Collaborator Profile
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Name Songco, Angelique Songco, Angelique
Code No. 339
Web page
Fax (048) 716-1631
Institute Tubbataha Management Office
Address Manalo Ext., Bgy Milagrosa, Puerto Princesa City
Country Philippines
Comments Conservation, in general, is work for the passionate. For most of us at Tubbataha Management Office, it is not just a job but a mission, the cross-cutting theme of our lives. I realized that marine protected area management is about managing use, therefore it revolves around genuine engagement with the people who own, use, or care for Tubbataha. Although a lot of the work involves implementation of projects in the Park, success is truly mediated by the collaborations and partnerships that we made along the way. In order to achieve conservation results, I find that it is imperative to care for and like working with people.
Since 2020
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