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Reference no. | Description | year | Name used | Page |
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105628 | Malaquias, M.A.E., L. Bentes, K. Erzini and T.C. Borges 2006 Molluscan diversity caught by trawling fisheries: a case study in southern Portugal. Fisheries management and Ecology 13(1):39-45. | 2006 | Venus nux | --> |
85339 | Templado, J. and R. Villanueva 2010 Checklist of Phylum Mollusca. pp. 148-198 In Coll, M., et al., 2010. The biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea: estimates, patterns, and threats. PLoS ONE 5(8):36pp. | 2010 | Venus nux | 192 |
122942 | Tirado, C., J.L. Rueda and C. Salas 2011 Reproductive cylces in Atlantic and Mediterranean populations of Venus nux Gmelin, 1791 (Bivalvia: Veneridae), from southern Spain. Journal of Shellfish Research 30(3):813-820. | 2011 | Venus nux | --> |
114530 | Öztürk, B., A. Dogan, B.B. Bakir and A. Salman 2014 Marine molluscs of the Turkish coasts: an updated checklist. Turkish Journal of Zoology 38(6): 832-879. | 2014 | Venus nux | tab.1 |
122946 | Giannelli, L. 2014 The molluscs found after the nourishment of the littoral of Terracina (Latium, Italy). Biodiversity Journal 5(2):131-140. | 2014 | Venus nux | 140 |
105743 | Terribile, K., J. Evans, L. Knittweis and P.J. Schembri 2015 Maximising MEDITS: Using data collected from trawl surveys to characterise the benthic and demersal assemblages of the circalittoral and deeper waters around the Maltese Islands (Central Mediterranean). Regional Studies in Marine Science. | 2015 | Venus nux | tab.2 |
122944 | Fulgence, K., K. Mamadou, O. Siaka and O. Atcho 2015 Contribution à la connaissance de la faune malacologique des bivalves marins de la zone economique exclusive de Côte d’Ivoire. European Journal of Scientific Research 134(3):260-271. | 2015 | Venus nux | 265 |
109255 | Carpenter, K.E. and N. De Angelis (eds.) 2016 The living marine resources of the Eastern Central Atlantic. Vol. 2: Bivalves, gastropods, hagfishes, sharks, batoid fishes, and chimaeras. FAO Species Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes, Rome, FAO. pp. 665-1509. | 2016 | Venus nux | 883 |
122945 | Albayrak, S. and S. Caglar 2016 Mollusca fauna of the Sea of Marmara. pp 503-516 In Ozsoy, E.; Cagatay, M.N.; Balkis, N.; Balkis, N.; Ozturk, B. (eds) The Sea of Marmara marine biodiversity, fisheries, conservation and governance. Turkish Marine Research Foundation 42:981p. | 2016 | Venus nux | --> |
122983 | Moya-Urbano, E., C. Ciércoles, M. Gonzalez, M. Gallardo-Núñez, F. Ordines, Á. Mateo-Ramírez and C. García-Ruiz 2016 Contrasting molluscan fauna collected with beam trawl and otter trawl in circalittoral and bathyal soft bottoms of the northern Alboran Sea. Frontiers Marine Science. Conference Abstract: XIX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies. | 2016 | Venus nux | --> |
122985 | Dominici, S., M. Benvenuti, V. Garilli, A. Uchman and F. Pollina 2017 Stratigraphic palaeobiology around the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary at Altavilla Milicia (Sicily, Italy). Geophysical Research Abstracts 19:EGU2017-11667-1. | 2017 | Venus nux | --> |
122948 | Santhanam, R. 2018 Biology and ecology fo ediblle marine bivalve molluscs. Apple Academic Press Inc. | 2018 | Venus nux | --> |
122984 | Vescogni, A., A. Vertino, F.R. Bosellini, M. Harzhauser and O. Mandic 2018 New paleoenvironmental insights on the Miocene condensed phosphatic layer of Salento (southern Italy) unlocked by the coral-mollusc fossil archive. Facies 64(2):7. | 2018 | Venus nux | 14 |
128983 | Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación 2019 III. Otras disposiciones: 9026 - Resolución de 24 de mayo de 2019, de la Secretaría General de Pesca por la que se publica el listado de denominaciones comerciales de especies pesqueras y de acuicultura admitidas en España. [Resolution of May 24, 2019, of Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE):(143):82 pp. | 2019 | Venus nux | 3 |
122947 | GBIF 2020 Venus nux. Checklist dataset [Accessed 30/09/2020]. | 2020 | Venus nux | --> |
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