.H. Hobbs Jr., R.B. Manning, P.A. McLaughlin and I. Pérez Farfante 1988 Common and scientific names of aquatic invertebrates from the United States and Canada: decapod crustaceans. American Fisheries Society Special Publication 17. 77 pp. + 12 figs. | 1988 | Plesionika acanthonotus | 19 |
106414 | González, J.A., M.A. Caldentey and J.I. Santana 1990 Catálogo de las especies de la familia Pandalidae (Crustacea, Decapoda, Caridea) en Canarias. Vieraea 19:141-151. | 1990 | Plesionika acanthonotus | --> |
105341 | Cartes, J.E. 1993 Diets of deep-water pandalid shrimps on the Western Mediterranean slope. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 96:49-61. | 1993 | Plesionika acanthonotus | 56 |
106361 | Mura, M. and A. Cau 1994 Community structure of the Decapod Crustaceans in the middle bathyal zone of the Sardinian Channel. Crustaceana 67(3):259-266. | 1994 | Plesionika acanthonotus | --> |
76700 | Burukovskii, R.N. 1998 On the distribution of shrimp in West African waters. Russian Journal of Zoology 2(3):400-408. Translated from Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 77(7):778-787. | 1998 | Plesionika acanthonotus | --> |
79220 | Koukouras, A., A. Kallianiotis and D. Vafidis 1998 The decapod crustacean genera Plesionika Bate (Natantia) and Munida Leach (Anomura) in the Aegean Sea. Crustaceana 71:714-720. | 1998 | Plesionika acanthonotus | --> |
90546 | Company, J.B. and F. Sarda 1998 Metabolic rates and energy content of deep-sea benthic decapod crustaceans in the western Mediterranean Sea. Deep Sea Research I 45:1861-1880. | 1998 | Plesionika acanthonotus | --> |
804 | Bianchi, G., K.E. Carpenter, J.-P. Roux, F.J. Molloy, D. Boyer and H.J. Boyer 1999 FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. Field guide to the living marine resources of Namibia. Rome, FAO. 265 p., 11 plates. | 1999 | Plesionika acanthonotus | 34 |
80197 | Company, J.B. and F. Sardá 2000 Growth parameters of deep-water decapod crustaceans in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea: a comparative approach. Mar. Biol. 136:79-90. | 2000 | Plesionika acanthonotus | --> |
105848 | Guéguen, F. 2000 Distribution et abondance des crustacés décapodes du talus continental (200-900 m) de Guyane française. Crustaceana 73(6):685-703. | 2000 | Plesionika acanthonotus | --> |
106031 | Maynou, F. and J.E. Cartes 2000 Community structure of bathyal decapod crustaceans off south-west Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean): seasonality and regional patterns in zonation. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK 80(05):789-798. | 2000 | Plesionika acanthonotus | --> |
106170 | Ramos-Porto, M., K.C. de A. Silva, G.F.S. Viana and I.H.A. Cintra 2000 Camarões de Profundidade coletados no Norte do Brasil (Crustacea: Penaeidea e Caridea). Trab. Oceanog. Univ. Fed. PE, Recife 28(1):71-85. | 2000 | Plesionika acanthonotus | 78 |
80377 | González-Gordillo, J.I., A. Dos Santos and A. Rodríguez 2001 Checklist and annotated bibliography of decapod crustacean larvae from the Southwestern European coast (Gibraltar Strait area). Scientia Marina 65(4):275-305. | 2001 | Plesionika acanthonotus | --> |
105377 | Polunin, N.V.C., B. Morales-Nin, W.E. Pawsey, J.E. Cartes, J.K. Pinnegar and J. Moranta 2001 Feeding relationships in Mediterranean bathyal assemblages elucidated by stable nitrogen and carbon isotope data. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 220:13-23. | 2001 | Plesionika acanthonotus | 15 |
52384 | Cartes, J.E., P. Abello, D. Lloris, A. Carbonell, P. Torres, F. Maynou and L.G. de Sola 2002 Feeding guilds of western Mediterranean demersal fish and crustaceans: an analysis based on a spring survey. Sci. Mar. 66(2):209-220. | 2002 | Plesionika acanthonotus | 212 |
80194 | Cau, A., A. Carbonell, M.C. Follesa, A. Mannini, G. Norrito, L. Orsi-Relini, C.Y. Politou, S. Ragonese and P. Rinelli 2002 MEDITS-based information on the deep-water red shrimps Aristaeomorpha foliacea and Aristeus antennatus (Crustacea: Decapoda: Aristeidae). Scientia Marina 66(Suppl. 2), 103-124. | 2002 | Plesionika acanthonotus | --> |
