Common Name - Search Result, ALPHABETICAL

Common Names Beginning with "R"

n = 1,354
Rabbit dorid
Rabbit doris
Rabbit-ear barnacle
Rabbitnose shrimp
Rabijunco cola blanca
Rabijunco cola roja
Rabijunco pico rojo
Racer mangrove crab
Racing stripe flatworm
Radial cone
Radial purse-oyster
Radial sundial
Radial-ridged corbula
Radially-ribbed keyhole limpet
Radiant squat lobster
Radiate limpet
Radiate top shell
Radula nerite
Radula scallop
râfa kingugpak
Rafinesque crayfish
Raft hydroid
Rafting crab
raga issa
Ragged chalice coral
Ragged sea hare
Ragged seahare
Rainbow abalone
Rainbow crab
Rainbow dendronotus
Rainbow drop
Rainbow mussel
Rainbow prawn
Rainbow sea star
Rainbow shrimp
Rainbow star
Rainbow tellin
Raja attai
Rake tellin
ralu dath mulla
Ram's horn shell
Ram's horn squid
Ramari's beaked whale
Ramose murex
Ramose sea hare
Ramp cove supercoil
Rams-horn squid
Rams-horn valvata
Ram’s horn squid
Rana vientre traslúcido
Randall's pistol shrimp
Randall's snapping shrimp
Randolph scallop
Ranelle bourse
Ranelle commune
Ranelle geante
Ranelle hibou
Ranelle mamelonnee
Rang's neritina
Rang's sea hare
Rangia americana
Rangia clam
Rangie americaine
Rangie americana
Rapa whelk
rapana veiné
Rapane bulbeuse
Rapanui octopus
Rare dog-head triton
Rare-spined murex
Rarespined murex
Rasberry brittle star
Rashleigh's cowry
Rasp coral
Rasp Elimia
Rasp short razor
Rasp tagelus
Rasp tellin
Raspberry coral
Raston's box jellyfish
Rat cone
ratchatha thimingalam
Ratchet topsnail
Rathbun blade shrimp
Rathbun cleaner shrimp
Rathbun hingebeak
Rathbun procelain crab
Rathbun's bladed shrimp
Rathbun's cleaner shrimp
Rathbun's giant file shell
Rathbun's hinge beaked shrimp
Rathbun's hinge-beak shrimp
Rathbun's vinegar crab
rathu attaya
Raucher Furchenkrebs
raue Venusmuschel
rauhe venusmushel
Rauher Jujubenkreisel
rauher Strandschnecke
Ravenel's egg cockle
Ravine salamander
Rayed artemis
Rayed bean
Rayed cone
Rayed creekshell
Rayed dwarf-turban
Rayed keyhole limpet
Rayed limpet
Rayed mediterranean limpet
Rayed pearl oyster
Rayed pink fatmucket
Rayed strigilla
Rayed tree oyster
Rayed trough shell
Rayed trough-shell
Rayed wheel limpet
Razor back
Razor clam
Razor mud shrimp
Razor mussel
Razor prawn
Razor shell
Razor shrimp
Reading fairy shrimp
Reaper cuttlefish
Rear-spined elbow crab
Rebhuhn Tonnenschnecke
Recluzia snail
Rectangular erycina
Rectangular false cockle
Red abalone
Red aldisa
Red algae
Red and blue damsel
Red and white lobsterette
Red arrow crab
Red ascidian
Red bait
Red banded hermit crab
Red bat star
Red beaded anemone
Red beard sponge
Red beauty
Red billed tropicbird
Red blue crab
Red boring horny sponge
Red boring sponge
Red brittlestar
Red brocade hermit
Red brocade hermit crab
Red carid
Red cave shrimp
Red champagne lobster
Red chiton
Red clam
Red claw crab
Red claw crayfish
Red claw cuapetes shrimp
Red comb star
Red cookie star
Red coral
Red coral crab
Red crab
Red cray
Red crayfish
Red cross nudibranch
Red crust
Red cushion star
Red cushion starfish
Red deepsea crab red deepsea crab
Red deepsea crab
Red delesseria
Red dendronotid
Red dendronotus
Red dorid
Red egg crab
Red encrusting sponge
