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List of Species Occurrence Records for Cambodia

Occurrence point list

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Species Locality Year Identifier
Caretta caretta Kilodapi Village, Kampot province    
Caretta caretta Koh Karang,    
Caretta caretta Koh Tbal,    
Chelonia mydas Kbal Romeas Village, Kampot province    
Chelonia mydas Kilodapi Village, Kampot province    
Chelonia mydas Koh Dong Island, Sihanouk Ville    
Chelonia mydas Koh Karang,    
Chelonia mydas Koh Khteas,    
Chelonia mydas Thmar Anteas Banh,    
Chelonia mydas Thmar Kandal,    
Chelonia mydas Thmar Rieng,    
Delphinus delphis Kampot 2001  
Delphinus delphis Kep 2001  
Delphinus delphis Kep 2001  
Delphinus delphis Koh Kong 2001  
Delphinus delphis Koh Kong 2001  
Delphinus delphis Koh Kong coastline 2001  
Delphinus delphis Koh Polou Wai 2001  
Delphinus delphis Koh Tang 2001  
Delphinus delphis Kompong Som Bay 2001  
Delphinus delphis Kompong Som Bay 2001  
Delphinus delphis Kompong Som Bay north 2001  
Delphinus delphis Kompong Som Bay north 2001  
Delphinus delphis Offshore to Koh Polou Wai 2001  
Delphinus delphis Offshore to Koh Polou Wai 2001  
Delphinus delphis Offshore to Koh Tang 2001  
Delphinus delphis Ream National Park 2001  
Eretmochelys imbricata Kbal Romeas Village, Kampot province    
Eretmochelys imbricata Koh Angkrang,    
Eretmochelys imbricata Koh Dong Island, Sihanouk Ville    
Eretmochelys imbricata Koh Karang,    
Eretmochelys imbricata Ta Ang Village,    
Eretmochelys imbricata Thmar Anteas Banh,    
Eretmochelys imbricata Thmar Kandal,    
Eretmochelys imbricata Thmar Rieng,    
Globicephala macrorhynchus Kep, beach 2001  
Lepidochelys olivacea Kbal Romeas Village, Kampot province    
Lepidochelys olivacea Koh Angkrang,    
Lepidochelys olivacea Koh Poh,    
Orcaella brevirostris [occurrence summary] 1994  
Orcaella brevirostris Houay Thalat Stream, Mekong River. 1994  
Orcaella brevirostris low water near Sre Ambel, Kompong Som Bay 2002  
Orcaella brevirostris Middle of Mekong River, close to the Lao border. 1994  
Pseudorca crassidens Kampot 2001  
Pseudorca crassidens Kep 2001  
Pseudorca crassidens Kep 2001  
Pseudorca crassidens Koh Kong 2001  
Pseudorca crassidens Koh Kong 2001  
Pseudorca crassidens Koh Kong coastline 2001  
Pseudorca crassidens Koh Polou Wai 2001  
Pseudorca crassidens Koh Tang 2001  
Pseudorca crassidens Kompong Som Bay 2001  
Pseudorca crassidens Kompong Som Bay 2001  
Pseudorca crassidens Kompong Som Bay north 2001  
Pseudorca crassidens Kompong Som Bay north 2001  
Pseudorca crassidens Offshore to Koh Polou Wai 2001  
Pseudorca crassidens Offshore to Koh Polou Wai 2001  
Pseudorca crassidens Offshore to Koh Tang 2001  
Pseudorca crassidens Ream National Park 2001  
Stenella attenuata Kampot 2001  
Stenella attenuata Kep 2001  
Stenella attenuata Kep 2001  
Stenella attenuata Koh Kong 2001  
Stenella attenuata Koh Kong 2001  
Stenella attenuata Koh Kong coastline 2001  
Stenella attenuata Koh Polou Wai 2001  
Stenella attenuata Koh Tang 2001  
Stenella attenuata Kompong Som Bay 2001  
Stenella attenuata Kompong Som Bay 2001  
Stenella attenuata Kompong Som Bay north 2001  
Stenella attenuata Kompong Som Bay north 2001  
Stenella attenuata Offshore to Koh Polou Wai 2001  
Stenella attenuata Offshore to Koh Polou Wai 2001  
Stenella attenuata Offshore to Koh Tang 2001  
Stenella attenuata Ream National Park 2001  
Stenella longirostris Kampot 2001  
Stenella longirostris Kep 2001  
Stenella longirostris Kep 2001  
Stenella longirostris Koh Kong 2001  
Stenella longirostris Koh Kong 2001  
Stenella longirostris Koh Kong coastline 2001  
Stenella longirostris Koh Polou Wai 2001  
Stenella longirostris Koh Tang 2001  
Stenella longirostris Kompong Som Bay 2001  
Stenella longirostris Kompong Som Bay 2001  
Stenella longirostris Kompong Som Bay north 2001  
Stenella longirostris Kompong Som Bay north 2001  
Stenella longirostris Offshore to Koh Polou Wai 2001  
Stenella longirostris Offshore to Koh Polou Wai 2001  
Stenella longirostris Offshore to Koh Tang 2001  
Stenella longirostris Ream National Park 2001  
Tursiops aduncus Kampot 2001  
Tursiops aduncus Kep 2001  
Tursiops aduncus Kep 2001  
Tursiops aduncus Koh Kong 2001  
Tursiops aduncus Koh Kong 2001  
Tursiops aduncus Koh Kong coastline 2001  
Tursiops aduncus Koh Polou Wai 2001  
Tursiops aduncus Koh Tang 2001  
Tursiops aduncus Kompong Som Bay 2001  
Tursiops aduncus Kompong Som Bay 2001  
Tursiops aduncus Kompong Som Bay north 2001  
Tursiops aduncus Kompong Som Bay north 2001  
Tursiops aduncus Offshore to Koh Polou Wai 2001  
Tursiops aduncus Offshore to Koh Polou Wai 2001  
Tursiops aduncus Offshore to Koh Tang 2001  
Tursiops aduncus Ream National Park 2001  

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