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Reference no. | Description | year | Name used | Page |
100744 | Amio, M. 1963 A comparative embryology of marine gastropods, with ecological emphasis. J. Shimonoseki College Fisheries 12:229-253. | 1963 | Rapana thomasiana | --> |
100730 | Spight, T.M. 1976 Ecology of hatching size for marine snails. Oecologia 24(4):283-294. | 1976 | Rapana thomasiana | 288;tab.2 |
88059 | Kool, S. 1993 Phylogenetic analysis of the Rapaninae (Neogastropoda: Muricidae). Malacologia 35(2):155-259. | 1993 | Rapana venosa | 1 |
113909 | Eu-Yung, C. 1993 Reproductive Ecology of the Purple Shell, Rapana venosa (Gastropoda: Muricidae), with Special Reference to the Reproductive Cycle, Depositions of Egg Capsules and Hatchings of Larvae). The Korean Journal of Malacology 9(2): 1-15. | 1993 | Rapana venosa | --> |
7956 | Butakov, E.A., V.D. Chuhchin, M.B. Cherkasova and S.G. Lelekov 1997 Determinator of Gastropoda of the Black Sea. IBSS NASU, Sevastopol, 127p. | 1997 | Rapana venosa | 127 |
88060 | Chung, E.Y. and S-Y. Kim 1997 Cytological studies on testicular maturation and cyclic changes in the epithelial cells of the seminal vessicle of the male purple shell Rapana venosa (Gastropoda: Muricidae). Malacological Review 30:25-38. | 1997 | Rapana venosa | --> |
81755 | Tan, K.S. 2000 Species checklist of Muricidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in the South China Sea. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 8:495-512. | 2000 | Rapana venosa | 497 |
87949 | Harding, J.M. 2003 Predation by blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, on rapa whelks, Rapana venosa: possible natural controls for an invasive species? Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 207:161-177. | 2003 | Rapana venosa | 161-177 |
87996 | Mann, R. and JM. Harding 2003 Salinity tolerance of larval Rapana venosa: implications for dispersal and establishment of an invading predatory gastropod on the North American Atlantic coast. Biol. Bull. 204:96-103. | 2003 | Rapana venosa | 97 |
833 | Ruppert, E.E., R.S. Fox and R.D. Barnes 2004 Invertebrate Zoology. A functional evolutionary approach. 7th Ed. Brooks/Cole, Thomson Learning learning, Inc. 990 p. | 2004 | Rapana venosa | --> |
87911 | Culha, M. 2004 Taxonomical and ecological characteristics of Prosobranchia (Mollusca-Gastropoda) species distributed around Sinop. E.U. Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sci. Thesis of PhD, 150pp. | 2004 | Rapana venosa | 150 |
88058 | Mann, R., A. Occhipinti and J.M. Harding 2004 Alien species alert: Rapana venosa (veined whelk). ICES Cooperative Research Report No. 264. 14 pp. | 2004 | Rapana venosa | 1 |
106846 | Mienis, H.K. 2004 New data concerning the presence of Lessepsian and other Indo-Pacific migrants among the molluscs in the Mediterranean Sea with emphasize on the situation in Israel. Turkish Journal of Aquatic Life 2(2):117-131. | 2004 | Rapana venosa | 121 |
3580 | Streftaris, N., A. Zenetos and E. Papathanassiou 2005 Globalisation in marine ecosystems: the story of non-indigenous marine species across European seas. Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Ann. Rev. 43:419-453. | 2005 | Rapana venosa | --> |
87979 | Savini, D. and A. Occhipinti-Ambrogi 2005 Consumption rates and prey preference of the invasive gastropod Rapana venosa in the Northern Adriatic Sea. Helgol Mar Res 60:153-159 | 2005 | Rapana venosa | 154 |
88003 | Harding, J.M. and R. Mann 2005 Veined rapa whelk (Rapana venosa) range extensions in the Virginia waters of Chesapeake Bay, USA. Journal of Shellfish Research 24(2):381-385. | 2005 | Rapana venosa | 381-385 |
95626 | Zenetos, A., D. Koutsoubas and E. Vardala-Theodorou 2005 Origin and vectors of introduction of exotic molluscs in Greek waters. Belg. J. Zool. 135(2):279-286. | 2005 | Rapana venosa | 282;285 |
74657 | Bartley, D.M. (comp./ed.) 2006 DIAS. Introduced species in fisheries and aquaculture: information for responsible use and control. CD-ROM. Rome (Italy): FAO. | 2006 | Rapana venosa | --> |
76683 | Reise, K., S. Olenin and D.W. Thieltges 2006 Are aliens threatening European aquatic coastal ecosystems?. Helgoland Marine Research 60(2):77-83. | 2006 | Rapana venosa | --> |
76685 | Savini, D. and A. Occhipinti-Ambrogi 2006 Consumption rates and prey preference of the invasive gastropod Rapana venosa in the Northern Adriatic Sea. Helgoland Marine Research 60(2):153-159. | 2006 | Rapana venosa | 4;154 |