Red endeavour prawn
Red eyed crab
Red eyelet silk
Red fan worm
Red fanworm
Red fern
Red filamentous alga
Red finger gorgonia
Red flabellina
Red flapjack
Red flat oyster
Red flying squid
Red foot moon algae snail
Red forkweed
Red fringe
Red frog crab
Red frond-aeolis
Red galathea crab
Red gelidium
Red ghost shrimp
Red giant shrimp
Red gilled nudibranch
Red glass-hair chiton
Red gorgonian
Red grilled marphysa
Red hairy crab
Red harpoon
Red heart urchin
Red helmet
Red hermit crab
Red hills salamander
Red horny sponge
Red hydrocoral
Red jellyfish
Red jewel box
Red king crab
Red knot
Red lamellaria
Red lampshell
Red leg hermit
Red lined bubble
Red liomera
red litob
Red lobster
Red lobsterette
Red mangrove
Red mouthed rock shell
Red night shrimp
Red nose
Red nudibranch
Red ocean squid
Red octopus
Red ophiocoma
Red oyas
Red panache
Red pencil urchin
Red pencil urchin shrimp
Red percher dragonfly
Red phalarope
Red pistol shrimp
Red polyp octocoral
Red pond shrimp
Red porcelain crab
Red prawn
Red queen crab
Red reef crab
Red reef hermit
Red reef hermit crab
Red reef lobster
Red ribbon worm
Red rice prawn
Red ridged clinging crab
Red rock anemone
Red rock crab
Red rock lobster
Red rock shrimp
Red rock urchin
Red rock-soaker sponge
Red rostanga
Red royal prawn
Red royal shrimp
Red salamander
Red sea bottlenose dolphin
Red sea cucumber
Red sea fan
Red sea fire coral
Red sea leaf
Red sea lettuce
Red sea mantis shrimp
Red sea octopus
Red sea pebble crab
Red sea plume
Red sea pork
Red sea squirt
Red sea star
Red sea top shell
Red sea urchin
Red sea whip
Red seabroom
Red seastar
Red serpent star
Red shiner sponge
Red shrimp
Red silt crab
Red slipper lobster
Red snakefish
Red snapping shrimp
Red snow crab
Red soft coral
Red speckled barnacle
Red spider crab
Red spiny cushion star
Red spiny lobster
Red spiny sunstar
Red sponge
Red sponge doris
Red sponge nudibranch
Red spot king prawn
Red spot rock crab
Red spotted guard crab
Red spotted shrimp
Red spotted worm sea cucumber
Red squamous rock sea cucumber
Red squat lobster
Red squid
Red starfish
Red stickhydroid
Red stomphia
Red stone coral
Red stone crab
Red striped amphipod
Red striped hermit
Red striped hermit crab
Red striped prawn
Red swamp crawfish
Red swamp crayfish
Red swimcrab
Red swimming crab
Red tail prawn
Red tellin
Red thordis
Red thordisa
Red tree coral
Red trees
Red triton shell
Red turban
Red turban snail
Red urchin
Red veiled chiton
Red veiled-chiton
Red velvet snail
Red vermillion crab
Red volcano horny sponge
Red volcano sponge
Red whelk
Red whip coral
Red whip lobster
Red-algae shrimp
Red-and-white-banded sea-nymph
Red-backed coral prawn
Red-backed salamander
Red-band slipper lobster
Red-banded commensal scaleworm
Red-banded jellyfish
Red-banded lobster
Red-banded shore crab
Red-beaded anemone
Red-bellied dolphin
Red-bellied newt
Red-billed gull
Red-billed tropic bird
Red-billed tropicbird
Red-breasted merganser
Red-brown ark
Red-brown branching sponge
Red-brown encrusting sponge
Red-brown gibbula
Red-cheeked salamander
Red-cloud auger
Red-coral pistol shrimp
Red-crested Pochard
Red-dotted compound tunicate
Red-eye medusa
