Reproduction of Portunus armatus
Document Source:
Main Ref. Johnston, D., D. Yeoh, D. Harris and E. Fisher, 2020
Mode dioecism
Spawning Frequency
Batch Spawner Yes   Ref.  Johnston, D., D. Yeoh, D. Harris and E. Fisher, 2020
Reproductive Guild bearers
External brooders
Description of life cycle and mating behavior Fertilized eggs appear 6 months after mating, females carry the eggs onto the pleopods until they hatch. Planktonic eggs hatch after ~15 days (24°C) and the larval stage consists of 4 zoeal and 1 megalopae stages. Growth is rapid, juveniles of 6 months age caught in fishery. Females undergo pubertal moulting at 6-10 months of age, males a few weeks before. Sexual dimorphism observed, males are blue in color while females are olive green or brown (Ref. 128184).
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