Common names from other countries
Classification / Names
आम नाम | उपशब्द | Catalog of Fishes (gen., sp.) | ITIS | CoL | WoRMS
Environment: milieu / climate zone / depth range / distribution range
बेनथोपिलाजिक; गहराई सीमा 20 - 828 m (संदर्भ 8), usually 100 - 400 m (संदर्भ 8). Subtropical; 8°C - 15°C (संदर्भ 804), preferred 24°C (संदर्भ 107945); 48°N - 19°S, 98°W - 37°E
Atlantic and the Mediterranean: from USA to French Guiana, the entire Mediterranean and from Portugal to Namibia.
Length at first maturity / आकार / Weight / Age
Maturity: Lm 2.4, range 1 - 2.8 cm Max length : 16.0 cm TL पुल्लिंग / अलिंग; (संदर्भ 8); 19 cm TL (female); common length : 14.0 cm TL पुल्लिंग / अलिंग; (संदर्भ 8); common length :16 cm TL (female); अधिकतम सूचित उम्र: 3.00 वर्षो (संदर्भ 80253)
Demersal (Ref. 85316). Maximum depth range from Ref. 114857; minimum common depth from Ref. 80253. Maximum total length (female) from Ref. 104052 Prefers mud or muddy sand substrates (Ref. 8). Juveniles settle at around 100 m, though can be detected up to 300 m, while larger individuals are always found deeper than 350 m (Ref. 80253). Feeds on benthic organisms (clams, mysids and small crangonids; Ref. 434). Also occurs in pelagic depths between 100 to 200 m (Ref. 92299). Opportunistic predator (Ref. 112170).
The species has a life cycle of 2 to 3 years (Ref. 80253). Mating behavior: Precopulatory courtship ritual is common (through olfactory and tactile cues); usually indirect sperm transfer (Ref. 833).
Holthuis, L.B. 1980. (संदर्भ 8)
IUCN Red List Status
(संदर्भ 130435: Version 2024-2)
CITES status (संदर्भ 108899)
Not Evaluated
CMS (संदर्भ 116361)
Not Evaluated
Human uses
मात्स्यिकी: व्यापारिक
FAO - मात्स्यिकी: landings, species profile | FIRMS (Stock assessments) | FishSource | Sea Around Us
इंटरनेट स्रोत
Estimates based on models
Preferred temperature
115969): 9.4 - 19.5, mean 14 (based on 393 cells).
ऊंचा, न्यूनतम जनसंख्या दुगनी समय अवलागत 15 महीने। (K=0.44-2; tm=0.6; tmax=3).
Prior r = 1.40, 95% CL = 0.92 - 2.10, Based on 15 full stock assessments.
Low vulnerability (15 of 100).