Food items reported for Thalassarche melanophris
n = 41
Food I Food II Food III Food name Country Predator Stage
nekton cephalopods squids/cuttlefish Cephalopods S. Georg. Sandw. juv./adults
nekton cephalopods squids/cuttlefish Loligo Chile adults
nekton cephalopods squids/cuttlefish Illex Chile adults
nekton cephalopods squids/cuttlefish Kondakovia longimana Chile adults
nekton cephalopods squids/cuttlefish Teuthida Chile adults
nekton finfish bony fish Icichthys australis (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Champsocephalus gunnari (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Channichthyidae S. Georg. Sandw. adults
nekton finfish bony fish Pseudochaenichthys georgianus (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish gadids (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Sebastes oculatus (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish unidentified (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Boreogadus saida (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish Eleginus gracilis (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish Gadus macrocephalus (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish Gadus morhua (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish Micromesistius australis (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish Micromesistius poutassou (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish Pollachius virens (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish Paradiplospinus gracilis (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Pleurogrammus azonus (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish Pleurogrammus monopterygius (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish Macruronus magellanicus Chile juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Macruronus magellanicus (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish Macruronus novaezelandiae (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish Merluccius (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish Pseudophycis bachus (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish Electrona antarctica (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Electrona carlsbergi (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Gymnoscopelus bolini (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Gymnoscopelus hintonoides (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Notothenia cyanobrancha (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Patagonotothen guntheri (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish unidentified (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Magnisudis prionosa (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Geotria australis (not available) juv./adults
others others n.a./others Others Macquarie Is. juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. n.a./other benth. crustaceans amphipods (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. n.a./other benth. crustaceans isopods (not available) juv./adults
zooplankton fish (early stages) fish eggs/larvae Theragra chalcogramma (not available) adults
zooplankton plank. crust. euphausiids Krill S. Georg. Sandw. juv./adults
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We encourage users to publish their primary research on growth, weight-length relationships, reproduction (maturity, fecundity, spawning), food and diet composition, introductions and range extensions for faster subsequent entry in SeaLifeBase. A few journal options are available, one of which is Frontiers in Marine Science, Marine Biology section (Impact factor 2021: 3.7) in which a few members of the FishBase Consortium are serving as associated and review editors.