List of Species Treated in Reference And Used in SeaLifeBase
n = 63

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Species Name Used
Gitanopsis longus Hirayama, 1983 Gitanopsis longus (p. )
Grandidierella gilesi Chilton, 1921 Grandidierella gilesi (p. )
Grandidierella megnae (Giles, 1888) Grandidierella megnae (p. )
Guernea longidactyla Hirayama, 1990 Guernea longidactyla (p. )
Guernea mackiei Hirayama, 1990 Guernea mackiei (p. )
Guernea sombati Hirayama, 1990 Guernea sombati (p. )
Hyale dollfusi Chevreux, 1911 Hyale dollfusi (p. )
Idunella janisae (Imbach, 1967) Idunella janisae (p. )
Idunella pauli Imbach, 1967 Idunella pauli (p. )
Leucothoe alata Barnard, 1959 Leucothoe alata (p. )
Leucothoe alcyone Imbach, 1967 Leucothoe alcyone (p. )
Leucothoella bannwarthi Schellenberg, 1928 Leucothoella bannwarthi (p. )
Liljeborgia serrata Nagata, 1959 Liljeborgia serrata (p. )
Maera othonides Walker, 1904 Maera othonides (p. )
Mallacoota insignis (Chevreux, 1901) Mallacoota insignis (p. )
Mallacoota subcarinata (Haswell, 1879) Mallacoota subcarinata (p. )
Megaluropus agilis Hoek, 1889 Megaluropus agilis (p. )
Melita koreana Stephensen, 1944 Melita koreana (p. )
Nototropis minikoi (Walker, 1905) Atylus minikoi (p. )
Paracalliope karitane Barnard, 1972 Paracalliope karitane (p. )
Paradexamine setigera Hirayama, 1990 Paradexamine setigera (p. )
Parhyale hawaiensis (Dana, 1853) Parhyale hawaiensis (p. )
Parhyalella pietschmanni Schellenberg, 1938 Parhyalella pietschmanni (p. )
Peramphithoe orientalis (Dana, 1853) Peramphithoe orientalis (p. )
Platorchestia platensis (Krøyer, 1845) Platorchestia platensis (p. )
Podocerus inconspicuus (Stebbing, 1888) Podocerus inconspicuus (p. )
Protohyale honoluluensis (Schellenberg, 1938) Hyale honoluluensis (p. )
Quadrimaera pacifica (Schellenberg, 1938) Maera pacifica (p. )
Sinocorophium triangulapedarum (Hirayama, 1990) Corophium triangulapedarum (p. )
Socarnopsis dissmulantia (Imbach, 1967) Socarnopsis dissmulantia (p. )

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