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Reference no. | Description | year | Name used | Page |
4458 | Pearson, T.H. 1968 The feeding biology of sea-bird species breeding on the Farne Islands, Northumberland. Journal of Animal Ecology 37(3):521-552. | 1968 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
4625 | Pearson, T.H. 1968 The feeding biology of sea-bird species breeding on the Farne Islands, Northumberland. Journal of Animal Ecology 37(3):521-552. | 1968 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
8531 | LeCroy, M. and C.T. Collins 1972 Growth and survival of Roseate and Common Tern chicks. Auk 89:595-611. | 1972 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
8566 | Langham, N.P.E. 1972 Chick survival in terns (Sterna spp.) with particular reference to the Common Tern. J. Anim. Ecol., 41:385-395. | 1972 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
91841 | LeCroy, M. and S. LeCroy 1974 Growth and fledging in the Common tern (Sterna hirundo). Bird Banding 45:326-340. | 1974 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
4492 | Braune, B.M. and D.E. Gaskin 1982 Feeding ecology of nonbreeding populations of Larids off Deer Island, New Brunswick. The Auk 99(1):67-76. | 1982 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
102970 | Engbring, J. 1983 Avifauna of the Southwest Islands of Palau. Atoll Research Bulletin 267:1-22. | 1983 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
5856 | Stiles, F.G. 1984 Status and conservation of seabirds in Costa Rican waters. In Croxall, J.P., Evans, P.G.H. and Schreiber, R.W. (eds.), Status and Conservation of the World's Seabirds. ICBP Technical Publication 2:223-229. | 1984 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
8538 | Chapdelaine, G., P. Brousseau, R. Anderson and R. Marsan 1985 Breeding ecology of common and Arctic terns in the Mingan Archipelago, Québec. Colonial Waterbirds 8:166-177. | 1985 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
7155 | Kirkham, I.R. 1986 Comparative foraging and breeding habits of Arctic and Common Terns. PhD Dissertation, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada. | 1986 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
5616 | Goodman, S.M. and R.W. Storer 1987 The seabirds of the Egyptian Red Sea and adjacent waters, with notes on selected Ciconiiformes. Le Gerfaut 77:109-145. | 1987 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
107277 | Evans, P.G.H. 1987 Sea Birds of the Red Sea. Red, pp. 315- 338. | 1987 | Sterna hirundo | 332 |
7194 | Hulsman, K. 1988 The structure of seabird communities: an example from Australian waters. In Burger, J. (ed.), Seabirds and other marine vertebrates. Competition, predation, and other interactions. Columbia University Press, New York, USA 59-91. | 1988 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
92122 | Safina, C., J. Burger, M. Gochfeld and R.H. Wagner 1988 Evidence for prey limitation of Common and Roseate tern reproduction. The Condor 90:852-859. | 1988 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
4616 | Dunnet, G.M., R.W. Furness, M.L. Tasker and P.H. Becker 1990 Seabird ecology in the North Sea. Netherlands Journal of Sea Research 26(2-4):387-425. | 1990 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
5989 | Safina, C., R.H. Wagner, D.A. Witting and K.J. Smith 1990 Prey delivered to Roseate and Common Tern chicks; composition and temporal variability. Journal of Field Ornithology 61(3):331-338. | 1990 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
6390 | Cairns, D.K., G. Chapdelaine and W.A. Montevecchi 1991 Prey exploitation by seabirds in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. In Therriault, J.-C. (ed.), The Gulf of St. Lawrence:small ocean or big estuary? Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 113:277-291. | 1991 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
101530 | Drent, R.H., M. Klaassen and B. Zwaan 1992 Predictive growth budgets in terns and gulls. Ardea 80:5-17. | 1992 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
5074 | Klaassen, M., B. Habekotte, P. Schinkelshoek, E. Stienen and P. van Tienen 1994 Influence of growth rate retardation on time budgets and energetics of Arctic Tern Sterna paradisaea and Common Tern S. hirundo chicks. Ibis 136:197-204. | 1994 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
