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Food I | Food II | Food III | Food name | Country | Predator Stage |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Unspecified Cranchiidae | Brazil | juv./adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Gonatus antarcticus | Brazil | juv./adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Gonatus fabricii | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Loligo plei | Brazil | juv./adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Loligo sanpaulensis | Brazil | juv./adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Lycoteuthis lorigera | Brazil | juv./adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Ommastrephes bartramii | Brazil | juv./adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Ornithoteuthis antillarum | Brazil | juv./adults |
nekton | cephalopods | squids/cuttlefish | Moroteuthis robsoni | Brazil | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Anoplopoma fimbria | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos | Papua New Guinea | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Hyperoglyphe antarctica | Australia | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Clupea pallasii pallasii | Alaska | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Cyclopterus lumpus | Greenland | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Dasyatis kuhlii | Papua New Guinea | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Ophiodon elongatus | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Istiophorus platypterus | Papua New Guinea | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Makaira indica | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Makaira mazara | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Mola mola | Papua New Guinea | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Manta birostris | Papua New Guinea | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Atheresthes stomias | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Hippoglossus stenolepis | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Parophrys vetulus | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Reinhardtius hippoglossoides | Greenland | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Rhincodon typus | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Oncorhynchus keta | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Oncorhynchus kisutch | Alaska | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Oncorhynchus kisutch | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Oncorhynchus mykiss | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | Canada | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Thunnus albacares | Papua New Guinea | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Thunnus maccoyii | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Thunnus obesus | Papua New Guinea | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Thunnus thynnus | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Sphyrna lewini | Papua New Guinea | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | unspecified herring | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | Xiphias gladius | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | n.a./other finfish | Prionace glauca | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | n.a./other finfish | Hexanchus griseus | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | n.a./other finfish | Rhincodon typus | USA | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | n.a./other finfish | Somniosus pacificus | (not available) | juv./adults |
nekton | finfish | n.a./other finfish | Squalus acanthias | (not available) | juv./adults |
others | herps | turtles | Dermochelys coriacea | USA | juv./adults |
others | mammals | dolphins | Delphinus delphis | USA | juv./adults |
others | mammals | dolphins | Grampus griseus | USA | juv./adults |
others | mammals | dolphins | Lissodelphis borealis | USA | juv./adults |
others | mammals | dolphins | Sagmatias obliquidens | USA | juv./adults |
others | mammals | dolphins | Stenella longirostris | Australia | juv./adults |
others | mammals | dolphins | Phoca vitulina | Alaska | juv./adults |
others | mammals | dolphins | Phocoena phocoena | Alaska | juv./adults |
others | mammals | dolphins | Phocoenoides dalli | Alaska | juv./adults |
others | mammals | n.a./other mammals | Balaena mysticetus | Canada | juv./adults |
others | mammals | n.a./other mammals | Balaenoptera acutorostrata | Australia | juv./adults |
others | mammals | n.a./other mammals | Balaenoptera bonaerensis | Australia | juv./adults |
others | mammals | n.a./other mammals | Balaenoptera musculus | Australia | juv./adults |
others | mammals | n.a./other mammals | Megaptera novaeangliae | Australia | juv./adults |
others | mammals | n.a./other mammals | Kogia breviceps | USA | adults |
others | mammals | n.a./other mammals | Delphinapterus leucas | Canada | juv./adults |
others | mammals | n.a./other mammals | Monodon monoceros | Canada | juv./adults |
others | mammals | n.a./other mammals | Physeter macrocephalus | USA | juv./adults |
others | mammals | n.a./other mammals | Ziphius cavirostris | Australia | juv./adults |
others | mammals | pinnipeds | Eumetopias jubatus | Alaska | juv./adults |
others | mammals | pinnipeds | Zalophus californianus | (not available) | adults |
others | mammals | pinnipeds | Erignathus barbatus | Canada | juv./adults |
others | mammals | pinnipeds | Mirounga angustirostris | USA | juv./adults |
others | mammals | pinnipeds | Pagophilus groenlandicus | Canada | juv./adults |
others | mammals | pinnipeds | Phoca vitulina | Canada | juv./adults |
others | mammals | pinnipeds | Pusa hispida | Canada | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | mollusks | n.a./other cephalopods | unspecified cephalopods | Greenland | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | mollusks | octopi | Ocythoe tuberculata | Brazil | juv./adults |
We encourage users to publish their primary research on growth, weight-length relationships, reproduction (maturity, fecundity, spawning), food and diet composition, introductions and range extensions for faster subsequent entry in SeaLifeBase. A few journal options are available, one of which is Frontiers in Marine Science, Marine Biology section (Impact factor 2021: 3.7) in which a few members of the FishBase Consortium are serving as associated and review editors.