Food items reported for Phalacrocorax carbo
n = 120
Food I Food II Food III Food name Country Predator Stage
nekton finfish bony fish Ammodytes Canada adults
nekton finfish bony fish Ammodytes americanus Canada adults
nekton finfish bony fish Ammodytes hexapterus Canada adults
nekton finfish bony fish Ammodytes marinus UK juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Ammodytes marinus Canada adults
nekton finfish bony fish unspecified sandeels (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Anguilla anguilla (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Anguilla vulgaris (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Anguilla anguilla France juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Atherinidae Albania adults
nekton finfish bony fish Decapterus Greece adults
nekton finfish bony fish Trachurus Greece adults
nekton finfish bony fish Trachurus declivis Greece adults
nekton finfish bony fish Trachurus mediterraneus Greece adults
nekton finfish bony fish Trachurus symmetricus Greece adults
nekton finfish bony fish Trachurus trachurus Greece adults
nekton finfish bony fish Spicara sp. (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Cyrtocara eucinostomus (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Mchenga eucinostomus Tanzania juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Clupea harengus Canada adults
nekton finfish bony fish Clupea pallasii pallasii (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Etrumeus teres Canada adults
nekton finfish bony fish Etrumeus whiteheadi Canada adults
nekton finfish bony fish Sardina pilchardus Canada adults
nekton finfish bony fish Sardinops sagax Canada adults
nekton finfish bony fish Sprattus sprattus Canada adults
nekton finfish bony fish Myoxocephalus scorpius (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Myoxocephalus sp. (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Leuciscus leuciscus Germany adults
nekton finfish bony fish Engraulis anchoita (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish Engraulis australis Australia juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Engraulis australis (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish Engraulis capensis (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish Engraulis encrasicolus (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish Engraulis japonicus (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish Engraulis mordax (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish Engraulis ringens (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish Thryssa vitrirostris South Africa juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Aphanius fasciatus (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Blennius pavo (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Blennoididae (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Dicentrarchus punctatus (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Gobius jozo (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Parablennius gattorugine (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Pelagics (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Sparus auratus (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Symphodus doderleinei (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Symphodus sp. (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Trachinus sp. (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish unidentified (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish flatfish (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Boreogadus saida (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish Eleginus gracilis (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish Gadidae (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Gadus macrocephalus (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish Gadus morhua (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish Micromesistius australis (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish Micromesistius poutassou (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish Pollachius virens (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish unspecified cod (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Unspecified Gadidae (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish unspecified gadoids (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish unspecified saithe (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Gasterosteidae (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Gobiidae (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Gobius niger (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Pleurogrammus azonus (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish Pleurogrammus monopterygius (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish Coris julis (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Labridae (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Tautogolabrus adspersus (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Macruronus magellanicus (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish Macruronus novaezelandiae (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish Merluccius (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish Pseudophycis bachus (not available) adults
nekton finfish bony fish Mormyrus kannume Uganda juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Dicentrarchus labrax France juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Aldrichetta forsteri Australia juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Chelon labrosus France juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Liza ramado France juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Liza sp. (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish unspecified capelin (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Unspecified Osmeridae (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Gymnocephalus cernuus (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Perca fluviatilis (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Pholis gunnellus (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Unspecified fish (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Hippoglossoides platessoides (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Limanda limanda (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Platichthys flesus (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Pleuronectes platessa (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Pleuronectidae Greece adults
nekton finfish bony fish Pseudopleuronectes americanus (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Reinhardtius hippoglossoides Greece adults
nekton finfish bony fish Pleuronectiformes (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Cnidoglanis macrocephalus Australia juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Chromis chromis (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Salmonidae (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Scomber scombrus (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Scomber vernalis (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Scorpaena spp. (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Cottidae (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Serranus sp. (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Atherina presbyter (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Solea Greece adults
nekton finfish bony fish Solea solea (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Oblada melanura (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Rhabdosargus sarba South Africa juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Sarpa salpa (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Sparus aurata France juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Syngnathus sp. (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Trachinus vipera (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Zoarces viviparus (not available) juv./adults
others others n.a./others Others Italy juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. crabs Decapods Italy juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. n.a./other benth. crustaceans Crustaceans Norway juv./adults
zooplankton fish (early stages) fish eggs/larvae Clupea pallasii Canada adults
zooplankton fish (early stages) fish eggs/larvae Theragra chalcogramma (not available) adults
zooplankton plank. crust. n.a./other plank. crustaceans Brachyura Sri Lanka adults
zooplankton plank. crust. n.a./other plank. crustaceans Shrimps, prawns Sri Lanka adults
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We encourage users to publish their primary research on growth, weight-length relationships, reproduction (maturity, fecundity, spawning), food and diet composition, introductions and range extensions for faster subsequent entry in SeaLifeBase. A few journal options are available, one of which is Frontiers in Marine Science, Marine Biology section (Impact factor 2021: 3.7) in which a few members of the FishBase Consortium are serving as associated and review editors.