Species (English):
Aesop shrimp Albacore Alewife Alfonsinos nei Allis and twaite shads Allis shad Amberjacks nei Amer. plaice(=Long rough dab) Angelshark Angelsharks, sand devils nei Angler(=Monk) Anglerfishes nei Angolan dentex Angular roughshark Annular seabream Aquatic invertebrates nei Aquatic plants nei Arctic skate Argentine Argentines Atlantic bluefin tuna Atlantic bonito Atlantic cod Atlantic gobies nei Atlantic halibut Atlantic herring Atlantic horse mackerel Atlantic mackerel Atlantic pomfret Atlantic redfishes nei Atlantic sailfish Atlantic salmon Atlantic saury Atlantic searobins Atlantic white marlin Atlantic wolffish Axillary seabream Baird's slickhead Ballan wrasse Barnacle Barracudas nei Basking shark Beaked redfish Bigeye grunt Bigeye tuna Bighead carp Birdbeak dogfish Black cardinal fish Black dogfish Black marlin Black scabbardfish Black seabream Black stone crab Blackbellied angler Blackbelly rosefish Blackfin tuna Blackmouth catshark Blackspot(=red) seabream Bladder wrack Blue and red shrimp Blue antimora Blue crab Blue jack mackerel Blue ling Blue marlin Blue mussel Blue shark Blue skate Blue whiting(=Poutassou) Blueback shad Bluefish Bluntnose sixgill shark Boe drum Bogue Bramble shark Brazilian groupers nei Brill Broadtail shortfin squid Brown seaweeds Brown wrasse Bullet tuna Burbot Butterfishes, pomfrets nei Butterfly rays nei Callinectes swimcrabs nei Canary drum(=Baardman) Capelin Caramote prawn Carangids nei Cardinal fishes nei Cardinalfishes, etc. nei Carpet shells nei Carragheen (Irish) moss Cartilaginous fishes nei Catsharks, etc. nei Catsharks, nursehounds nei Cephalopods nei Chars nei Chub mackerel Clams, etc. nei Clupeoids nei Cockles nei Combers nei Common carp Common cuttlefish Common dab Common dentex Common dolphinfish Common edible cockle Common European bittersweet Common mora Common octopus Common pandora Common periwinkle Common prawn Common shrimp Common sole Common spiny lobster Common squids nei Common two-banded seabream Crangon shrimps nei Crangonid shrimps nei Craylets, squat lobsters Croakers, drums nei Crucian carp Cuckoo ray Cupped oysters nei Cusk-eels nei Cuttlefish, bobtail squids nei Cyprinids nei Deep-water rose shrimp Delta prawn Demersal percomorphs nei Dentex nei Diadromous clupeoids nei Diadromous fishes nei Dogfish sharks nei Dogfishes and hounds nei Dogfishes nei Donax clams Dulse Dusky grouper Eagle rays nei Echinoderms Edible crab Eelpout Eelpouts Electric rays nei European anchovy European conger European edible sea urchin European eel European flat oyster European flounder European flying squid European hake European lobster European perch European pilchard(=Sardine) European plaice European seabass European smelt European sprat European whitefish False scad Finfishes nei Flat oysters nei Flatfishes nei Fleshy dilsea Forkbeard Forkbeards nei Four-spot megrim Freshwater breams nei Freshwater fishes nei Frigate tuna Gadiformes nei Garfish Gastropods nei Gelidium seaweeds Giant gelidium Giant red shrimp Gilthead seabream Golden perch Golden redfish Goose barnacles nei Great Atlantic scallop Greater amberjack Greater argentine Greater forkbeard Greater weever Green crab Greenland cod Greenland halibut Greenland shark Grey gurnard Grey triggerfish Grooved carpet shell Groundfishes nei Groupers nei Groupers, seabasses nei Grunts, sweetlips nei Guitarfishes nei Gulper shark Gurnards nei Gurnards, searobins nei Haddock Hakes nei Hard clams nei Houndsharks, smoothhounds nei Houting Iceland scallop Jack and horse mackerels nei Jacks, crevalles nei Japanese carpet shell John dory Kelps nei King crabs Kingklip Kitefin shark Knife-nosed chimaeras nei Kuruma prawn Lampreys nei Lanternsharks