80118 | Klaassen, M. 1994 Growth and energetics of tern chicks from temperate and polar environments. The Auk 111, 525-544. | 1994 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
7329 | Steadman, D.W., R.L. Norton, M.R. Browning and W.J. Arendt 1997 The birds of St. Kitts, Lesser Antilles. Caribbean Journal of Science 33(1-2):1-20. | 1997 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
5962 | Schlatter, R.P. and A. Simeone 1999 Estado del conocimiento y conservacion de las aves en mares chilenos. Estudios Oceanologicos 18:25-33. | 1999 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
7159 | Hall, C.S. 1999 The diet, reproductive performance and management of Common and Arctic Terns in the Gulf of Maine. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. | 1999 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
114891 | Kennedy, R. 2000 A Guide to the Birds of the Philippines. OUP Oxford, 369 p. | 2000 | Sterna hirundo | 12 |
5997 | Mauco, L., M. Favero and M.S. Bo 2001 Food and feeding biology of the Common Tern during the nonbreeding season in Samborombon Bay, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Waterbirds 24(1):89-96. | 2001 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
94965 | Campbell, R.W., R.B. Bovey and A. Bezener 2001 Birds of Vancouver and the lower mainland. Canada: Lone Pine Publishing, 160 p. | 2001 | Sterna hirundo | 79 |
101526 | Robinson, J.A., K.C. Hamer and L.S. Chivers 2001 Contrasting brood sizes in common and Arctic terns: the roles of food provisioning rates and parental brooding. The Condor 103(1):108-117. | 2001 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
5699 | Granadeiro, J.P., L.R. Monteiro, M.G. Silva and R.W. Furness 2002 Diet of Common Terns in the Azores, Northeast Atlantic. Waterbirds 25(2):149-155. | 2002 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
91606 | Becker, P.H. and M. Wink 2002 Sexual differences in body size of Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) fledglings. Journal for Ornithology 143:51-56. | 2002 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
80072 | Becker, P.H. and M. Wink 2003 Influences of sex, sex composition of brood and hatching order on mass growth in Common terns Sterna hirundo. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol., 54:136-146. | 2003 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
87196 | Jones, H.L. 2003 Birds of Belize. University of Texas Press, Austin, Texas, 317 pp. | 2003 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
114902 | Sibley, D. 2003 The Sibley Field Guide to Birds of Western North America. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 471 p. | 2003 | Sterna hirundo | 204 |
19 | Bisby, F.A., M.A. Ruggiero, K.L. Wilson, M. Cachuela-Palacio, S.W. Kimani, Y.R. Roskov, A. Soulier-Perkins and J. van Hertum 2005 Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2005 Annual Checklist. CD-ROM; Species 2000: Reading, U.K. | 2005 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
3440 | Collins, A.G. and M. Daly 2005 A new deepwater species of stauromedusae, Lucernaria janetae (Cnidaria, Staurozoa, Lucernariidae), and a preliminary investigation of Stauromedusan phylogeny based on nuclear and Mitochondrial rDNA data. Biol. Bull. 208:221-230. | 2005 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
81748 | Karpouzi, V.S. 2005 Modelling and mapping trophic overlap between fisheries and the world's seabirds. MSc thesis, Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. | 2005 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
356 | SAUP Database 2006 SAUP Database. | 2006 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
80067 | Apanius, V. and I.C.T. Nisbet 2006 Serum immunoglobulin G levels are positively related to reproductive performance in a long-lived seabird, the Common tern (Sterna hirundo). Oecologia 147, 12-23. | 2006 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
80076 | Bond, A.L., A.L. Black, M.-P.F. McNutt and A.W. Diamond 2006 Machias Seal Island 1995-2005 Progress Report. Atlantic Co-operative Wildlife Ecology Research Network and University of New Brunswick. | 2006 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
