Food and Feeding Habits Summary Todarodes sagittatus
Main Ref. Rosas-Luis, R., R. Villanueva and P. Sánchez, 2014
Fish stage juv./adults Mean length 28.50 ML
Sample size 94 Percent empty
Country Spain Locality Barcelona and Vilanova i la Geltrú
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Highlighted items on the list are known Feeding Periods of Todarodes sagittatus
Diet percent Food I Food II Food III Prey stage Item Name Comments
1.55 % zoobenthos benth. crust. amphipods juv./adults Phrosina semilunata %W = 1.6
2.32 % zoobenthos benth. crust. amphipods juv./adults Anchylomera blossevillei %W = 2.4
0.10 % nekton finfish bony fish juv./adults Evermannella balbo %W = 0.3
0.10 % nekton finfish bony fish juv./adults Lestidiops sp. %W = 0.1
0.10 % nekton finfish bony fish juv./adults Myctophum punctatum %W = 0.1
0.10 % nekton finfish bony fish juv./adults Nansenia sp. %W = 0.1
0.19 % nekton finfish bony fish juv./adults Gonostoma denudatum %W = 0.2
0.19 % nekton finfish bony fish juv./adults Merluccius sp. %W = 0.2
0.19 % nekton finfish bony fish juv./adults Trachurus trachurus %W = 0.2
0.29 % nekton finfish bony fish juv./adults Gonostoma elongatum %W = 0.3
0.29 % nekton finfish bony fish juv./adults Maurolicus muelleri %W = 0.3
0.58 % nekton finfish bony fish juv./adults Scopelogadus sp. %W = 0.6
0.58 % nekton finfish bony fish juv./adults unspecified fish %W = 0.6
1.26 % nekton finfish bony fish juv./adults Coelorinchus sp. %W = 1.3
2.52 % nekton finfish bony fish juv./adults Ceratoscopelus maderensis %W = 2.6
2.61 % nekton finfish bony fish juv./adults Lampanyctus pusillus %W = 2.7
5.03 % nekton finfish bony fish juv./adults Micromesistius poutassou %W = 5.2
6.00 % nekton finfish bony fish juv./adults Arctozenus risso %W = 6.2
6.78 % nekton finfish bony fish juv./adults unspecified Actinopterygii %W = 7
0.39 % detritus detritus carcasses n.a./others unspecified organic matter %W = 0.4
0.29 % zooplankton plank. crust. euphausiids juv./adults Thysanopoda sp. %W = 0.3
0.97 % zooplankton plank. crust. euphausiids juv./adults Meganyctiphanes norvegica %W = 1
0.29 % zoobenthos benth. crust. lobsters juv./adults Munida intermedia %W = 0.3
0.39 % zoobenthos benth. crust. n.a./other benth. crustaceans juv./adults unspecified crustaceans %W = 0.4
4.45 % zooplankton plank. crust. n.a./other plank. crustaceans juv./adults Phronima sedentaria %W = 4.6
0.10 % zooplankton plank. crust. plank. Copepods juv./adults unspecified copepods %W = 0.1
0.10 % zoobenthos benth. crust. shrimps/prawns juv./adults Plesionika acanthonatus %W = 0.1
0.10 % zoobenthos benth. Crust. shrimps/prawns juv./adults Plesionika martia %W = 0.1
0.10 % zoobenthos benth. Crust. shrimps/prawns juv./adults unspecified Nantia %W = 0.1
0.29 % zoobenthos benth. crust. shrimps/prawns juv./adults Plesionika heterocarpus %W = 0.3
0.48 % zoobenthos benth. crust. shrimps/prawns juv./adults Ligur sp. %W = 0.5
0.58 % zoobenthos benth. crust. shrimps/prawns juv./adults Parapeneus longirostris %W = 0.6
0.58 % zoobenthos benth. crust. shrimps/prawns juv./adults Plesionika sp. %W = 0.6
1.26 % zoobenthos benth. crust. shrimps/prawns juv./adults unspecified Penaeidae %W = 1.3
1.45 % zoobenthos benth. crust. shrimps/prawns juv./adults Pasiphaea sivado %W = 1.5
14.62 % zoobenthos benth. Crust. shrimps/prawns juv./adults Pasiphaea multidentata %W = 15.1
0.10 % nekton cephalopods squids/cuttlefish juv./adults Todarodes sagittatus %W = 0.1
0.10 % nekton cephalopods squids/cuttlefish juv./adults unspecified squid %W = 0.1
0.29 % nekton cephalopods squids/cuttlefish juv./adults Histioteuthis reversa %W = 0.3
2.52 % nekton cephalopods squids/cuttlefish juv./adults Illex coindetii %W = 2.6
3.87 % nekton cephalopods squids/cuttlefish juv./adults Ancistroteuthis lichtensteinii %W = 4
7.65 % nekton cephalopods squids/cuttlefish juv./adults unspecified squid %W = 7.9
28.27 % nekton cephalopods squids/cuttlefish juv./adults unspecified Ommastrephidae %W = 29.2
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