81765 | Reise, K., S. Olenin and D.W. Thieltges 2006 Editorial. Helgoland Marine Research 60(2):75-76. | 2006 | Rapana venosa | --> |
83447 | Hong, S.Y., K.Y. Park, C.W. Park, C.H. Han, H.L. Suh, S.G. Yun, C.B. Song, S.G. Jo, H.S. Lim, Y.S. Kang, D.J. Kim, C.W. Ma, M.H. Son, H.K. Cha, K.B. Kim, S.D. Choi, K.Y. Park, C.W. Oh, D.N. Kim, H.S. Shon, J.N. Kim et al. 2006 Marine invertebrates in Korean coasts. Republic of Korea, Academy Publishing Company, Inc. 479 p. | 2006 | Rapana venosa | 175 |
87542 | Kerckhof, F., R.J. Vink, D.C. Nieweg and J.N.J. Post 2006 The veined whelk Rapana venosa has reached the North Sea. Aquatic Invasions. 1:35-37. | 2006 | Rapana venosa | 35-37;36 |
95629 | Giberto, D.A., C.S. Bremec, L. Schejter, A. Schiariti, H. Mianzan and E.M. Acha 2006 The invasive rapa whelk Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846): status and potential ecological impacts in the Río de la Plata estuary, Argentina-Uruguay. Journal of Shellfish Research 25(3):919-924. | 2006 | Rapana venosa | --> |
101091 | Streftaris, N. and A. Zenetos 2006 Alien marine species in the Mediterranean - the 100 ‘worst invasives’ and their impact. Mediterranean Marine Science 7:87-118. | 2006 | Rapana venosa | --> |
113910 | Giberto, D. A., C. S. Bremec, L. Schejter, A. Schiariti, H. Mianzan and E. M. Acha 2006 The invasive rapa whelk Rapana venosa (Valenciennes 1846): status and potential ecological impacts in the Río de la Plata estuary, Argentina-Uruguay. Journal of Shellfish Research 25(3): 919-924. | 2006 | Rapana venosa | --> |
113911 | Mann, R., J.M. Harding and E. Westcott 2006 Occurrence of imposex and seasonal patterns of gametogenesis in the invading veined rapa whelk Rapana venosa from Chesapeake Bay, USA. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 310:129-138. | 2006 | Rapana venosa | --> |
113919 | Castellazzi, M., D. Savini and A.O. Ambrogi 2007 Shell morphotypes of the invasive gastropod Rapana venosa in the Northern Adriatic Sea. Boll. Malacol 43(1-8): 103-107. | 2007 | Rapana venosa | --> |
95625 | Florio, M., P. Breber, T. Scirocco, A. Specchiulli, L. Cilenti and L. Lumare 2008 Exotic species in Lesina and Varano lakes new guest in Lesina and Varano lakes: Gargano National Park (Italy). Transitional Waters Bulletin 2(2008):69-79. | 2008 | Rapana venosa | 72-73 |
95630 | Yang, J., Q. Li, L. Kong, X. Zheng and R. Wang 2008 Genetic structure of the veined rapa whelk (Rapana venosa) populations along the coast of China. Biochem Genet 26(2008):539-548. | 2008 | Rapana venosa | 540 |
105998 | Bañón, R., E. Rolán and M. García-Tasende 2008 First record of the purple dye murex Bolinus brandaris (Gastropoda: Muricidae) and a revised list of non native molluscs from Galician waters (Spain, NE Atlantic). Aquatic Invasions 3(3):331-334. | 2008 | Rapana venosa | --> |
114042 | O'Connor, M., C. Hawkins and D. K. Loomis 2008 A manual of previously recorded non-indigenous invasive and native transplanted animal species of the Laurentian Great Lakes and coastal United States. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 77, 82 pp. | 2008 | Rapana thomasiana | 37 |
83435 | Rosenberg, G. 2009 Malacolog 4.1.1: A Database of Western Atlantic Marine Mollusca. [WWW database (version 4.1.1)] URL | 2009 | Rapana venosa | --> |
87909 | Culha, M., L. Bat, A. Dogan and E. Dagli 2009 Ecology and distribution of the veined rapa whelk Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846) in Sinop Peninsula (Southern Central Black Sea), Turkey. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 8(1):51-58. | 2009 | Rapana venosa | 51 |
87963 | Harding, J.M., R. Mann, P. Moeller and M.S. Hsia 2009 Mortality of the veined rapa whelk, Rapana venosa, in relation to a bloom of Alexandrium monilatum in the York River, United States. Journal of Shellfish Research. | 2009 | Rapana venosa | 1-7 |
114128 | Gulbin, V.V. 2009 Review of the shell-bearing Gastropods in the Russian waters of the East Sea (Sea of Japan). III. Caenogastropoda: Neogastropoda. Korean J. Malacol. 25(1):51-70. | 2009 | Rapana venosa | 61 |
85339 | Templado, J. and R. Villanueva 2010 Checklist of Phylum Mollusca. pp. 148-198 In Coll, M., et al., 2010. The biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea: estimates, patterns, and threats. PLoS ONE 5(8):36pp. | 2010 | Rapana venosa | 164 |