nei Large-eye dentex Largehead hairtail Leafscale gulper shark Leerfish Lefteye flounders nei Lemon sole Limpets nei Ling Lings nei Lithothamnion Little tunny(=Atl.black skipj) Longnosed skate Lumpfish(=Lumpsucker) Mackerels nei Mactra surf clams nei Manila clam Marine crabs nei Marine crustaceans nei Marine fishes nei Marine molluscs nei Marlins,sailfishes,etc. nei Meagre Megrim Megrims nei Monkfishes nei Monrovia doctorfish Moras nei Morays nei Morocco dentex Mullets nei Murex Narrow-barred Spanish mackerel Natantian decapods nei Navaga(=Wachna cod) Nori nei North Atlantic rockweed North European kelp Northern pike Northern prawn Northern quahog(=Hard clam) Northern shortfin squid Norway lobster Norway pout Nursehound Ocean quahog Ocean sunfish Octopuses nei Octopuses, etc. nei Offshore rockfish Oilfish Ommastrephidae squids nei Opah Orange roughy Orfe(=Ide) Oval surf clam Pacific cupped oyster Palaemonid shrimps nei Palinurid spiny lobsters nei Pandalus shrimps nei Pargo breams nei Parrotfish Patagonian toothfish Pelagic fishes nei Pelagic percomorphs nei Penaeus shrimps nei Periwinkles nei Picarels nei Picked dogfish Pike-perch Pink spiny lobster Pink(=Humpback) salmon Piper gurnard Plain bonito Polar cod Pollack Pompanos nei Poor cod Porbeagle Porgies, seabreams nei Portuguese dogfish Portunus swimcrabs nei Pouting(=Bib) Pullet carpet shell Queen scallop Rabbit fish Rainbow trout Raja rays nei Ratfishes nei Rays and skates nei Red crab Red delesseria Red gurnard Red hake Red king crab Red pandora Red porgy Red scorpionfish Red seaweeds Redbanded seabream Requiem sharks nei River eels nei Roach Rocklings nei Roughhead grenadier Roundnose grenadier Royal spiny lobster Rubberlip grunt Saddled seabream Saithe(=Pollock) Salema Salmonoids nei Sand gaper Sand sole Sand steenbras Sandbar shark Sandeels(=Sandlances) nei Sandy ray Sardinellas nei Sargo breams nei Sauries nei Scallops nei Scaly gurnard Scarlet shrimp Scorpionfishes nei Scorpionfishes, rockfishes nei Sculpins Sea cucumbers nei Sea lettuce Sea mussels nei Sea trout Sea urchins nei Sea urchins, etc. nei Seabasses nei Seaweeds nei Seerfishes nei Senegalese hake Senegalese sole Shads nei Shagreen ray Sharpsnout seabream Shi drum Shortfin mako Shortnose velvet dogfish Silver carp Silver hake Silver scabbardfish Silversides(=Sand smelts) nei Silvery John dory Skipjack tuna Slimeheads nei Slipper lobsters nei Small-eyed ray Small-spotted catshark Smooth hammerhead Smooth-hound Smooth-hounds nei Snipefishes nei Snoek Solen razor clams nei Soles nei Sompat grunt Spinous spider crab Spiny gurnard Spiny lobsters nei Spiny turbot Spotted ray Spotted seabass Spotted wolffish Squeteague(=Gray weakfish) Starfishes nei Stargazers Starry ray Starry smooth-hound Sticklebacks Stingrays nei Stingrays, butterfly rays nei Stony sea urchin Streaked gurnard Striped bass Striped venus Sturgeon Sturgeons nei Sunfish Surmullet Surmullets(=Red mullets) nei Swordfish Tellins nei Tench Thickback soles nei Thornback ray Three-spined stickleback Thresher Toadfishes nei Tonguefishes Toothed wrack Tope shark Torpedo rays Triggerfishes, durgons nei Trouts nei True tunas nei Tub gurnard Tuberculate abalone Tuna-like fishes nei Tunas nei Turbot Tusk(=Cusk) Twaite shad Undulate ray Variegated scallop Various sharks nei Various squids nei Velvet belly Velvet swimcrab Vendace Venus clams nei Wakame Warty venus Wedge sole Weeverfishes nei West African croakers nei West African ilisha Whelk Whelks White grouper White hake White seabream Whitefishes nei Whiteleg shrimp Whiting Witch flounder Wolffishes(=Catfishes) nei Wracks nei Wrasses, hogfishes, etc. nei Wreckfish Yellowfin tuna Yellowtail amberjack Zebra seabream