References Used for Stegophiura nodosa
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Reference no. Description year Name used Page
114916 Feder, H.M. and S.C. Jewett 1977 Trawl survey of the epifaunal invertebrates of Norton Sound, southeastern Chukchi Sea, and Kotzebue Sound. Final Report to NOAA. R.U. No. 502. 148 p. 1977 Stegophiura nodosa 368
117476 Tzetlin, A.B., V.O. Mokievsky, A.N. Melnikov, M.V. Saphonov, T.G. Simdyanov and I.E. Ivanov 1997 Fauna associated with detached kelp in different types of subtidal habitats of the White Sea. Hydrobiologia 355:91-100. 1997 Stegophiura nodosa 95;tab.1
118512 Ambrose, W.G. Jr., L.M. Clough, P.R. Tilney and L. Beer 2001 Role of echinoderms in benthic remineralization in the Chukchi Sea. Marine Biology 139:937-949. 2001 Stegophiura nodosa -->
66387 Denisenko, S.G., N.V. Denisenko, K.K. Lehtonen, A.B. Andersin and A.O. Laine 2003 Macrozoobenthos of the Pechora Sea (SE Barents Sea): community structure and spatial distribution in relation to environmental conditions. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 258:109-123. 2003 Stegophiura nodosa 114
833 Ruppert, E.E., R.S. Fox and R.D. Barnes 2004 Invertebrate Zoology. A functional evolutionary approach. 7th Ed. Brooks/Cole, Thomson Learning learning, Inc. 990 p. 2004 Stegophiura nodosa -->
19 Bisby, F.A., M.A. Ruggiero, K.L. Wilson, M. Cachuela-Palacio, S.W. Kimani, Y.R. Roskov, A. Soulier-Perkins and J. van Hertum 2005 Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2005 Annual Checklist. CD-ROM; Species 2000: Reading, U.K. 2005 Stegophiura nodosa -->
113796 Feder, H.M., S.C. Jewett and A. Blanchard 2005 Southeastern Chukchi sea (Alaska) epibenthos. Polar Biol 28:402-421. 2005 Stegophiura nodosa 413
3527 Glagolev, S.M., L.A. Abramova and A.A. Vedenin 2006 The list of invertebrate animal species of the Chupa Bay (Kandalaksha Gulf, White Sea). The materials of the White Sea Expedition of Moscow Southwest High School Vol. 6. http://herba, [Accessed 23/04/2007] 2006 Stegophiura nodosa -->
3448 Cusson, M., P. Archambault and A. Aitken 2007 Biodiversity of benthic assemblages on the Arctic continental shelf: historical data form Canada. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 331:291-304. 2007 Stegophiura nodosa -->
117868 Bluhm, B.A., K. Iken, S.M. Hardy, B.I. Sirenko and B.A. Holladay 2009 Community structure of epibenthic megafauna in the Chukchi Sea. Aquatic Biology 7:269-293. 2009 Stegophiura nodosa 283
121742 Solyanko, K., V. Spiridonov and A. Naumov 2011 Biomass, commonly occurring and dominant species of macrobenthos in Onega Bay (White Sea, Russia): data from three different decades. Marine Ecology 32:36-48. 2011 Stegophiura nodosa 41
118460 Konar, B. and A.M. Ravelo 2013 Epibenthic community variability on the Alaskan Beaufort Sea continental shelf. Final Report May 2013, OCS Study BOEM 2013-01148, 48p. 2013 Stegophiura nodosa 42
124008 Roy, V., K. Iken and P. Archambault 2014 Environmental drivers of the Canadian Arctic megabenthic communities. PLoS ONE 9(7):e100900. 2014 Stegophiura nodosa tab.S3
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