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Food I | Food II | Food III | Food name | Country | Predator Stage |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Cephalopods | Solomon Is. | juv./adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Loligo | Australia | adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Illex | Australia | adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Kondakovia longimana | Australia | adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Teuthida | Australia | adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Histrio histrio | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Apogon binotatus | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Phaeoptyx conklini | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Ablennes hians | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Carangoides bartholomaei | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Carangoides ruber | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Caranx crysos | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Caranx hippos | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Caranx latus | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Caranx ruber | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Decapterus | Australia | adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Decapterus punctatus | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Elagatis bipinnulata | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Selar crumenophthalmus | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Selene setapinnis | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Seriola dumerili | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Seriola fasciata | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Trachurus | Australia | adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Trachurus declivis | Australia | adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Trachurus mediterraneus | Australia | adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Trachurus symmetricus | Australia | adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Trachurus trachurus | Australia | adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Uraspis secunda | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Macroramphosus scolopax | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Clupeidae | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Harengula jaguana | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Herklotsichthys quadrimaculatus | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Sardinella aurita | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Spratelloides sp. | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Coryphaena hippurus | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Dactylopterus volitans | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Remora remora | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Anchoviella perfasciata | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Engraulis anchoita | Australia | adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Engraulis australis | Australia | adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Engraulis capensis | Australia | adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Engraulis encrasicolus | Australia | adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Engraulis japonicus | Australia | adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Engraulis mordax | Australia | adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Engraulis ringens | Australia | adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Cheilopogon cyanopterus | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Cheilopogon furcatus | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Exocoetidae | Easter I. | adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Exocoetus obtusirostris | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Exocoetus volitans | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Hirundichthys rondeletii | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Parexocoetus brachypterus | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Congridae | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Gonorychus greyii | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Kyphosidae | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Sphyraenidae | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | unidentified | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Veliferidae | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Gempylus serpens | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Bollmannia boqueronensis | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Ctenogobius stigmaticus | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Microgobius carri | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Euleptorhamphus velox | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Hemiramphus balao | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Hemiramphus brasiliensis | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Holocentrus adscensionis | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Holocentrus ascensionis | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Sargocentron vexillarium | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Istiophorus albicans | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Labridae | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Aluterus heudelotii | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Aluterus schoepfii | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Pseudupeneus maculatus | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Myctophidae | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Psenes cyanophrys | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Psenes maculatus | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Lepophidium brevibarbe | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Lepophidium profundorum | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Lonchopisthus micrognathus | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Opistognathus lonchurus | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Pomacentridae | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Heteropriacanthus cruentatus | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Decapterus macarellus | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Decapterus maraudsi | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Euthynnus alletteratus | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Katsuwonus pelamis | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Thunnus atlanticus | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Thunnus thynnus | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Diplectrum bivittatum | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Diplectrum formosum | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Pronotogrammus martinicensis | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Selar crumenophthalmus | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Synodus foetens | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Canthigaster rostrata | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Lagocephalus laevigatus | USA | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | crabs | Decapods | (not available) | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | n.a./other benth. crustaceans | Stomatopods | (not available) | juv./adults |
zooplankton | plank. crust. | euphausiids | Krill | (not available) | juv./adults |
We encourage users to publish their primary research on growth, weight-length relationships, reproduction (maturity, fecundity, spawning), food and diet composition, introductions and range extensions for faster subsequent entry in SeaLifeBase. A few journal options are available, one of which is Frontiers in Marine Science, Marine Biology section (Impact factor 2021: 3.7) in which a few members of the FishBase Consortium are serving as associated and review editors.