95628 | Carranza, A., C. De Mello, A. Ligrone, S. González, P. Píríz and F. Scarabino 2010 Observations on the invading gastropod Rapana venosa in Punta del Este, Maldonado Bay, Uruguay. Biological Invasions 12(5):995-998. | 2010 | Rapana venosa | --> |
113913 | Abaza, V., C. Dumitrache and E. Dumitrescu 2010 Structure and distribution of the main molluscs from the Romanian marine areas designated for their growth and exploitation. Recherches Marines-Cercetări Marine 39: 137-152. | 2010 | Rapana venosa | --> |
113917 | Fey-Hofstede, F.E., A.M. van den Brink, J.W.M. Wijsman and O.G. Bos 2010 Risk assessment on the possible introduction of three predatory snails (Ocinebrellus inornatus, Urosalpinx cinerea, Rapana venosa in the Dutch Wadden Sea. IMARES Report Number C032/10. | 2010 | Rapana venosa | --> |
128255 | Erdogan, N., E. Duzgunes, H. Ogut and N. Kasapoglu 2010 Introduced species and their impacts in the Black Sea. Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit. 39:504. | 2010 | Rapana venosa | 504 |
87893 | Carranza, A., A. Estrades, F. Scarabino and A. Segura 2011 Loggerhead turtles Caretta caretta (Linnaeus) preying on the invading gastropod Rapana venosa (Valenciennes) in the Río de la Plata estuary. Marine Ecology 32:142-147. | 2011 | Rapana venosa | 142-147 |
92239 | Ulman, A. 2011 Turkish common names for invertebrates. Personal communication, 5 November 2011. | 2011 | Rapana venosa | --> |
95623 | Kosyan, A.R. and Zh.A. Antipushina 2011 Determination of Rapana venosa individuals' ages based on the ẟ18O dynamics of the shell carbonates. Oceanology 51:6:1021-1028. | 2011 | Rapana venosa | 1022 |
105057 | Al-Yamani, F.Y., V. Skryabin, N. Boltachova, N. Revkov, M. Makarov, V. Grinstov and E. Kolesnikova 2012 Illustrated Atlas on the Zoobenthos of Kuwait. Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research. | 2012 | Rapana venoza | 19 |
113916 | Lipej, L., B. Mavric, M. Orlando-Bonaca and A. Malej 2012 State of the Art of the Marine Non-Indigenous Flora and Fauna in Slovenia. Mediterranean Marine Science 13(2): 243-249. | 2012 | Rapana venosa | --> |
119290 | Kasapoglu, N. and E. Duzgunes 2013 Length-weight relationships of marine species caught by five gears from the Black Sea. Mediterranean Marine Science 15(1):95-100. | 2013 | Rapana venosa | 96;tab.1 |
95627 | Ruci, S., D. Kasemi and S. Beqiraj 2014 Data on macro zoobenthos in rocky areas of the Adriatic Sea of Albania. IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Applied Natural and Social Sciences 2(2):63-70. | 2014 | Rapana venosa | 64-65 |
113920 | Berndt, T., N. Bourdon, R. Buchanan, A. Doane, L. Doyle 2014 An introduction to marine invasive species. Marine Sciences Student Projects. Book 1. | 2014 | Rapana venosa | --> |
123032 | Saglam, H. and E. Düzgünes 2014 Biological parameters and feeding behaviour of invasive whelk Rapana venosa Valenciennes, 1846 in the south-eastern Black Sea of Turkey. J. Coastal Life Med. 2(6):442-446. | 2014 | Rapana venosa | 444 |
106220 | Mok, J.S., J.Y. Kwon, K.T. Son, W.S. Choi, P.H. Kim, T.S. Lee and J.H. Kim 2015 Distribution of heavy metals in internal organs and tissues of Korean molluscan shellfish and potential risk to human health. Journal of Environmental Biology 36:1161-1167. | 2015 | Rapana venosa | 3 |
116713 | Ulman, A. 2017 Turkish Fish Names. Personal communication | 2017 | Rapana venosa | --> |
129169 | Houart, R., S. Gori and J. Rosado 2017 The Muricidae (Gastropoda: Muricoidea) from Oman with the description of four new species. Novapex 18(3):41-69. | 2017 | Rapana venosa | 68:tab.1 |
118272 | FAO-FIES 2018 Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from htttps:// [accessed May, 2018] | 2018 | Rapana venosa | --> |
120620 | Wang, R.F., C.L. Zhang, B.D. Xu, Y.P. Ren and Y. Xue 2018 Feeding strategy and prey selectivity of Chelidonichtys spinosus during autumn in Haizhou Bay. Journal of Fishery Sciences of China 25(5):1059-1070. | 2018 | Rapana venosa | 1063 |
126039 | Paulay, G. 2022 Reproduction of Neogastropoda. Pers. Comm. via email [13/04/2022]. | 2022 | Rapana venosa | --> |
128993 | Froese, R. and V.A. Parducho 2022 Global stocks spreadsheet as of December 9, 2022. Excel file from V.A. Parducho, pers. comm. | 2022 | Rapana venosa | --> |
3477 | 2050 | 2050 | Rapana venosa | --> |