Common names from other countries
Environment: milieu / climate zone / depth range / distribution range
; গভীরতার পরিসীমা 0 - 600 m (সূত্র 78657). Temperate, preferred 11°C (সূত্র 107945); 85°N - 36°N, 110°W - 45°E
Arctic, Northern Atlantic and the Mediterranean: Canadian Arctic Archipelago and the Atlantic Ocean. Temperate to polar climates.
Length at first maturity / আকৃতি / Weight / Age
Maturity: Lm ?, range 5 - 7.2 cm Max length : 10.2 cm SHL পুরুষ/ লিঙ্গ অনিধর্ারিত ; (সূত্র 360); common length : 5.1 cm SHL পুরুষ/ লিঙ্গ অনিধর্ারিত ; (সূত্র 360)
Shell: not very thick, solid, conical spire, generally high, sometimes rather flattened spires, very convex whorls and markedly impressed suture; ovoidal aperture, outer lip is not thickened or toothed, lacks inner folds; columellar lip has a fairly striking callus, partly adheres to the ventral surface of the body whorl; sculpture has almost equidistant spiral grooves and quite big axial ribs that tend to fade at the edge of the body whorl and are generally sinous; yellowish white or light hazel in color; periostracum is light chestnut in color and not very resistant; operculum is horny, smaller than the aperture, has a central nucleus. Body: large foot, whole body cream with blackish patches; head has a pair of tentacles with an eye at the base of each, long proboscis; well-developed siphon; radula is rachnioglossan.
Maximum depth from Ref. 106864. Common in the continental shelf (Ref. 106864). Common in the subtidal to 200 m depth in the northern Atlantic (Ref. 78657). Usually found on hard bottoms (Ref. 95730), as well as soft bottoms from 5 to 600 m (Ref. 106864). Also found to occur in areas with sludge (Ref. 96352). Relatively sedentary (Ref. 106864). It is a necrophagous, scavenger species (Ref. 96498). Feeds on polychaetes, mollusks, echinoderms and other smaller crustaceans (Ref. 106864). Also found in mud, sand, gravel and rocks (Ref. 78654).
Life cycle and mating behavior
পরিপক্কতা | প্রজনন | ডিম ছাড়া | Eggs | ডিম্বধারন ক্ষমতা | Larvae
Females gather in groups to deposit eggs in a communal mass of egg capsules where veligers develop and metamorphose inside and later hatch out as young individuals (Ref. 360).
Harms, J. 1993. (সূত্র 2711)
IUCN Red List Status
(সূত্র 130435: Version 2024-2)
CITES status (সূত্র 108899)
Not Evaluated
Not Evaluated
Human uses
মৎস্য: বাণিজ্যিক
FAO - মৎস্য: landings, species profile | FishSource | আমাদের চতুর্পাশ্বের সাগর
ইন্টারনেট সুত্র
Estimates based on models
Preferred temperature
115969): 7 - 11.8, mean 9.8 (based on 337 cells).
মাধ্যম , সর্বনিম্ন প্রজন দ্বিগুনের সময় ১.৪-৪.৪ বৎসর (K=0.2-0.22; tm=7.5).
Prior r = 0.57, 95% CL = 0.37 - 0.85, Based on 1 data-limited stock assessment.
Moderate to high vulnerability (53 of 100).