Red-eyed crab
Red-eyed reef crab
Red-eyed rock crab
Red-eyed xanthid crab
Red-faced cormorant
Red-finger aeolis
Red-fingered coral crab
Red-flecked mopalia
Red-flecked prawn
Red-footed booby
Red-fringed frog shell
Red-gilled marphysa
Red-gilled nembrotha
Red-gilled nudibranch
Red-headed aeolid
Red-joint fiddler
Red-legged cormorant
Red-legged kittiwake
Red-legged salamander
Red-legged swimming crab
Red-line blue doris
Red-line pheasant
Red-lined bubble shell
Red-lined flabellina
Red-lined kentrodoris
Red-lined sea cucumber
Red-margined glossodoris
Red-mouthed olive
Red-mouthed rock shell
Red-necked grebe
Red-necked phalarope
Red-necked stint
Red-netted chromodoris
Red-orange fleece star
Red-painted mitre
Red-papulose gymnodoris
Red-purple sea cradle
Red-rayed fissurella
Red-reef porcelain crab
Red-ribbed scallop
Red-ridged clinging crab
Red-rim melania
Red-speckled eubranchus
Red-splashed platydoris
Red-spot hinge-beak shrimp
Red-spot king prawn
Red-spot night octopus
Red-spot octopus
Red-spot topsnail
Red-spotted box crab
Red-spotted coral crab
Red-spotted guard crab
Red-spotted horseshoe
Red-spotted king prawn
Red-spotted mitten lobster
Red-spotted prawn
Red-spotted swimming crab
Red-streaked box crab
Red-stripe hermit crab
Red-striped hermit
Red-striped sea cucumber
Red-striped shrimp
Red-tail prawn
Red-tailed shrimp
Red-tailed tropicbird
Red-tentacle cuthona
Red-tentacle spurilla
Red-throated diver
Red-throated loon
Red-tipped sea goddess
Red-trumpet calcareous tubeworm
Red-white porcelain crab
Redback porcelain crab
Redback salamander
Redbacked cleaner shrimp
Redbacked coral prawn
Redbanded clear shrimp
Redbanded coral shrimp
Reddell stygobromid
Reddell's cave amphipod
Reddish cockle
Reddish frog shell
Reddish lepton
Reddish limpet
Reddish mangelia
Reddish scallop
Reddish venus
Reddish yeti squat lobster
Reddish-brown tonicia
Redeye sponge crab
Redfield's enope squid
Redfinger rubble crab
Redfish (sea cucumber)
Redhair swimming crab
redi sara-sara
Redjointed fiddler
Redleg calcinus
Redleg humpback shrimp
Redline flabellina
Redmouth olive
Redmouth olive shell
Rednose/mosquito shrimp
Redreef porcelain crab
Redspot king prawn
Redspot swimming crab
Redspotted swimming crab
Redtail prawn
Redtail shrimp
Redwhite porcelain crab
Reed tuskshell
Reef anemone
Reef box crab
Reef crab
Reef lobster
Reef nutclam
Reef odontoactylid mantis shri
Reef odontodactylid mantis shrimp
Reef prawn
Reef red & white crab
Reef sea snake
Reef shallows seasnake
Reef shrimp
Reef spider crab
Reef sponge
Reef squid
Reef starfish
Reef tunicate
Reef urchin
Reeve's bittersweet
Reeve's cowrie
Reeve's mangrove mussel
Reeve's sea urchin
Reeve's turban
Reflexed jewel box
Reflexed lacuna
Regal benthonella
Regal hydrobe
Regal murex
Regal sea fan
Regal sea goddess
Regal slipper lobster
Regal spiny margarite
Regal thorny oyster
Regenbogen Seestern
Regular fileclam
Regular tusk shell
Regular whelk
Rehder's mitre
Reinhardt's cranch squid
Reinhart's ark
Rejected neptune
rekung el beab
rekung el daob
rekung kakum
Related spoonclam
Related tambja
Relative caldukia
Reliable chromodoris
Relict groundwater sebid
Relict gull