96348 | Hüppop, O., J. Dierschke, K.-M. Exo, E. Fredrich and R. Hill 2006 Bird Migration and Offshore Wind Turbines. In Ch. 9: 91-117. Köller, J., J. Köppel and W. Peters (eds.). Offshore Wind Energy, Research on Environmental Impacts. Springer: Germany. 371 pp. | 2006 | Sterna hirundo | 98 |
7816 | Lepage, D. 2007 Avibase -the World Bird Database. [accessed 09/07/2007]. | 2007 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
88130 | Scott, D.A. 2007 A review of the status of the breeding waterbirds in Iran in the 1970s. Podoces 2(1):1-21. | 2007 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
115288 | Abed, J.M. 2007 Status of water birds in restored southern Iraqi marshes. Marsh Bulletin 2(1):64-79. | 2007 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
8442 | Karpouzi, V.S. and D. Pauly 2008 Life-history patterns in marine birds. In Palomares, M.L.D., Pauly, D. (Eds.), Von Bertalanffy Growth Parameters of Non-fish Marine Organisms. Fisheries Centre Research Reports 16(10). Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia [ISSN 1198-6727], pp. 27-53. | 2008 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
95711 | Daunt, F., S. Wanless, P.R. Simon, H.J. Greenstreet, K.R. Hamer and M.P. Harris 2008 The impact of the sandeel fishery closure on seabird food consumption, distribution, and productivity in the northwestern North Sea. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 65:362-381. | 2008 | Sterna hirundo | 365 |
107283 | Zolfaghari, G., A. Esmaili-Sari, S.M. Ghasempouri, R.R. Baydokhti and B.H. Kiabi 2009 A multispecies-monitoring study about bioaccumulation of mercury in Iranian birds (Khuzestan to Persian Gulf): Effect of taxonomic affiliation and trophic level. Environmental research 109(7):830-836. | 2009 | Sterna hirundo | 831 |
116102 | Gallardo, J.C., V. Macias and E. Velarde 2009 Birds (Vertebrata: Aves) of the Gulf of Mexico. pp. 1321-1342 In Felder, D.L.; Camp, D.K. (eds.) Gulf of Mexico - Origins, Waters, and Biota. Biodiversity. Texas A&M University Press, College Station, Texas. | 2009 | Sterna hirundo | 1338 |
93905 | Gaydos, J.K. and S.F. Pearson 2011 Birds and mammals that depend on the Salish Sea: a compilation. Northwestern Naturalist 92(2):79-94. | 2011 | Sterna hirundo | 83 |
91584 | Karpouzi, V. 2012 Seabird growth parameters based on wing length, culmen length, bill length and tarsus length. Personal communication, 20 January 2012. Provided excel file. | 2012 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
95560 | HELCOM 2012 Check list of Baltic Sea macro-species. Baltic Sea Environ. Proc. 130, 203 p. | 2012 | Sterna hirundo | 200 |
107940 | Ministry of Environment and Water. 2012 Wildlife and Marine Conservation Efforts in the United Arab Emirates. [Accessed 05/11/2016]. | 2012 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
129478 | Eriksen, J. and R. Victor 2013 Oman Bird List: the official list of the birds of the Sulatante of Oman (7th Edition). Centre for Environmental Studies & Research, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman, 288 pp. | 2013 | Sterna hirundo | 124 |
129386 | Abraham, D. and R. Etcheberry 2014 Les oiseaux de Saint-Pierre et Miquelon. Guide découverte. Association SPM Frag'îles. Saint-Pierre et Miquelon: Editions Azimut975. 366 p. | 2014 | Sterna hirundo | 86 |
119695 | Tavares, D.C., J.F. DeMoura, A. Merico and S. Siciliano 2017 Incidence of marine debris in seabirds feeding at different water depths. Marine Pollution Bulletin 119(2):68-73. | 2017 | Sterna hirundo | 3 |
121724 | Songco, A. 2019 Personal communication. Tubbataha species list. Excel file "MyReport_Species_21May2019". | 2019 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
124582 | Birdlife International 2019 BOTW. Birdlife International and Handbook of the Birds of the World. | 2019 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
127697 |
IUCN 2022 The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2022-1. |
2022 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
127933 | Villancio, G.G., R.A. Duco, R. Sales Jr., G. Labiano, J.F. Beloy, R. Urriza and E. Austria 2022 An annotated checklist of birds of the Dinagat Islands, Philippines. Check List 18(5):1147-1164. | 2022 | Sterna hirundo | tab.5 |
3477 | 2050 | 2050 | Sterna hirundo | --> |
131118 | Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals-CMS 2050 Appendices I and II of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS). | 2050 | Sterna hirundo hirundo | ver.17May2024 |