Reproduction of Alligator mississippiensis
Document Source:
Main Ref. Britton, A., 2002
Mode true hermaphroditism
Fertilization internal (oviduct)
Spawning Frequency one clear seasonal peak per year
Batch Spawner No
Reproductive Guild guarders
Description of life cycle and mating behavior Courtship rituals involve rapid head-slapping on water surface, body postures reinforced with odor from musk glands. Courtship synchronizes spermatogenesis and ovulation. Female creates the nest, often the same site each year and near an 'alligator hole' from freshly torn up vegetation and mud (usually at the start of summer) above the water level. Female lays 20-50 eggs (average of 40-45), remains near the nest until eggs hatch, sometimes breaking the egg to help hatchlings out. She then takes 8-10 hatchlings in her mouth and carries them to the water encouraging them to swim out. Juveniles form pods which often stay close to the mother for a period of up to 2 years.
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