Données morphologiques de Eurycyde setosa
Clés d'identification
Réf. Princ. Child, C.A., 1988
Ressemble à

Attributs sexuels

Ponte de
Apparence différente
Couleurs différentes

Caractéristiques descriptives des juvéniles et adultes

Éléments remarquables
Profil du corps
Section transverse
Profil dorsal de la tête
Type d'yeux
Type de bouche/museau
Position de la bouche
Diagnose Species small; leg span 6.8 mm. Trunk: completely segmented, lateral processes closely set, separated by less than half their diameters, armed with short rounded dorsodistal tubercles that decrease in size from anterior to posterior lateral processes, those anterior bearing a single setae each. Ocular tubercle: constricted proximally, flaring distally, three times as long as maximum diameter, bearing 7 very long tubular spines carried horizontally at apex. Apex: flat, with rounded small conical tubercle at anterior. Eyes: Pigmented, situated at tubercle mid-length. Neck: ventral to ocular tubercle very constricted. Abdomen: missing. Proboscis: Carried on cylindrical basal segment; Distal proboscis segment inflated proximally, tapering distally to rounded lips. Chelifores: slender, long, scape first segment slightly longer than proboscis basal segment, armed with single long dorsodistal tubular spine. Scape: second segment more slender than first, with eight very long tubular spines, spines as long as scape first segment. Chela: slender, ovoid, fingers represented by two tiny distal papillae, armed with single slender seta distally. Palp: first segment tiny, wider than long, second short, flaring distally with lateral conical tubercle, third segment longest, 0.25 longer than fifth, with two long tubular spines bearing several microsetae each. Fourth segment equal to seventh, eighth, ninth, with a long dorsal tubular spine. Fifth segment slightly swollen at midpoint, armed with one long lateral spine and several distal setae. Sixth segment equal to terminal segment in length. All five distal segments have many ventral setae, some longer than segment diameter. Oviger: fairly short, first 3 segments rounded, armed with 2 or 3 short setae each. Fourth segment slightly longer than fifth, both armed with few lateral and ectal setae. Sixth curved proximally, half length of fourth segment, armed with few short setae. Strigilis: well curved, each shorter than the next proximal segment, armed with short distal setae ectally and endally with denticulate spines in the formula 7: 4: 4: 5, in 2 rows with fewer spines on the smaller or outer row. Compound spines on proximal two segments broader: with fewer lateral serrations, those of distal two segments narrower, with smaller serrations greater numbers. Distal spine on terminal segment larger, forming subchelate effect with claw of same length. Legs: bearing several very long tubular spines on each major segment, each feathered with many microsetae over most of their length. 3 coxae of subequal length, the first bearing anterior and posterior long slender tubercles distally, the posterior tubercle being longer of each pair, each clothed with many short setae, without major spines. Second coxae armed with long dorsomedian tubular spine over twice as long as segment diameter. Second and third coxae with several short and long ventrodistal setae. Femur: cylindrical, with 4 or 5 long tubular dorsodistal spines. Cement gland a proximal bulge placed laterally on femur, terminating in slender tube almost as long as segment diameter, carried pointing at oblique angle posteriorly from axis of segment. First tibia the longest segment, second only slightly shorter, both armed with tubular spines arranged in a tuft of 3 proximally on first tibia and a single spine distally. Second tibia with row of 3 spines dorsally. Tarsus: short, propodus slender, curved, both with row of ventral short setae and few dorsal setae. Claw: robust, about 0.3 as long as propodus (Ref. 6).
Facilité d'identification

Caractéristiques méristiques de Eurycyde setosa

Lignes latérales Interrompu(e)(s): No
Écailles sur la ligne latérale
Écailles perforées de la ligne latérale
Écailles en série latérale
Rangées d'écailles au-dessus de la ligne latérale
Rangées d'écailles au-dessus de la ligne latérale
Écailles autour du pédoncule caudal
Fentes branchiales (requins et raies uniquement)
Fentes branchiales
sur le membre inférieur
sur le membre supérieur


Nageoire(s) dorsale(s)

Nombre de nageoires
Nombre de pinnules dorsale   
Total d'épines
Total de rayons mous
Nageoire adipeuse

Nageoire caudale


Nageoire(s) anale(s)

Nombre de nageoires
Total d'épines
Total de rayons mous

Nageoires paires

Pectorale(s) Attributs  
Rayons mous   
Pelvienne(s) Attributs  
Rayons mous   
Réf. Princ. (ex. 9948)
Glossaire (ex. cnidaria)
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