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Reference no. | Description | year | Name used | Page |
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2265 | Hernando, A.M. Jr. and E.E.C. Flores 1981 The Philippines squid fishery: a review. Marine Fisheries Review. 13-20. | 1981 | Sepioteuthis lessoniana | 18 |
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58976 | Croxall, J.P. and P.A. Prince 1982 Calorific content of squid (Mollusca: Cephalopoda). British Antarctic Survey Bulletin 55:27-31. | 1982 | Sepioteuthis lessoniana | --> |
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2589 | Balgos, M.C. and D. Pauly 1998 Age and growth of the squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana in N.W. Luzon, Philippines. South African Journal of Marine Science 20:449-452. | 1998 | Sepioteuthis lessoniana | --> |
104994 | Adamo, S.A. and K.J. Weichelt 1999 Field observations of schooling in the oval squid, Sepioteuthis lessoniana (Lesson, 1830). J. Moll. Stud. 65:377-380. | 1999 | Sepioteuthis arctipinnis | --> |
81752 | Norman, M.D. and C.C. Lu 2000 Preliminary checklist of the cephalopods of the South China Sea. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 8:539-567. | 2000 | Sepioteuthis lessoniana | 542 |
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104996 | Mhitu, H.A., Y.D. Mgaya and M.A.K. Ngoile 2001 Growth and reproduction of the big fin squid, Sepioteuthis lessoniana, in the coastal waters of Zanzibar. In Richmond M.D. and Francis, J. (eds.). Marine Sciences Development in Tanzania and Eastern Africa. Proceedings of the 20th Anniversary Conference on Advances in Marine Science in Tanzania 28 June- 1 July 1999, Zanzibar, Tanzania. IMS/WIOMSA. 289-300p. | 2001 | Sepioteuthis lessoniana | --> |
108776 | White, A.T. 2001 Philippine Coral Reef: A Natural History Guide. Bookmark Inc. and SUlu Fund for Marine Conservation Foundation, Inc., Manila, 276 pp. | 2001 | Sepioteuthis lessoniana | 231 |
114024 | Macintosh, D. J., E. C. Ashton and V. Tansakul 2002 Utilisation and knowledge of biodiversity in the Ranong Biosphere Reserve, Thailand. ITCZM monograph series (7): 29. | 2002 | Sepioteuthis lessoniana | --> |
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105027 | Ward, L.A. 2003 The cephalopods of Guam. Micronesica 35-36:294-302. | 2003 | Sepioteuthis lessoniana | --> |
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105024 | Chung, W.-S. and C.-C. Lu 2005 The influence of temperature and salinity on the statolith of the oval squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana Lesson, 1830 during early developmental stages. Phuket mar. biol. Cent. Res. Bull. 66:175-185. | 2005 | Sepioteuthis arctipinnis | --> |
115825 | Triantafillos, L. and M. Adams 2005 Genetic evidence that the northern calamary Sepioteuthis lessoniana, is a species complex in Australian waters. ICES Journal of Marine Science 62:1665-1670. | 2005 | Sepioteuthis lessoniana | --> |
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84718 | Sivashanthini, K., G.A. Charles and W.S. Thulasitha 2009 Length-weight relationship and growth pattern of Sepioteuthis lessoniana Lesson, 1830 (Cephalopoda:Teuthida) from the Jaffna Lagoon, Sri Lanka. Journal of Biological Sciences 9(4):357-361. | 2009 | Sepioteuthis lessoniana | --> |
104995 | Lefkaditou, E., M. Corsini-Foka and G. Kondilatos 2009 Description of the first Lessepsian squid migraint, Sepioteuthis lessoniana (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae), in the Aegean Sea (Eastern Mediterranean). Mediterranean Marine Science 10(2):87-97. | 2009 | Sepioteuthis lessoniana | --> |
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104999 | Waheed, M.E. and T. Gareb 2010 A study on the morphology, digestive and reproductive systems of male squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae) from Abo Qir on the Mediterranean Sea. J. Biol. Sci. 6(1):125-141. | 2010 | Sepioteuthis lessoniana | --> |
85486 | Charles, G.A. and K. Sivashanthini 2011 Population dynamics of squid Sepiotheuthis lessoniana (Lesson, 1830) from the northern coast of Sri Lanka. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 6(1):74-84. | 2011 | Sepioteuthis lessoniana | 74-84 |
104997 | Eleftheriou, A., E. Anagnostopoulou-Visilia, E. Anastasopoulou, S.A. Ates, N.E.I. Bachari, L. Cavas, C. Cevik, M. Culha, F. Cevik, A.-L. Delos, O.B. Derici, D. Erguden, N. Fragopoulu, A. Giangrande, T. Goksan, C. Gravili, M. Gurlek 2011 New Mediterranean biodiversity records (December 2011). Mediterranean Marine Science 12(2):491-508. | 2011 | Sepioteuthis lessoniana | --> |
94508 | Anam, R. and E. Mostarda 2012 Field identification guide to the living marine resources of Kenya. FAO Species Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes, Rome: FAO, 357 p. | 2012 | Sepioteuthis lessoniana | 43 |
112315 | Ahmad-Syazni, K., M. Yamamoto, N. Tahara, S. Tomano, Y. Ishihi, M. Tokuda and T. Umino 2013 Trophic status of 24 aquatic species in Hiroshima Bay inferred from stable isotope ratio. Biosphere Sci 52:1-7. | 2013 | Sepioteuthis lessoniana | 3 |
105081 | Nabhitabhata, J. and Y. Ikeda 2014 pp. 315-347. In Cephalopod Culture. Sepioteuthis lessoniana. Springer Netherlands. | 2014 | Sepioteuthis lessoniana | --> |
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116140 | CMFRI 2015 Annual report 2014-15. Central Marine Fisheries Institute, Cochin. 353 p. | 2015 | Sepioteuthis lessoniana | 76 |
121859 | Chen, C.-S., J.-Y. Chen and C.-W. Lin 2015 Variation in life-history traits for micro-chorts of Sepioteuthis lessoniana in the waters off northern Taiwan. Fish. Sci. 81:53-64. | 2015 | Sepioteuthis lessoniana | 56 |
106950 | FAO 2016 Bigfin reef squid - Sepioteuthis lessoniana - Loliginidae - Cephalopoda - UHL. Aquatic Species Distribution Map Viewer [Accessed 15/03/2016]. | 2016 | Sepioteuthis lessoniana | --> |
121515 | Wong, T.L.A. 2016 Ecology and biodiversity of benthic marine molluscs before and after the 2012 trawling ban in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong, M.Phil. Thesis, 302p. | 2016 | Sepioteuthis lessoniana | 219-260 |
119750 | CMFRI 2017 Annual Report 2016-17. Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, 292 p. | 2017 | Sepioteuthis lessoniana | --> |
128042 | del Norte-Campos, A.G.C., L.A. Burgos and K.A.S. Sanchez 2020 A field guide to the commercially important mollusks of Panay, Philippines. University of the Philippines Visayas (UPV):213p. | 2020 | Sepioteuthis lessoniana | 178 |
127697 |
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2022 | Sepioteuthis lessoniana | --> |
129713 | Flandinette, P. 2022 Secret Seas Discovering the secrets of Oman's underwater world. Mazoon Printing, Publishing and Packaging LLC: Muscat, Oman. 239p. | 2022 | Sepioteuthis lessoniana | 50 |