Food and Feeding Habits Summary Phalacrocorax carbo
Thông tin chủ yếu Goutner, V., G. Papakostas and P.S. Economidis, 1997
Giai đoạn của cá juv./adults Chiều dài trung bình none
Sample size Percent empty
Nước Greece Địa phương northern Greece
Thời kỳ (giai đoạn, chu kỳ)
  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
Highlighted items on the list are known Feeding Periods of Phalacrocorax carbo
Diet percent Thức ăn I Thức ăn II Thức ăn III Giai đoạn làm mồi Item Name Những bình luận
4.50 % nekton finfish bony fish juv./adults Solea sp.
57.90 % nekton finfish bony fish juv./adults Gobius niger 57.9% Gobius jozo
1.10 % nekton finfish bony fish juv./adults Coris julis
0.50 % nekton finfish bony fish juv./adults Symphodus doderleini
19.80 % nekton finfish bony fish juv./adults Mugilidae
3.10 % nekton finfish bony fish juv./adults Diplodus
2.40 % nekton finfish bony fish juv./adults Trachurus mediterraneus
6.60 % others others n.a./others juv./adults others freshwater species
0.10 % nekton finfish bony fish juv./adults Atherinidae
4.00 % nekton finfish bony fish juv./adults Sardina pilchardus
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