Relictual slender salamander
relleno relleno
Reloj brillante
Remies tellin
renard arctique
Reticulate amphissa
Reticulate anemone
Reticulate brittle star
Reticulate cocculina
Reticulate cowrie-helmet
Reticulate crab
Reticulate distorsio
Reticulate gadinia
Reticulate kelp louse
Reticulate nerite
Reticulate pteropod
Reticulate sea anemone
Reticulate seafan
Reticulate turrid
Reticulate tuskshell
Reticulate wentletrap
Reticulated brittle star
Reticulated chromodoris
Reticulated cowrie
Reticulated cowrie helmet
Reticulated cowrie-helmet
Reticulated cowry
reticulated cowry helmet
Reticulated cowry-helmet
Reticulated hawaiian hermit
Reticulated hinge beak shrimp
Reticulated hinge-beak shrimp
Reticulated hinge-beaked shrimp
Reticulated hingebeak
Reticulated philinopsis
Reticulated sea slug
Reticulated sea star
Reticulated spiny star
Reticulated surf crab
Reticulated turretsnail
Reticulated venus
Retiring hairy crab
Retroversal jewel box
Retrovert pteropod
Reverse jewell squid
Reverse pebblesnail
Reversed chama
Reversed glass sponge
Reversed needle welk
Rhinoceros auklet
Rhinoceros crab
Rhinoceros seastar
Rhizostome jellyfish
Rhizostome pulmoné
Rhode crayfish
Rhododendron cone
Rhodophyte pheasant
Rhombic lamellaria
Rhomboid fingernailclam
Rhomboid mussel
Rhomboid squid
Ribbed barnacle
Ribbed black trochid
Ribbed brachiopod
Ribbed bryozoan
Ribbed cantharus
Ribbed cockle
Ribbed corbula
Ribbed dipper clam
Ribbed Elimia
Ribbed false limpet
Ribbed hoofsnail
Ribbed limpet
Ribbed moelleria
Ribbed mussel
Ribbed rocksnail
Ribbed sea saphir
Ribbed sinistral
Ribbed slitshell
Ribbed striate
Ribbed sunset clam
Ribbed trophon
Ribbed turban snail
Ribbed turrid
Ribbed velvet snail
Ribbed venus
Ribbet kammusling
Ribbet sunset shell
Ribbon coral
Ribbon crayfish
Ribbon durvilledoris
Ribbon seagrass
Ribbon seal
Ribbon worm
Ribboned nori
Riccio di mare
Riccio di mare atlantico
riccio di mare comune
Riccio di mare del Pacifico
riccio di mare di roccia
riccio femmina
Rice barrel-bubble
Rice coral
Rice grain bean cowry
Rice olive
Rice velvet shrimp
Rice-grain bubblesnail
Riceland prawn
Rice’s whale
Rich mountain salamander
Rich mountain stygobromid
Richard's black coral
Richter's prawn
Richter's sand shrimp
Riddle navanax
Ridge coral
Ridge-back lobsterette
Ridge-backed dolphin
Ridge-less barnacle
Ridge-tailed dorid
Ridgeback mud crab
Ridgeback prawn
Ridgeback rock shrimp
Ridgeback shrimp
Ridgeback spiny lobster
Ridgebeak peaclam
Ridged box crab
Ridged cactus coral
Ridged crangon
Ridged crangon shrimp
Ridged dermatobranchus
Ridged egg cowry
Ridged lioplax
Ridged mapleleaf
Ridged periwinkle
Ridged rams-horn
Ridged rock swimming crab
Ridged slipper lobster
Ridged slippersnail
Ridged surfclam
Ridged swimming crab
Ridged whelk
Ridgeless cactus coral
Ridgetail prawn
Ridley's fire sponge
Riesen Dornenseestern
Riesen Seewalze
Riessen Bäumchenschnecke
riestasnapis bėgikas
Riffle Elimia
Right whale
Right-angle beach louse
Right-handed hermit
Rightwing macoma
Rigid bathyal crab
Rigid cushion star
Rigid sea cucumber
Rigid venus
Riise porcelain crab
Riise's paper-bubble
Rim fleshy limpet
Rim scissurelle