106302 | Sartor, P., M. Sbrana, B. Reale and P. Belcari 2003 Impact of the deep sea trawl fishery on demersal communities of the northern Tyrrhenian Sea (Western Mediterranean). Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science 31:275-284. | 2003 | Plesionika acanthonotus | --> |
833 | Ruppert, E.E., R.S. Fox and R.D. Barnes 2004 Invertebrate Zoology. A functional evolutionary approach. 7th Ed. Brooks/Cole, Thomson Learning learning, Inc. 990 p. | 2004 | Plesionika acanthonotus | --> |
106400 | Cruz, N. and C.H.J.M. Fransen 2004 Addition of three species of the genus Plesionika (Crustacea: Caridea: Pandalidae) to the known Atlantic marine fauna of Colombia. Zool. Med. Leiden 78(6):131-146. | 2004 | Plesionika acanthonotus | --> |
19 | Bisby, F.A., M.A. Ruggiero, K.L. Wilson, M. Cachuela-Palacio, S.W. Kimani, Y.R. Roskov, A. Soulier-Perkins and J. van Hertum 2005 Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2005 Annual Checklist. CD-ROM; Species 2000: Reading, U.K. | 2005 | Plesionika acanthonotus | --> |
79398 | Politou, C.Y., P. Maiorano and G. D'Onghia 2005 Deep-water decapod crustacean fauna of the Eastern Ionian Sea. Belgian Journal of Zoology 135:235-241. | 2005 | Pandalus acanthonotus | --> |
80760 | Ungaro, N., C.A. Marano, L. Ceriola and M. Martino 2005 Distribution of demersal crustaceans in the southern Adriatic Sea. Acta Adriatica 46(1):27-40. | 2005 | Plesionika acanthonotus | --> |
95770 | Gaertner, J.C., J.A. Bertrand, D. Samani and A. Souplet 2005 Spatio-temporal organization patterns of demersal assemblages of the east coast of Corsica (Mediterranean Sea). Vie. Et. Milieu-Life and Environment 55:205-213. | 2005 | Plesionika acanthonotus | --> |
106425 | Vafidis, D., P. Chrissi-Yianna, A. Carbonell and J.B. Company 2005 A review of the biology and fisheries of the genus Plesionika Bate, 1888 (Decapoda, Caridea, Pandalidae) in European waters. Crustaceana 78(3):335-352. | 2005 | Plesionika acanthonotus | --> |
77129 | FAO-FIES 2007 Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, [accessed 03/07/2008]. | 2007 | Plesionika acanthonotus | --> |
79118 | Fanelli, E.F., F. Colloca and G.D. Ardizzone 2007 Decapod crustacean assemblages off the West coast of central Italy (western Mediterranean). Scientia Marina 71:19-28. | 2007 | Plesionika acanthonotus | --> |
80054 | Apostolidis, C.A. and K.I. Stergiou 2008 A preliminary compilation of life-history data for Mediterranean marine invertebrates. In Palomares, M.L.D., Pauly, D. (Eds.), Von Bertalanffy Growth Parameters of Non-fish Organisms. Fisheries Centre Research Reports 16(10). Fisheries Centre, University of British Colombia [ISSN 1198-6727], pp. 102-121. | 2008 | Plesionika acanthonotus | 118;tab.A1 |
96925 | Ateş, A.A., A. Kocataş, T. Kataǧan and T. Özcan 2010 An updated list of decapod crustaceans on the Turkish coast with a new record of the Mediterranean shrimp, Processa acutirostris Nouvel and Holthuis 1957 (Caridea, Processidae). North-Western Journal of Zoology 6(2):209-217. | 2010 | Plesionika acanthonotus | --> |
104461 | Muñoz, I., E. García-Isarch, I. Sobrino, C. Burgos, R. Funny and M. González-Porto 2012 Distribution, abundance and assemblages of decapod crustaceans in waters off Guinea-Bissau (north-west Africa). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 92(3):475-494. | 2012 | Plesionika acanthonotus | --> |
106605 | Belhabib, D., D. Pauly, S. Harper and D. Zeller 2012 Marine fisheries catches in West Africa, 1950-2010, part I. Fisheries Centre Research Reports 20 (3). | 2012 | Plesionika acanthonotus | --> |
105847 | Kapiris, K., K. Dogrammatzi, G. Christidis, I. Maina and D. Klaoudatos 2014 Decapod crustacean fauna of the Argolikos Gulf (Eastern Mediterranean, Central Aegean Sea). Acta Adriat. 55(2):219-228. | 2014 | Plesionika acanthonotus | --> |
3477 | 2050 | 2050 | Plesionika acanthonotus | --> |