Reproduction de Savignium dentatum
Document Source:
Réf. Princ. Ruppert, E.E., R.S. Fox and R.D. Barnes, 2004
Fertilisation external
Fréquence de ponte
Reproducteur multiple No
Guilde reproductive
Description du cycle de vie et comportement d'accouplement Members of the superorder Thoracica are mostly hermaphroditic. Broadcast spawners, fertilization occurs in the mantle cavity. Life cycle: Eggs hatch into planktonic nauplii and leave the mantle cavity. Afterwards, they undergo six naupliar instars succeded by nonfeeding cypris larva (settling stage) which later metamorphose into adults.
Chercher plus de références à propos de reproduction Scirus
(ex. 9948)
(ex. cnidaria)
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