Rim-backed nudibranch
Ring clam
Ring cowrie
Ring pink
Ring Wurmseegurke
Ring-billed gull
Ringed anemone
Ringed auger
Ringed blind limpet
Ringed chromodoris
Ringed cone
Ringed crayfish
Ringed doris
Ringed dosinia
Ringed hornsnail
Ringed horny sponge
Ringed lucine
Ringed money cowry
Ringed nudibranch
Ringed salamander
Ringed sap-sucking slug
Ringed sea hare
Ringed sea-hare
Ringed seal
Ringed spotted dorid
Ringed storm-petrel
Ringed top snail
Ringed triton
Ringed tubularia
Ringed wormsnail
Ringnes glass-scallop
Rink's footless sea cucumber
rinóforos negros
Rio grande monkeyface
Riparian tightcoil
Rippled Elimia
Risso's crab
Risso's dolphin
Risso's grampus
Rissos dolphin
Risso’s dolphin
River fingernailclam
River nerite
River otter
River peaclam
River pisidium
River plata mussel
River prawn
River shrimp
River tern
Riverine grass shrimp
Riverine rabbit
Riverside fairy shrimp
Roa gaula
Roan supercoil
Roanoke slabshell
Robber crab
Robber harpiosquillid mantis s
Robber harpiosquillid mantis shrimp
Robe hem hypselodoris
Robo's chromodoris
Roboastra Neonsternschnecke
Robust blind salamander
Robust bobtail squid
Robust boxer shrimp
Robust clubhook squid
Robust deep-sea shrimp
Robust frond-aeolis
Robust glass shrimp
Robust ivory tree coral
Robust miniovula
Robust mysella
Robust sea anemone
Robust sea moss
Robust tree hydroid
Robust tryonia
Robust walker
Robusta red seaweed
Robuste aeolis
Robuste Seescheide
Robustus swimcrab
Rocher antillais
Rocher cornu
rocher fascié
Rocher pomme
Rock aglaja
Rock anemone
Rock borer
Rock chickory
Rock clam
Rock cormorant
Rock crab
Rock crabs
Rock crawfish
Rock creek groundwater amphipod
Rock creek stygobromid
Rock eater
Rock entodesma
Rock fossaria
Rock lobster
Rock oyster
Rock periwinkle
Rock pocketbook
Rock sandpiper
Rock scallop
Rock sea urchin
Rock semele
Rock shell
Rock shrimp
Rock slider
Rock snail
Rock springs siltsnail
Rock star
Rock violet
Rock-boring barnacle
Rock-boring urchin
Rock-eating petricola
Rock-pool prawn
Rockbridge county cave amphipod
Rockbridge stygobromid
Rockhopper penguin
Rockpile turban
Rockpool prawn
Rockweed isopod
Rocky aeolid
Rocky mountain capshell
Rocky mountain duskysnail
Rocky mountain fingernailclam
Rocky mountain physa
Rocky river crayfish
rode heremietkreeft
Rode Reuzengarnaal
Roe's abalone
Roe-bandit gill worm
Roll-tail isopod
Rolland tridonta
Roller's aeolid
Rolling clam
Rolling pebblesnail
Rooster conch
Rooster venus
Rooster-tail conch
Roostertail conch
Root-mouthed jellyfish
Rope grass
Rope grass hyroid
Roper inshore squid
Roper squid
Rorcual antártico
rorcual azul
Rorcual común
rorcual de aleta
rorcual de Bryde
rorcual de Minke
rorcual de Rudolphi
Rorcual del Norte
Rorcual enano
rorcual gigante
Rorcual jorobado
rorcual menor
rorcual picudo
Rorcual tropical
Rori euata
rori ofai
rori papao
rori tiare
Rori toto
rorqual à bosse
rorqual à museau pointu
rorqual à rostre
Rorqual aliblanco
rorqual bleu
Rorqual bleue
rorqual boréal
rorqual commun
rorqual comú
rorqual comune
rorqual d'aleta blanca
rorqual de aleta blanca
Rorqual de Bryde
rorqual de Rudolph
Rorqual de Rudolphi
rorqual de Sibbald
rorqual del norte
rorqual du Cap
rorqual jorobado
rorqual keporkak
rorqual mineur
rorqual norteno
rorqual noueux
rorqual pequeño
rosa e detit
Rosa garnele
Rosa Geißelgarnele
Rosa gepunktete Xanthiden Krabbe
rosa kokëmadhe
rosa kryekuqe
Rosa Seegurke
Rosafarbene Seegurke
Rose anemone
Rose barnacle
Rose cockle
Rose coral
Rose corbula
Rose murex
Rose nudibranch
Rose petal bubble
Rose petal tellin
Rose phyllidiella
Rose ribbon worm
Rose sea star
Rose seastar
Rose shrimp
Rose spiny brittle star
Rose sponge
Rose star
Rose-branch murex
Rose-mouth morum
Rose-painted clam
Rose-painted semele
Rose-petal tellin
Rose-pink cuthona
Roseate hairy crab
Roseate tern
Rosecone cuttlefish
Rosemouth starshell
Roshna prawn
Ross seal
Ross' meeuw
Ross's blæksprutte
Ross's gull
Rossiter's murex
Rostellaire fuselee
Roster Riesenschlangenstern
Roster-tail conch
Rostrate barnacle
Rostrate cardiomya
Rostrate cuspidaria
Rostrate dipper shell
Rostrate dipperclam
Rostrate false donax
Rostrate gastrochaenid
Rostrate horn
Rostrate jackknife
Rostrate mactra
Rostrate pitar
Rostrate poromya
Rostrate tellin
Roswell springsnail
Rosy drill
Rosy fiddler
Rosy fiddler crab
Rosy frog shell
Rosy gyre triton
Rosy horny sponge
Rosy jackknife
Rosy keyhole limpet
Rosy lobsterette
Rosy marianina
Rosy northern dovesnail
Rosy phos
Rosy phyllidia
Rosy prawn
Rosy razor
Rosy sea anemone
Rosy spindle cowrie
Rosy spindle cowry
Rosy top snail
Rosy topsnail
Rosy tritonia
Rosy whelk
Rot gestreifter Seewalze
Rotbraune Ledernacktschnecke
Rote Borstenkrabbe
rote Garnele
Rote Helmschnecke
Rote Klippenkrabbe
Rote Krabbe
rote Kurzschwanzekrebs
rote languste
Rote Mithraculus Krabbe
Rote Prachsternschnecke
Rote riesengarnele
Rote Schwimmgarnele
rote Schwimmkrabbe
Rote Tiefseekrabbe
Rotelle commune
Rotelle côtelée
Roter Karibik Schlangenstern
Roter Runzelstern
roter Schwamm
Roter Schwamm Doris
Roter Seestern
Rötlichbraune Kreiselschnecke
Rotmund Maulbeere
Rotrücken Fadenschnecke
rots zee egel
Rotund cleftclam
Rotund lamellaria
Rotund lanx
Rotund mysterysnail
Rotund physa
Rotund rocksnail
Rotund trophon
Rotund whelk
Rough argid
Rough barnacle
Rough box crab
Rough butterfly donax
Rough cactus coral
Rough carrier shell
Rough cockle
Rough coral moss
Rough cranch squid
Rough cushion star
Rough diplodon
Rough doris
Rough drillia
Rough elbow crab
Rough fatmucket
Rough feather coral
Rough feather star
Rough file shell
Rough fileclam
Rough fusiform sea cucumber
Rough girdled chiton
Rough hornsnail
Rough jackknife
Rough keeled argonaut
Rough keyhole limpet
Rough king crab
Rough lima
Rough limpet
Rough littleneck
Rough mantis shrimp
Rough mitre
Rough octopus
Rough patch shrimp
Rough pen shell
Rough periwinkle
Rough piddock
Rough pigtoe
Rough pitar venus
Rough plate coral
Rough plectodon
Rough prawn
Rough rams-horn
Rough razor
Rough red eyed crab
Rough redeye crab
Rough redeyed crab
Rough river prawn
Rough rockshell
Rough rubble crab
rough scaled sea snake
Rough scallop
Rough scallop horny sponge
Rough scallop sponge
Rough sea feather
Rough sea plume
Rough sea squirt
Rough sea tunicate
Rough shellback crab
Rough shrimp
Rough side-gill slug
Rough skirted star
Rough spanish lobster
Rough squareback crab
Rough star coral
Rough star-shell
Rough starlet coral
Rough swimcrab
Rough toothed dolphin
Rough top shell
Rough topsnail
Rough trippa
Rough turban
Rough turban snail
Rough turbo
Rough vergatus
Rough vertagus
Rough-keeled argonaut
Rough-lined Elimia
Rough-noded scaleworm
Rough-ribbed nerite
Rough-skin octopus squid
Rough-skinned newt
Rough-skinned sea anemone
Rough-stemmed sargassum
Rough-toothed dolphin
Roughback shrimp
Roughened mitre
Roughish thracia
Roughneck shrimp
Roughpatch shrimp
Roughspine brittlestar
Roughwrist soft crab
Round brown bag
Round bubble coral
Round combshell
Round crab
Round ebonyshell
Round grapes
Round hickorynut
Round lipped boot sponge
Round peaclam
Round pearlshell
Round pigtoe
Round rocksnail
Round sea grapes
Round slippersnail
Round slitshell
Round spoonclam
Round-lipped glass sponge
Round-rib Elimia
Round-rib scallop
Roundear enope squid
Rounded bubble coral
Rounded bubblegum coral
Rounded crab
Rounded disc-fin squid
Rounded dome
Rounded ghost crab
Rounded octopus
Rounded pandora
Rounded sea star shrimp
Roundish grooved astarte
Row pore rope sponge
Rowing crab
Royal albatross
Royal bonnet
Royal cloak scallop
Royal comb venus
Royal cone
Royal crab
Royal cucumber
Royal hypselodoris
Royal paper bubble
Royal paper-bubble
Royal penguin
Royal red prawn
Royal red shrimp
Royal sea star
Royal slipper lobster
Royal spanish lobster
Royal spiny lobster
Royal springsnail
Royal tern
Royale cucumber
Royle's pika
royya pottu
Roze pelikaan
rožinis pelikanas
rožnati pelikan
rozovaya krevetka
Rozovoi krevetki
ruazë e detit
Rubanier ceruléen
Rubanier forchu
Rubber sponge
Rubber threads
Rubbery zoanthid
Rubble crab
Ruby brittle star
Ruby lobsterette
Ruby rostanga
Ruby triton
Rudder ark
Rudder cardita
Rudder murex
Ruddy frog shell
Ruddy turnstone
Rude barrel-bubble
Rude pen shell
Rudman's phyllidiella
Rudman's thecacera
rudoji patela
Rudolph's purpura
Rudolph's rorqual
Rudolphi's rorqual
Ruffled Emarginula
Ruffled red seaweed
Rufous-necked stint
Rufus tipped nudibranch
Rugged hornsnail
Ruggie hermit crab
Rugosa thracia
Rugose anemone
Rugose bonnet
Rugose donax
Rugose drupe
Rugose hooked squid
Rugose iter
Rugose land crab
Rugose mactra
Rugose miter
Rugose nutmeg
Rugose pen shell
Rugose rocksnail
Rugose squat lobster
Rugose swimcrab
Rugose swimming crab
Rugose thracia
rumenokljuni viharnik
Runde Seestern Garnele
Runzeliger Furchenkrebs
Ruppell's keyhole limpet
Ruppell's octopus squid
Rüppell’s octopus squid
Rüschen Elysia
Ruskea tiikerikatkarapu
Russel's sea snake
Russell stygobromid
Russell's cave amphipod
Russian hat sponge
Russische das
Rust glyph
Rustic aeolid
Rustic limpet
Rustic pondsnail
Rustic rock shell
Rustic rock-shell
Rustic rocksnail
Rustica dove shell
Rusty ark
Rusty axinopsid
Rusty bryozoan
Rusty crayfish
Rusty dove-shell
Rusty dovesnail
Rusty Elimia
Rusty grave digger
Rusty guard crab
Rusty miter
Rusty moonsnail
Rusty peaclam
Rusty rams-horn
Rusty thorny oyster
ruwe alikruik
ruwe eendemossel
ruwe schaalhoren
Rynket reje
Ryoma ebi
Ryukyu pygmy squid
Rød kæmpereje
Rød søøre
Rødhalet reje
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